After listening to Professor Zhang's words, he poked Professor Zhang and Professor Dai, and lowered their heads to think about it.

Indeed, as Professor Zhang said, no matter which aircraft manufacturing company in the world, it is basically impossible to manufacture all its parts and components, unless it is a small drone, which is actually a It is also impossible for small UAVs to manufacture all the parts by themselves.

Therefore, it is impossible for Wang Bin and his Tiangong technology to manufacture all the parts of this aircraft by himself. Except for some main parts and the aircraft engine, other parts Wang Bin and his Tiangong technology are completely It can be handed over to other domestic enterprises to manufacture.

Thinking of this, Professor Zha and Professor Dai nodded, and Professor Dai said, "Mr. Wang, what Professor Zhang said is indeed feasible. If Tiangong Technology itself is responsible for manufacturing engines and some key components, other If we hand over the manufacturing to other domestic companies, we are indeed expected to complete the manufacturing of this aircraft within a year or two."

"That's good! Let's make it like this. By the way, Professor Dai and Professor Zhang, since the design of this blueprint is from World War II, we must optimize the design of this fighter plane to a certain extent. The task of optimization will be handed over to you!" Wang Bin said.

Subsequently, Wang Bin handed over the design drawings of this bomber to Professor Dai. Let him optimize and improve the design drawings of this aircraft. After all, although this aircraft is said to be in the world where Donald is located, it was designed by the national power of Wanzi Guoji. Its ammunition load and range and speed are even in this era , is also top-notch.

However, if this fighter plane is really placed in the current era, there are still many shortcomings. First of all, it is naturally electronic and navigation systems. After all, current fighter planes or bombers have complex electronics and navigation radars on them. system.

During World War II, there were not so many electronic systems on the planes, and even radars were basically absent. Even if there were, there was a very big gap with the current radar systems. If you really want to build this aircraft, you will definitely need it.

In addition, for the bombers of this era, the invisibility of radar, infrared and other aspects is also very important, and it is naturally impossible for this aircraft to have any stealth capabilities, and these require Professor Dai and Zhang Teach them to realize it in this fighter plane, even if they can't do it like the real stealth bombers now, they must have a certain stealth ability.

After all, the size of this bomber is really too big. If the stealth is not optimized, once it flies into the sky, it will definitely be a huge signal source in front of modern radars. It will definitely be like the sun, and it will be easily captured by the opponent to find out.

After handing over all these matters to Professor Dai and the others, Wang Bin, Professor Po and others walked out of the office and walked towards the assembly workshop.

After all, the technicians in the assembly workshop are also dismantling and testing the two engines that were tested yesterday in order to determine the condition of the internal components.

Soon, Wang Bin and the others came to the assembly laboratory and disassembled the two engines together with the employees of the laboratory to check the wear of the internal parts of the engine, especially the engine that was tested for the first time before.

After all, at the end of this engine, there was a problem with the cooling system due to the test bench, so the condition of this engine was still extremely important to Wang Bin and his Tiangong Technology.

As the dismantling progressed to the second day, the dismantling work was finally completed, and all the parts were washed clean. Start after cleaning.

Of course, compared to dismantling and cleaning, the inspection work is much slower. It takes more than ten days to complete, even if it is the fastest, it will take a week. After all, the inspection must be carried out on every component. , especially the core important components.

Wang Bin picked up a turbine blade of the engine, and then picked up a magnifying glass, carefully inspecting every part of the blade.

It can be seen that even under the magnification of the magnifying glass, every part of this leaf is very bright, and there is no trace of burrs or unevenness.

Soon Wang Bin completed the inspection of the turbine blade, and he did not find any problems with the blade. At the same time, he had a relatively clear understanding of the engine he was inspecting as a whole, that is, Although this engine has been tested for the first time, there is no obvious change inside the engine, and the internal parts should be similar to this blade.

After making a general decision in his heart, Wang Bin walked out of the assembly workshop and returned to the headquarters of Tiangong Technology. After all, he is not a professional aero-engine research and development personnel, and it is impossible for him to be like Professor Dai and the others. He stays at the aerospace engine laboratory all the time, and there are many things waiting for him to do at Tiangong Technology.

For example, although it was said before that the superconducting material production line has been installed and tested, and production has begun.

However, the production line of superconducting batteries has not yet been designed and manufactured, so Wang Bin's first priority is to design and manufacture the production line of superconducting batteries first, so that he can start producing superconducting batteries.

