Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 65 Rashomon

As the producer of "Fatal Turns", Anthony Westwood's life is not as colorful and thrilling as the director and heroine of his own film. From last night to now, except for a few hours of rest in the middle, the production Mr. Filmmaker has been waiting by the phone in boredom, waiting for news from everywhere.

Of course, in good conscience, the feeling of "boring" is just an outsider's opinion. In the eyes of Mr. Westwood himself, he is fighting an uphill battle. The film "Fatal Turn" is his army, and the nearly 2,000 screens across the United States are the battlefields they want to capture one by one.

"Now I finally understand how General Eisenhower felt during the period before and after the start of Operation Overlord."

Although these words are a bit outrageous, they are the truest portrayal of Mr. Westwood's heart at this moment. In fact, less than 17 hours have passed since "Fatal Turning" was officially released, and he has felt his heart beating too fast several times, and he wants to swallow emergency medicine.

"After this time, I will definitely retire and go home!"

Unaware that Mr. Producer, who had already set himself up for himself, was concentrating on looking at the various reports in front of him, but his expression gradually relaxed.

"Although the statistics are not complete, judging from the current investigation results, this time it should be a success!"

In 1994, Rotten Tomatoes had not yet been established, and IMDB was far away in the UK. It had just been formalized, and North American movie theaters could not quickly count the box office and word-of-mouth of movies through the Internet. But even so, using the relatively primitive method of sampling survey and telephone statistics, it will not take long for the film studio to get an overview of the movie's release——

"The attendance rate is astonishing, especially in the midnight show, some places are full. Ordinarily, this should be thanks to that bastard Alan, but the problem is that many places are full for the second time. Could it be Xia Did the easter egg that Lott said really work?"

Mr. Westwood, as the producer, of course also watched the sample and the edited version, but because he was discussing some things with Charlotte at the time, he skipped a few scenes where Alexis appeared, which made him I didn't realize the magical second-brush special effects, I just thought that Charlotte had set up some Easter eggs in the movie that required the audience to watch it several times before they could notice.

But even so, he realized that Charlotte's little trick seemed to be working.

"Never mind him! As long as it works!"

As a producer, Mr. Westwood is an outright result supremacist. He was considering whether to add another fire to this red box office, when he saw his assistant waving a stack of newspapers, panting ran in.

"Good news, Boss! The FBI has made a big discovery in Vianers Valley!!"

"Big discovery!?"

Thinking of a hidden worry, Mr. Producer couldn't help but feel his heart tighten. He calmly took the newspaper from his assistant, read it carefully, and relaxed again.

"They found a cave full of missing people's bodies in Vianers Valley!?"

Westwood's old face almost burst into a smile,

"This is good news! Absolutely good news!!"

For a moment, Mr. Producer felt that he was God's darling.

"With this news, combined with the current word-of-mouth of the movie, I will definitely make the box office of "Fatal Twist" explode!"

——But before that, it seems that he really needs to take some emergency medicine first.

So excited!


Agent Kate wasn't in the same good spirits as Mr. Westwood.

Although the discovery of a large number of corpses has provided more clues for the FBI's forensic personnel, it will inevitably attract the attention of the media. A series of cases related to Vianers Valley have not disappeared from the eyes of the media.

Now that this is happening again, Kate can already imagine the next scene where reporters flood in like a tide.

"forgive me!"

As a capable FBI agent, Kate Todd is not afraid of bullets, but in the face of the flashing spotlights of the news media, she is really a little terrified.

"Especially the murderer has not been caught yet!"

For the media, a serial killer who has never been caught is simply a luxurious feast, but for the FBI, it is a complete shame. If it was Hoover's time...

Well, if it was the Hoover era, no reporter, no media outlet had the guts to report on the failure of the FBI. Not afraid of receiving FedEx?

"I hope the media can smell the smell later!"

With a donut in her mouth and instant coffee in her hand, Kate is praying a completely meaningless prayer. There is a stack of newspapers in front of her, obviously she wants to know the enemy's situation before "fighting"——

"The FBI has worked hard and failed. Another month has passed, but they still haven't found the shadow of the "Curve Killer"!"

——It's up to you to tell me! ?

Kate thought bitterly, but her mood relaxed a little. Obviously, this newspaper has not received the wind, otherwise it would never have published such a text that is essentially nonsense.

—By the way, "Curve Killer" was the nickname the media had given to the serial killer in Vianers Valley. And the source is the first found deceased, the movie of Alan McElroy.

"The midnight premiere of "Fatal Corner" was a big success. Is this the charm of the movie, or the addition of "Corner Killer"?"

——Of course it is the bonus of "Curve Killer"!

Kate remembers very clearly how desperately the crew of "Fatal Curve" hyped up Alan's case. She even suspected that they also came up with the nickname "Curve Killer" in order to catch the heat of the incident. Promote the movie.

"There are ghosts hidden in the film "Fatal Turn". Is this an advancement in technology, or is it a curse from the former director and heroine?"

— Ghost, what does this mean?

For Kate, who has been busy searching all night and has no time to watch the midnight show, she has no idea what the ghost in "Fatal Turns" is. This kind of curiosity made her finish reading the report unconsciously, but it turned out to be even more confusing.

"Will you see a different picture when you watch it the second time, and even cause the entire plot to change?"

Kate didn't know how this was done, but she was certainly interested in it. She flipped through the newspapers one by one, searching for information related to "Fatal Turn".

It's a pity that most of the newspapers either focus on the booming midnight box office and good word-of-mouth of "Fatal Turns", or simply focus on a series of cases in Vianers Valley. Kate never found the answer she was looking for until—

"The mystery of the second brush in "Fatal Turns" - this is a very successful application of the persistence of vision effect of the human eye, but unfortunately it can only be an occasional phenomenon. I am afraid that even the film's director Charlotte Booth It is difficult for me to reproduce this effect..."

In the back of this report, I gave a detailed explanation of the second brush effect of "Fatal Bend", and finally came to a conclusion——

Because when shooting the female ghost, the photographer repeatedly used the lens with changing speed, coupled with the influence of a series of factors such as the scene, formed an occasional hypnotic effect, so that most of the audience who watched the movie seriously could not Consciously remember some pictures that your eyes did not notice.

And viewers who have these memories, if they watch "Fatal Turn" for the second time in a short period of time, they will "see" hidden ghosts because of the interlaced influence of memories and low-frame images hidden in the movie.

"...This may just be an easter egg hidden in the movie by Mr. Director. The audience had to watch it repeatedly, and maybe some people could find it, but because of this wonderful accident, nearly 80% of the audience who watched it for the second time could see it." I saw a ghost. I have to say, this is a small surprise from the movie gods.”

At the end of the report, the reporter also specially pulled a very authoritative figure to testify——

Sheldon Cooper, a professor at Caltech, has a genius with an IQ of 187.

This person also watched the midnight show of "Fatal Turn". In fact, he drew a large part of the conclusions in the newspaper. With such figures supporting the paper's arguments, it should be true, right?

I have to say that although anti-intellectualism is prevalent in the United States, everyone still knows to find smart people when they encounter things that use their brains.

"It's really interesting!"

At this time, Kate, who was obsessed with newspapers, had forgotten her original purpose of flipping through newspapers. She wondered to herself, should she also go to the movie "Fatal Turn" tonight?

Well, have to watch it twice! !

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