In Lin Fan's plan, the marketing plan for the V-series pickup truck is carried out in two steps.

Lin Fan found Annie and her father to help find suitable venues and props. There is basically no problem here.

On the other side, Wang Jun went to communicate with the TG program group and asked them to shoot and produce, but he didn't expect to be rejected.

In Lin Fan's opinion, this is simply unbelievable. He has never heard of a variety show that would reject a brand's astronomical sponsorship and production application.

If it is said that because of the excessive involvement of the brand, the schedule of the program group cannot be arranged, and the schedule and delay may be required. This makes sense and is understandable.

However, it is the first time I heard that a certain brand is foreign and the brand influence is not good. Moreover, Baolong electric vehicles are not small brands.

However, people do not accept your sky-high advertising fees, just don't want to make your money, what can you do?

Regarding this, Wang Jun was helpless, and Lin Fan had nothing to do.

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "It seems that I have to think of another marketing plan. Fortunately, there is still enough time. I don't believe that if I leave him TG, my Baolong V-series pickup truck will no longer be advertised and cannot be sold."

Wang Jun looked helpless: "It seems that I can only give up this planning plan. Hey, planning this marketing plan has cost me a lot of brain cells. The most Damn it is that my genius-like plan is going to die. Belly."

Lin Fan waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't complain, go back and get another plan."

Wang Jun sighed, and just about to turn around and leave, Annie stopped him.

Although she did not understand the conversation between Lin Fan and Wang Jun, she saw that Lin Fan seemed to be in trouble and asked, "Fan, what happened, can you tell me?"

Lin Fan said again about the TG program group's rejection of the V-series pickup, and apologized: "Anne, it seems that your preparations over there are going to be in vain."

Annie's beautiful brows frowned, and after a little thought, she said, "Fan, maybe I can give it a try~~"

Lin Fan asked, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Annie laughed and said, "Give me another K2 and I'll take care of it for you."

Lin Fan didn't ask Annie what way, and directly agreed: "No problem."

Lin Fan hasn't paid attention to a K2 in a mere paltry. Compared with Wang Jun's plan, this investment is nothing at all.

Because Lin Fan is very optimistic about Wang Jun's plan, if it can be successfully completed, it will definitely cause a sensation and give his opponent a touch of sadness.

Lin Fan called the production department and asked them to prepare a brand new K2 for Miss Anne.

Annie didn't stay too much, got up and said: "Fan, you just wait for my good news."

"I believe in you, Annie."


The latest program content of the video website YOUTUGE automotive section is:

Under the careful planning of the TG program team and working with Ford Motor Company, Ford Motor has made an exclusive promotion for its F series pickup trucks.

At this point in time, the video site YOUTUGE automotive section released the North American car sales rankings, and Ford Motor's F series pickup trucks once again won the sales champion.

In this program, Ford F-series pickups played a unique Picara race, emphasizing the off-road performance and load capacity of the F-series pickups.

It can be said that the TG program team directly used the entire program time to make a comprehensive publicity and promotion for Ford Motor and its F series pickup trucks.

Even the program team invited Philip, the executive director of Ford Motor Company and the executive president of the Detroit branch, to the scene to participate in the interactive session with the host.

Philip played an amazing eloquence. He first introduced Ford's achievements in recent years, and talked about its F series pickup truck becoming the king of sales in North America.

Then, the host Classen and Stuer's two famous mouths asked questions and interacted one after another.

"Mr. Philip, first of all congratulations to Ford Motor's F-series pickup trucks for winning the sales champion for five consecutive years. Can you talk about why the F-series pickup trucks are so good?”

Faced with this problem of Classen, Philip gave the two hosts a compliment, "Of course, we can. First of all, we have the best marketing department, and we can grasp the needs of consumers keenly and accurately.

Ford Motor has the world's best R&D engineers, the most advanced R&D equipment and testing equipment, which can develop the models that consumers need and show them in front of consumers.

In addition, we have the world's most advanced assembly line, adhering to the company philosophy of quality first, to ensure that every car we produce can withstand the test of the market. "

After a pause, Philip believes in self-confidence: "To sum up, why Ford is so good and why F-series pickup trucks have been the sales champion for five consecutive years. Perhaps we have no rivals."

Stuer's eyes lit up and he found the topic: "Mr. Philip seems to be overconfident in saying this. You must know that Kaman, ranked second, Chevrolet ranked third, and pickup trucks from the Sun Country are also selling well. How can it be said that the Ford F-series pickup truck has no rivals?"

Philip spread his hands and said, "No, no, Mr. Stuhl, all these pickup truck brands you mentioned are under the foot of the F series pickup trucks. For us, it is not a rival.

For example, in automobile variety shows, in addition to TG, there is also the car home. Tom said cars and so on, but their attention is far less than that of TG, so TG has no rivals. "

Philip's flattery made the two hosts very proud, but the two hosts are always the masters who are not afraid to flash their tongues and watch the crowds.

Moreover, they like others to flatter, but it does not mean that they will be merciful.

Stewar smiled modestly: "Thank you Mr. Philip for the compliment. However, no matter which industry, there is no eternal king. There is always a time when Feng Shui turns.

(Money is good)    As far as I know, F series pickup trucks are also facing the challenge of Kaman and Chevrolet. Hearing your remarks reminds me of Jeffrey, the arrogant president of Siebel like you.

Because of Jeffrey's overconfidence, his new sports car, the Sibel Tuatara-L, was abused by the Baolong M2 from the celestial dynasty, causing its sales to slump.

I also heard that their pickup truck model launched in the North American market has also been submitted for review and will be sold off the assembly line. I don’t know what strategy does Mr. Phillipley have to deal with? "

Philip didn't care about the banter in Stuer's words. These two guys even dared to attack the president, let alone his small CEO.

Philip made an exaggerated expression of surprise: "Stewar, my friend, you have to know that Ford is a car brand with more than a century As an opponent?".

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