So Wang Bin immediately found Yu Ping and others, and brought them to the mechanical research and development workshop, and began to design and manufacture superconducting battery production lines with Yu Ping and others. Of course, in the process of designing and manufacturing the production line, Wang Bin It's not that I don't want to stop going to the Aerospace Engine Laboratory, but I basically take time to visit it every day.

Finally, a week passed after the first test run, and Professor Zha and others finally completed the inspection of all building components of the two test run engines.

As expected by Wang Bin, the internal parts of the engine after the first test run are in good condition. Even the previous engine due to cooling system problems is still in good condition. Even the core bearings are not in good condition. No major issues arose.

However, due to insufficient cooling before, the core bearings inside the engine were somewhat discolored, but it had no effect on the overall performance of the engine and the overall performance of the bearings.

In other words, if this engine is installed on the aircraft in the future, even if there is a certain problem with the cooling system of the aircraft, resulting in insufficient cooling, with the performance of this engine, the aircraft can still last for a period of time. Especially at engine cruising speeds.


Although the news that Wang Bin and his company Tiangong Technology is developing an aero engine and has achieved the first successful test run has not been announced to the public, nor has it undergone any publicity, but the news has spread rapidly. In this era, what happened today will most likely be known to the whole country tomorrow.

So when the news that Wang Bin and his Tiangong Technology developed an aero-engine arrived on the third day, there were already a lot of people who knew about it. Even on many domestic military websites and forums, there appeared a domestic private The company has successfully developed the news of the aero-engine, and it is also accompanied by exquisite 3D animation.

Even so, such news is like a blockbuster, sending the mood of military fans throughout the country to a peak.

After all, the research and development of domestic aviation development has always been concerned by domestic military fans and aviation enthusiasts, looking forward to the development of advanced engines in China.

Therefore, after a period of precipitation, when Wang Bin, Yu Ping and others were manufacturing the superconducting battery production line, the largest official media in the province, that is, the provincial and Taiwan news reporters finally came to the door.

Of course, in the past few days, it is not that no news media has come to their door. On the contrary, in the past few days, there have been a lot of news media, self-media and some Internet celebrities who have come to Tiangong Technology, but these people have been rejected. Wang Bin was rejected, after all, the gate of Tiangong Technology is not so easy to enter.

At the same time, many things in Tiangong Technology cannot be released to the public for the time being, and they all have a very high level of confidentiality, and once these things are known to the outside world, it will definitely cause a lot of unnecessary troubles.

So when these media, self-media and Internet celebrities came, they were all turned away by Wang Bin and the others. Although some people were unwilling and wanted to do something, it was irrelevant to Tiangong Technology , not to mention that Tiangong Technology is now a military enterprise, so naturally there is no need to get used to these people.

But this time the reporters from the provincial station are different. The reporters from the provincial station this time are not just themselves. Apart from this reporter, there are also the military and professional aviation development reviewers. The purpose of their visit is naturally to review the engine developed by Wang Bin, to determine the performance of this engine, its future potential, and where it can be used now. At the same time, before they came, they had already called Pass.

Therefore, Wang Bin cannot shut them out. Not only that, Wang Bin must also be prepared to respond. After all, this is related to their various qualification certificates for the engine of Tiangong Technology in the future. , such as airworthiness certificates, etc., in addition to this, it is also related to future scientific research funds.

Of course, since he is accompanied by the military and a professional review team, Wang Bin is naturally not worried that the provincial and Taiwan reporters will report some news that cannot be reported. After all, this is a matter related to state secrets. Otherwise, No need for Wang Bin to say anything, the military will naturally deal with these people.


On the road of Tiangong Technology's Aerospace Engine Laboratory, several cars are slowly driving towards the direction of Tiangong Technology's Aerospace Engine Laboratory. The inspection team as well as military personnel and journalists, and Wang Bin's own car.

At this time, they were driving at the front of the convoy, leading the convoy towards their aerospace engine laboratory of Tiangong Technology.

Soon, Wang Bin took them to the parking lot of the laboratory and stopped the car.

Of course, when all the cars in the convoy entered the parking lot of the laboratory and stopped, Wang Bin opened the car door first and got off. They opened the doors one after another and got out of the car.

There are many people who came to Tiangong Technology this time. In addition to two journalists and photographers who are provincial and Taiwan, there are as many as ten people in the professional expert team.

Among these people, there are Chief Engineer Lin who Wang Bin is very familiar with, Professor Li and Professor Fang of Xifei, Professor Zhang, Chief Engineer General, and Academician Xiong of Jiang Fei, as well as middle-aged and elderly experts that Wang Bin does not know. For these experts and professors, Wang Bin naturally respects them very much. After all, it is because of them that Huaxia is where it is today.

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