Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 25 Pride and Prejudice

"Ring ring ring..."

At six o'clock in the morning, Charlize Theron opened her eyes amidst a blaring alarm clock.

"A miserable day has begun!"

The girl's gray-green eyes looked a little hazy, as if she hadn't woken up from her dream. She stared blankly at the glass bottle beside her bed. The little ants in the bottle woke up earlier than her and were already busy crawling around.

"No, I'm going to report to the crew today, so I can't be late!"

After a while, Charlize's consciousness finally came back to reality from the dream. Thinking of what she was going to do today, she jumped off the bed.


Facts have proved that jumping off the bed in a completely untidy and messy room has a high probability of kicking your feet. Charlize hopped on one leg in a panic, a chicken bone was embedded in the sole of her raised foot.

—the remains of the dinner she dropped in from the Cheesecake Factory where she worked the night before.

"I should really clean up the room!"

It was the 30th time this week that she made up her mind to clean up the room, but after thinking about the situation after the 29th time she made up her mind, Charlize simply gave up.

"Let's focus on the role to play this time first!"

Consciously finally embarked on the broad avenue of acting career, a young girl who is about to reach the pinnacle of life, although she has not forgotten the saying "the road is under your feet", but the scope of "under your feet" obviously does not include the messy floor in your bedroom... …

"Mirror mirror on the wall,"

Standing in the bathroom with bare feet, looking at the beautiful body in the mirror with only underwear on, and the drops of water from the fresh washing still hanging on the cheeks, Charlize murmured to herself,

"Who is the fairest of them all?"

— Evil, how silly!

Just after finishing speaking, the blond girl felt that she had done something stupid. Fortunately, there was no one else in the bathroom except herself, otherwise...

However, with this spoof, when she woke up, she felt a little overly nervous because of thinking about today's work, but she relaxed a lot.

"In addition to being a little narcissistic, her method is quite good! At least it looks smarter and more interesting than yelling 'I can do it' in the mirror. However, she prefers the Witch Queen to Snow White, she Is it Woody Allen? Forget it, at least if I'm asked to play that stepmother one day in the future, after a long time of practice, I will definitely be able to say this line of domineering sideways!"

So comforting herself, Charlize patted her cheeks that had just been stimulated by cold water,

"The audition this time was much smoother than before. Although the casting director named Richard looks a bit scary, with a red face and beard like a Viking, he is a good guy!"

Unconsciously sent a good person card to Lao Qiang, Charlize smeared on her face like every girl who loves beauty, but at the same time felt a little regretful,

"Unfortunately, although this role has a lot of lines, it is still a bit far from the heroine. When will I be able to become the heroine? It's like..."

Looking at the charming blue-gray eyes in the mirror, Charlize couldn't help being a little dazed,

"But at that point, it can't be achieved by borrowing Charlotte's strength alone!"

Thinking of that strange man who could exorcise demons and catch ghosts, Charlize felt a little guilty——

If the ghostly thing that happened around Christmas is a movie, then Charlize thinks that she must be the heroine to be saved. According to the classic movie ending, the heroine must stay with the hero who saved her "Have a cup of coffee", and then the sky thunder set off the fire. However, life is not a movie. Except for death, it will always continue and never end. When Charlotte left silently that night,

Although Charlize felt a little regretful in her heart, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

——Her pride and self-esteem do not allow her to use her body to obtain opportunities, and she also does not allow her to use her body to express gratitude to others, even under the influence of the suspension bridge effect...

"Should it be said that pride is worthy of being the number one original sin?"

After getting dressed and ready to go out, she looked at the glamorous blonde in the glasses again, but Charlize couldn't help but feel a little disgusted with her pride and stubbornness,

"If I hadn't been so stubborn, maybe not only would I have gotten a better opportunity, but I wouldn't always have a little guilt when facing Charlotte, right?"

——However, what would Charlotte say?

"In the end, it's because I'm not handsome enough, nor rich enough!"

Thinking of the different results of the poor man pretending to be a rich man who was caught in courtship and the rich man pretending to be a poor man and being caught out in courtship that that strange man told himself, Charlize felt that he might use the above words to explain it directly.

"Actually, this is true in many cases. Although it seems that women are very realistic, don't men also look at their faces and chests? Besides, it feels like..."

The blond girl mumbled and went out, but she was still thinking about Charlotte—

The second meeting with Charlotte was indeed a complete accident. Charlize really can't imagine that an exorcist master who should be like Van Helsing would actually work as an artist in a third-rate film crew, directing a few young boys to move props and arrange scenes. This is like seeing Audrey Hepburn Just like cash register at a convenience store, people have an urge to poke their eyes. Having said that, director, how dare you use the scene he set up, are you not afraid that a ghost will suddenly appear in a fake scene during filming?

But after getting acquainted with Charlotte, Charlize found that the exorcist master was completely different from what she had imagined. Not to mention the slovenly nerdy appearance of the blond girl who is desperate for this romantic world. And some of Charlotte's friends even said that this gentleman used to be a well-known nightclub little prince, a master of beauty hunters-you think Hollywood women are all silly and sweet like Penny, would you be interested in this kind of geek?

"I always feel that everything about this guy is hazy, like a layer of lies within a layer of lies."

Charlize sighed.

Speaking of which, I was able to take this role this time, thanks to Charlotte's recommendation before, which made Charlize feel a little ashamed besides being grateful - she has a close relationship with Charlotte, although it is indeed out of I'm grateful, but if it's completely pointless, it's not—

"If I can learn some skills about exorcising ghosts from him, can I..."

However, planting flowers intentionally but not blooming, unintentionally planting willows and willows to make shade, before Charlize entered the world of gods and ghosts, the door of the performing arts world opened in front of her——

"Forget it, let's talk about this movie first! Anyway, this is my first important role. At least there are lines, and there are not only one or two lines!"

Thinking in such a chaotic way, Charlize quickly arrived at the agreed assembly point - because the film was basically filmed in Vianers Valley, most of the crew members had to gather and head to the destination together. Of course, many production staff have to go to the location to make arrangements in advance, but this does not include actors like Charlize.

"You are now promoted to heroine!"

This was the first sentence he said to Charlize after meeting Charlotte.

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