Chastity Layman

Chapter 1316 Luzon's Western Expedition

These barbarians trained hard after entering the army, in order to prove their loyalty and hard work, and they were even more brave on the battlefield.

And the imperial government's sinicization policy is also very good for these barbarians. It intends to maintain a large number of barbarians, and even leaves them with many middle and low-level officers in the army.

When Wang Xuance crossed the Lancang River, it was the barbarians from Yunnan and Guizhou who were the main force. They fought against all the barbarian tribes. After completely overthrowing several major tribes such as Xun Chuanman, they deterred and subdued many tribes and ruled them. The establishment of Jumi Prefecture and County.

It took more than ten years for Wang Xuance to build a post road from Erhai Lake to Lishui via Yongchang. With this post road traffic line as the center, large and small cities and more than 30 market towns were established along the route.

Just like Qin Lang's management of Tonghai back then, he also made points first, then formed a line, and then radiated to the surrounding area.

For many barbarian tribes, restraint is the main thing, while trading and conscripting.

The introduction of Han merchants to mine gold, purchase medicinal materials, etc., and then bring cloth, tea, ironware, etc. for sale, all of which have driven the development of Lishui Mansion, and with money in hand, it is natural to be able to better maintain the garrison, and even take out Qian Lai recruited and organized the training of a large number of barbarian wolf soldiers with high combat effectiveness.

On the edge of the town controlled by the Tang army, the Tang immigrants also brought advanced Chinese farming techniques, such as rice planting, terraced field planting, cotton and linen planting, spinning, sericulture, and tea planting. The natives also followed suit and made a lot of profits. .

Eunuch Hu Dayen is actually not interested in these barbarians and their affairs. All he can think about now is to finish his errands early and leave here as soon as possible.

He didn't want to stay in such a ghostly place for a day.

Those savages always tie a few bamboo tubes to their bodies, and wherever they go, they encounter all kinds of insects, whether they are flying in the sky, crawling on the ground or swimming in the water, and even all kinds of insect eggs, they will not let them go, just throw the bamboo tubes When I have free time, I take it out and eat happily.

It can be eaten raw, roasted or boiled.

Ants with wings, ant eggs, bee pupae, poisonous scorpions, beetles, even centipede spiders, and even mice are not spared. In these eyes, it seems that they can eat anything.

Then there are all kinds of leaves and weeds, which seem to be food, and they can be pulled anytime, anywhere, thrown into the pot, boiled, and eaten.

No oil and no salt.

They eat all kinds of fish, including frogs and tadpoles, especially those who don't know how to deal with any kind of fish, not to mention scraping the scales, even removing the internal organs and throwing away the gallbladder.

Bats are not spared.

Even dung beetles that roll dung balls eat them.

The most outrageous thing was that once he passed by a post station, he paid for a cow to be slaughtered and eaten, and then the barbarian made him a dish, saying it was beef boiled in herbal juice, which was nutritious and delicious.

He was so hungry that he ate a lot. It was only later that he saw how the Baicao Juice was made. It turned out that the undigested cow dung in the tripe was used to cook the beef.

Although Manzi repeatedly explained that the cow had several stomachs, one of which contained undigested herb juice, not cow dung, but Hu Dayen still vomited upside down in disgust.

It's been a long time since I came here to eat bugs, but it's too much for me to eat cow dung.

"Hu Zhongshi has worked hard on this journey. If we return to the original road now, it will not be easy to cross mountains and mountains. It is better to rest in Lishui City for a period of time, and wait for my troops to go south to conquer Huyue, and go down the river all the way. It will be much easier for Hu Zhongshi to take a boat directly from Lishui to the sea when it hits the seaside, and then go northward by boat."

Hu Dayen felt that this war would not end in a while. Lishui was two thousand miles away from the capital city of Pyu. His experience along the way made him understand that in a ghostly place like Nanban, the literal distance is actually the same. nonsense.

Because of the inconvenient transportation, sometimes it seems that there is a river or two miles away, but to get there, it may take three to five days to walk one to two hundred miles or even farther.

From Lishui to the estuary of the Lishui River in the south, if you really have to calculate the distance, it is estimated to be about four thousand miles. This distance is almost the distance from Luoyang to Wu'an.

Wang Xuance said that the Lishui River can be navigated directly into the sea during the high water season, but Hu Dahai doesn't quite believe it. Besides, this Pyu Kingdom is such a big land, how can it be destroyed immediately?

However, Wang Xuance persuaded him to stay and rest for a while. After hesitating for a long time, Hu Dayen still agreed to stay, because Wang Xuance told him another news, saying that Taishi King Qi had written a letter to the saint, expressing his support for the imperial court's conquest of Pyu.

At the same time, Lu Song is willing to open the Qin family's four trading houses on the southern coast of Pyu to the court navy, and let the people in the trading houses act as guides.

Wang Xuance fetched a map of the South China Sea.

From Jiaozhou to the south, along the coast are the Linyi Kingdom, the Chenla Kingdom in the Mekong Delta, the Luo Kingdom and the Karasa Buddha Kingdom on both sides of the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok Bay, and the Langyaxiu and Panpan Kingdoms in the northern part of the Malay Peninsula, and then Pyu country.

