Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 229 1-Year Results

Of course, this is just a temporary plan of Wang Bin Tiangong Technology. The real development progress still depends on the development speed of Professor Pok's laboratory.

Time passed very quickly amidst the busyness of Wang Bin and the others. Three months passed in the blink of an eye, and it was already the new year.

At the same time, in the new year, Wang Bin's Tiangong Technology's goals are naturally bigger, and the biggest of these is Tiangong Technology's aircraft research and development projects, rockets, and spacecraft research and development projects.

Of course, Wang Bin is very pleased with the achievements made by Tiangong Technology in the field of aviation development in the past year.

After all, in the past year, Wang Bin and his team have made a lot of achievements in Tiangong Technology.

First of all, it is naturally in terms of electric engines. Due to the relatively low difficulty in the development of electric engines, it is supported by Tiangong Technology's superconducting battery technology.

So in the past year, Tiangong Technology has developed more than ten types of electric engines of various types, including aero engines for helicopters and propeller planes, and they also range in power from low to high.

At the same time, in terms of electric engine customers, Tiangong Technology also negotiated a lot last year, and these customers who use electric engines are very satisfied with these electric aero engines of Tiangong Technology, and they all said that in the new During the year, we will continue to cooperate with Tiangong Technology and continue to purchase Tiangong Technology's electric engines.

Even some official manufacturers of helicopters and fixed-wing propeller aircraft have shown great interest in Tiangong's electric engines.

This is especially true for the manufacturers of low-level trainer aircraft. After all, the cost-effectiveness ratio of fuel engines is too high, which leads to the high cost of training a low-level pilot.

However, if the fuel engine is replaced with an electric engine, the cost-effectiveness ratio will be much lower. After all, for China now, electricity is only a few degrees.

In this case, the cost of training a low-level pilot will be much lower, and even the minimum cost of training low-level propeller aircraft pilots can be reduced to less than 6 figures, which can definitely save a lot of pilot training costs.

In addition, there are electric helicopter engines, especially high-power electric helicopter engines, which are also interested in many official aircraft manufacturing companies.

After all, the production of these official helicopters is different from that of private aircraft manufacturers. They basically have their own mature technology in helicopter manufacturing. Even the engine is not a big problem for them.

Moreover, these official helicopter manufacturers are basically not involved in the manufacture of light and small helicopters, and basically set their sights on medium and large helicopters.

So they naturally care more about Tiangong Technology's high-power electric helicopter engine.

At the same time, in the past year, in addition to the achievements of Tiangong Technology in electric engines, it is fuel engines.

In this regard, Wang Bin is also very satisfied. After all, in the past year, Wang Bin and his Tiangong Technology have developed a total of six aero engines.

That is, tg-001 turbojet engine, tg-002 turbojet engine, tg-s001 turbofan engine, tg-s002 turbofan engine, tg-s003 turbofan engine and tg-wsx1 small bypass ratio turbofan engine.

At the same time, among these engines, three engines have entered the stage of large-scale mass production, that is, the 001 turbojet engine, the s001 high bypass ratio turbofan engine, and the s002 high bypass ratio turbofan engine.

As for the remaining three engines, although they have not yet entered the mass production stage at this time, they are already ready for small-scale mass production.

In addition, in terms of customers, these engines are basically available. Needless to say, the customers of the 001 turbojet engine are naturally all from the military. After all, this engine has almost no use in civilian use. After all, compared with the turbofan engine, its economy is too low.

The second is the s001 turbofan engine. This engine not only has many domestic customers, including military and military aircraft customers, but this engine has also successfully entered the international market at this time.

Thanks to the efforts of Tiangong Technology's International Trade Department, the current international customers of this engine are not only Yama Aviation, but also many international aircraft manufacturers, who have successively signed purchase contracts with Tiangong Technology.

The quantity purchased by these aircraft manufacturers is not low, and the largest one even directly issued a purchase contract for a thousand engines to Tiangong Technology.

These international orders are all added up, and the number of this engine ordered is as high as 3,000.

Of course, with so many orders, it is naturally impossible to complete them within a year. After all, if domestic orders are added, the number of orders for this engine alone will reach more than 5,000 units, so even if Tiangong Technology No matter how much the production capacity is, it is impossible to complete it within a year. These orders are all three-year orders, and the average number of engines to be delivered per month is about 200.

After all, apart from this engine, Tiangong Technology also has other types of engines to produce, so it is impossible to produce this engine on all production lines.

As for the number of orders for the s002 engine, there are quite a few. In addition to the domestic orders, all of them add up to seven or eight hundred units. In addition to the three hundred or so units from Yama, the total number of orders for this engine is also close to There are as many as a thousand units.

And these orders are still different from the previous ones, because the export of this engine must first obtain official permission, and at the same time, the conditions are more stringent than the previous tg-s001, so until now, although Many aircraft manufacturers have already submitted to the relevant departments that they want to purchase s002 turbofan engines.

However, in fact, only Yama Air, a foreign aircraft manufacturer, has passed the application.

In addition to these engines that can already be mass-produced, those engines that can’t be mass-produced can only be mass-produced on a small scale. At the same time, even if Wang Bin and the others want to export, judging from the current situation, it is impossible for the authorities to allow export.

After all, the technology of these engines is more advanced, the performance is higher, and they have more strategic value. In addition, the production capacity is also very limited. Naturally, they are given priority to the government and domestic enterprises. Only after the domestic enterprises are fully satisfied will they consider some civilian use engine outlet.

As for engines like Type 001, Type 002, and Type WSX1, it is even more impossible to export such military engines. After all, judging from the performance of these engines, they are all the top military engines in the world, and they are the country's sharp weapons. It is impossible to export, even if it is a country that is friendly with China.

Unless one day these engines have become second-rate or even third-rate products, the issue of export will be considered.

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