Chastity Layman

Chapter 307: A Good Show

The hottest topic in Chang'an today is Fan Yang Lu's meeting friends through poetry in Pingkangfang.

Just after noon, there was already a long queue at the four gates of Pingkangfang, the southeast, the north, and the west. Originally, although Pingkangfang was lively, the flow of people was the highest in the morning and evening, and the traffic was smooth at noon, but today because of Lu’s The reason for entertaining guests and meeting friends is that people from Chang'an came to watch the fun. There are scholars who claim to be talented, and there are also arty people, and there are many people who just come to watch the excitement, or just want to have a drink.

Even many merchants who usually do business in the eastern and western cities flocked to Pingkangfang.

The Right Jinwu Guard had to quickly send more people to patrol the four gates of Pingkang Square, and the Yongzhou Yamen also sent bad people into the square to strengthen the defense.

Cars are like flowing water, horses are like dragons, and pedestrians are like weaving.

As the most powerful behind-the-scenes owner among the merchants in Pingkangfang, the Qin family also came to report early.

The Qin family now not only has control over the entire cross street in Pingkangfang, but also owns many shops and real estate workshops. It is not only the largest landlord in Pingkangfang, but also operates many of the iconic shops.

For example, Xiaosa Pavilion, Zhangtai Pavilion, and Hongxiuzhao, the most famous brothels in Chang'an, are actually controlled by Qin Lang behind the scenes, and the three major restaurants, Zuixianlou, Wangyoulou, and Xiaosalou, are also the same. Qin's.

In addition to several well-known teahouses and restaurants, they are all properties of the Qin family.

In fact, the entire Pingkangfang business district originated from Qin Lang's planning, so Qin Lang naturally got the advantage of being close to the water, and was the first to invest heavily in it. In the process, he also brought in many good friends from Shandong. Home participation.

Catering and entertainment are one-stop, and the Qin family controls 10% of the workshop, and it is the top 10%.

Naturally, the Lu family's booking of brothels and restaurants cannot bypass the Qin family's property, not to mention that they still want to book all the restaurants and prostitutes in Pingkangfang.

The Lu family should fully demonstrate the background of their famous family to the Chang'an people, not only to show the talents of the Lu family's children to the Chang'an people, but also to show the wealth of Fan Yang and the Lu family.

Originally, Lao Huang said that he would not order them.

"Why don't you make money?" Qin Lang said to Lao Huang with a smile at that time. Not only did he let the shopkeepers accept Lu's reservation, but he didn't even let the shopkeepers take the opportunity to increase the price.

The Qin family's industry is synonymous with the top in the workshop, enjoying a good reputation, excellent service, super high quality, and outstanding innovation. It has always been the second best for other practitioners in the industry to imitate.

Qin Lang didn't want to be greedy for such a small gain, but the Lu family was generous, and they really took gold to book a flat.

Tea, wine, sugar water, snacks, everything is the best.

"The Lu family is quite stupid. They came all the way from Fanyang to Chang'an with gold, and they are not too tired, and they are not afraid of robbing them? Didn't they know that they would deposit money in Kaiyuan Bank in Youzhou, exchange it for flying money, and then exchange it in Chang'an?" Ah Huang despise.

Qin Lang said with a smile, "They are not stupid, they are smart. What they hold is gold, not copper coins. Thousands of taels of gold are only a few dozen catties. They can be packed in a box and can be shipped west with a carriage. They are not ten thousand taels." Copper coins need to be transported by several convoys."

"I think they are reluctant to pay the handling fee for Feiqian! It's a long journey from Youzhou to Chang'an, and the handling fee is not cheap. One thousand taels of gold is exchanged for Feiqian, and the handling fee is a hundred taels. Are they willing?" Shopkeeper Hu always believes that the Lu family is not really a rich person. They are indeed famous for hundreds of years, but their family has a lot of people, and their expenses are also high.

The richer you are, the less high-profile you will be, so Lu Shi's appearance of spending a lot of money seems more like he has malicious intentions.

As for the conspiracy, Lao Hu didn't know.

Qin Lang agreed that Lao Hu thought that the Lu family was reluctant to pay the handling fee, but he did not agree that the Lu family had no money. A family like the Lu family would never be short of money, especially when doing things in the name of the family.

In fact, sometimes, Qin Lang is quite willing to make friends with old nobles like the Lu family. After all, they are famous. This is like in later generations. Although some companies have bad assets and debt crises, they have many super brands in their hands. , These are of extremely high value, not to mention that these old famous companies have extremely high credibility and have a high status in the hearts of the people.

But he is also very clear that the emperor is actually the least happy to see the military upstarts merge with the old Shandong gentry. Once they do merge, the Shandong military upstarts and the Shandong gentry families will create a group that is more powerful than the Guanlong aristocratic group. powerful force.

For the emperor, this would definitely be a threat that would keep him from sleeping.

Just as Qin Lang once said to Cheng Qian about the word suspicion, suspicion stems from two parties with equal strengths, and only when the strengths are opposite can suspicions form.