Of the Qin family's seven overseas concession free ports and thirteen overseas colonial strongholds, there is none in Pyu country. Firstly, Pyu country is stronger, and at the same time, the king of Pyu country doesn't pay much attention to maritime trade, so the concession free ports and concessions are both It didn't work out.

Facing the powerful Pyu country, the Qin family did not easily attack the Pyu country to establish a colonial stronghold. Instead, after years of exchanges, they finally established four commercial houses through local officials and powerful people along the coast of the Pyu country.

The level of commercial halls is not as good as that of colonies and concessions. They are only places for trade and residence that have been established with local permission. They are equivalent to larger shops and do not have many privileges.

However, the location of the four commercial houses chosen by the Qin family is relatively good. They are the locations of the four great seaports of Burma in later generations. They are all located near the mouths of the coastal and inland rivers. They are the main towns in the south of the Pyu country, and the Qin family established them here. Set up a commercial hall, transported goods to trade with the Pyu government and merchants.

Sell ​​them salt, tea, sugar, wine, porcelain, ironware, etc., and buy teak, an important high-quality shipbuilding timber, as well as spices and many other specialties of Pyu from Pyu.

After several years of operation, the Qin family's several business houses also have certain relationships in the local area, and they are relatively clear about the local situation and information.

At this time, the Qin family offered to support the imperial court, not only took the initiative to use the four commercial houses in Pyu to support the imperial navy, but even opened several concession ports and colonial stronghold ports along the coast to the imperial navy. , to provide supplies for the imperial navy, etc., of course, there are also reasons.

Qin Lang has judged that the emperor intends to take advantage of the conflict between the Jumi tribe under Lishui's governor's mansion and the Pyu country to provoke a battle to destroy the Piao. It's provocative, so it's hard for anyone to stop it.

Under such circumstances, the four business houses that the Qin family had managed to build along the coast of the Pyu country would most likely become cannon fodder when the Tang-Piao conflict escalated into a national war.

After years of hard work, how can you just give up?

Qin Lang judged that the Tang army's success in destroying the Pyu Kingdom was very high. After all, there were successful examples of conquering Tonghai, Yongchang, Yinsheng, and Lishui. There is still a great chance of fighting along Lishui to the mouth of the sea.

Moreover, Qin Lang had already obtained the strategic plan of the imperial court to use soldiers to support the country through his relationship in the court. He pierced along the Lishui River with a sword and went straight to the mouth of the sea. At the same time, the navy came west to cooperate in the battle.

The imperial court does not intend to fight in the jungle with the barbarians of the Pyu country. It intends to open up the estuary directly, and then build a strategic communication line along the river. This is the old method of the imperial court to use troops in the southwestern region. The city was guarded by soldiers, and then immigrated, recruited and attached to the barbarians, and imprisoned.

This kind of military town chain strategy has long proved to be very successful.

The imperial court did this in Lingnan, later in Yunnan and Guizhou, and in Jiaozhou, and then crossed the Red River to open up borders, and it was the same way.

One hit and one accurate, which can give full play to the powerful advantages of the Tang army. As long as you don't rush around with the barbarians in the jungle, the Tang army is invincible.

What's more, the Tang army still has the advantage at sea. Once the sea is passed, it will be fully reorganized.

Even if the barbarians occupy the jungle and mountainous areas, don't worry, they control this line of communication, wait for attack, and gradually eat away. After twenty years, Pyu will become the next sea-connected country.

As for the Qin family, if they actively cooperate with the imperial court to attack Piao, then the Qin family will naturally contribute to it when the imperial court breaks through the Pyu country. By virtue of court practice, the Qin family will turn the four commercial houses into four divided territories. It was a matter of course, and there were precedents in the Korean War and the Liaodong War.

The Qin family has established many free ports of concessions, colonial strongholds, and business houses over the years, which are different from the conquest of the Luzon Islands.

The use of troops in the Luzon Islands is to completely conquer the islands and provide the Qin family with long-term rule.

The concessions, colonial points, and commercial houses established by the Qin family along the coast were all established along the Maritime Silk Road. Get cheaper resources.

It is precisely under this positioning that the Qin family has two different ideas for Luzon and overseas. Overseas does not need to occupy too much territory at all, in order to establish a stable stronghold to be the master, and then try to compete with the native kings. What kind of trade agreement is reached, mainly based on trade.

Of course, if the natives are too weak, it’s okay to have the opportunity to occupy more territory, but after the Qin family conquered the natives, it mainly focused on restraining the natives. As long as they submit to the Qin family, they can pay some taxes and pay points for protection. Then, under the command of the Qin family, they will grow cotton, sugar cane, spices, or mine mines, etc. The Qin family does not intend to engage in any processing and manufacturing in those places, they are all positioned as raw material production and supply, and at most they will carry out preliminary processing , and finally the cotton and hemp minerals are transported back to Luzon for finishing.

This is actually a predatory blood-sucking, blood transfusion to Luzon. In this mode, the Qin family does not need to spend too much effort in various places like Luzon. It only needs to manage a port and strengthen the control of the surrounding suburbs. As for other places, it is good to deter and detain.

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