The emperor would not be suspicious of a small eunuch or maid of honor, but only the prime minister who is the head of a hundred officials, or the frontier general who holds a heavy army, or the general of the forbidden army who holds a key point, or the elderly prince and so on.

Because these people can really threaten the emperor's power, so suspicion may arise.

Pei Ji, Feng Deyi, and Xiao Yu might be jealous of the emperor, worried that they would form a party, and worried that they would ostracize the emperor. But the emperor is generally unlikely to suspect Wei Zheng, because he is just an admonisher, no matter how loud his mouth is, he is just spitting, and it is difficult to threaten the emperor without forming a party.

The emperor would not be suspicious of those old generals in the Qiandi, but if these people hugged each other, the emperor might be suspicious.

So sometimes, it's not about who Qin Lang wants to be, or who he wants to make friends with, but that he must always recognize his position and position before he can do what and make friends with.

Just like although he admired Wei Zheng very much, Qin Lang stopped playing with Wei Zheng after Wei Zheng became a political participant and was set up by the emperor as an example of admonishing officials.

Unless you want to rebel.

Otherwise, in the Zhenguan Dynasty, Qin Lang had to see the trend clearly, and then follow the emperor's will to perform his role well. He could not steal the show, don't want to be a drama bully, and he couldn't cheat.

As long as they follow this trend, the Qin family will be safe and secure.

This is just like the prime ministers dismissed by the emperor. The reasons for dismissing the prime ministers on the surface are not the real reasons.

The cart before the horse cannot be turned upside down.

Lu Shi wants to dance, so let him dance, and he can cooperate with acting. Although he is only seventeen years old, Qin Lang still admires him. The pace of Fang Xuanling and the others slowed down.

In the afternoon, Qin Lang deliberately came over early to inspect the property in the workshop and checked everyone's preparations.

The Lu family is going to make a big move tonight, and they want to make a name for themselves in Chang'an.

Qin Lang ignored those, a dog barked at the moon in the sky, and other dogs in the village barked too, those dogs barked for no reason, Qin Lang didn't want to be those blindly barking dogs, nor Be the dog that barks at the moon.

"Generally speaking, since Pingkangfang became Chang'an North City, our Qin family's restaurant has become famous in Chang'an for its cooking, but after all, its foundation is still a bit weak. This time it is rare to have such a big event. We must seize the opportunity. We can't make a mistake, we want the people of Chang'an to let the people in the world really see what a big restaurant is, and let them see the service of our Qin family."

During this period of time, the business competition between the North City and the East and West cities was fierce, especially in the catering industry. The new restaurants led by the Qin family not only had different dishes, but also the service mode.

Qin Lang is actually engaged in the entertainment industry, not only eating wine and drinking tea, but also drinking tea in restaurants, wrestling in teahouses, storytelling in brothels, and model fashion shows in silk and satin houses.

"If we win this battle well, we can truly dominate Chang'an and be the number one in the world, especially in the area of ​​catering and entertainment."

The several brothels under the name of the Qin family actually don't have any flesh and blood business at all. What they are doing now is entertainment. Chang'an Star.

Now before every polo league match, these players are invited to add to the fun. Warm-up dance before the opening, singing and musical instrument performances during the intermission.

The Qin family's silk shop and garment shop cooperated with the brothel under their own name to hold fashion shows, which could even immediately lead Chang'an's dressing and makeup fashion, driving the sales of goods to explode.

The Qin family's brothel has even started rehearsing large-scale musicals, building a real theater troupe, and the performances are written by Qin Lang himself.

It's not just about making money.

This thing is actually the same as the newspaper Qin Lang started working on. Although it is just the beginning, it has strong long-term ambitions.

Of course, making money is also very important.

The success of Pingkangfang’s business not only allowed the emperor to get a lot of taxes, but also made the emperor’s prime ministers support it, and also attracted many nobles who were hesitant to do it with Qin Sanlang, but now they are finally determined. Made up my mind.

There is no reason to refuse such a lucrative deal.

And Qin Lang kindly pulled so many people together to make money. Of course, he didn't think he was making too much money. He was just intentionally using his interests to continue to tie up the Shandong Military Group, and to further strengthen the connection between this force and form a truly stable power group. .

Qin Lang didn't join forces with the Shandong gentry, nor did he get too close to the Guanlong Group, but he wouldn't let go easily of his base, the upstart Shandong military elites.

At this stage, Li Shimin will also tacitly support the grouping of Shandong upstarts. So what Qin Lang did would not touch the emperor's bottom line.

Even if the upstarts in Shandong are in a group, they are only the weakest in the dynasty.

In Zuixianlou, Qin Lang was checking the ingredients in the back kitchen.

He has two requirements for his own catering, one is to ensure that the ingredients are fresh and clean, and the other is to provide considerate service.


Cheng Qian actually brought Li Lizhi, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li You over.

"Why did you run out?" Qin Lang couldn't help turning dark when he saw that they were all dressed up as noble boys.

"We brought Qianniu guards." Chengqian hurriedly said, "I heard that the Lu family will meet friends at Zuixian Tower tonight with poetry, so we wanted to come and see."

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