Episode 170 The Wizard of Oz (2)

Quiet office.

The warm smell of cocoa flows through the cold air.

[…] Then, we will meet with CEO Kim to discuss the details.]

"Yes. All right. Then I'll see you that day."


The phone is disconnected.

I sighed lightly and buried myself in the chair.

For an office call, the conversation became quite long. Fatigue and pleasant tiredness as if I had run a marathon came rushing in.

As she put her phone down and turned her head, she saw Ia Rin with her eyes twinkling.

“Look. Am I right?”

She was looking up at me like a puppy waiting for a compliment.

"Huh. It's a real evaluator. thanks."

As I nodded her head, Arin nodded her head with a vessy smile as if waiting.

“Hehehe, my nib is not normal. Lee Arin, who believes and believes!”

When she saw her lively figure, her fatigue seemed to have subsided.

She thought it was a joke to say that she was a vitamin, but when she saw this Arin, she really thought she was right.

“By the way, what did the evaluation agency call you about?”

Arin asked, filling my cup with her cocoa.

He seemed to be very curious about what the evaluator said.

In general, it would be absurd that the evaluator would contact the academy instructor. So it was not strange that she was curious.


“Neither have I heard.”

"Yes? But you've been on the phone for quite some time, haven't you? You've been talking for almost an hour... Is the person calling you a woman? Hmm, is it because he has a pretty voice?”

“No, it was a man, it was an uncle.”

"a! Then what have you been talking about for an hour?”

“I don’t know what you can believe, but I haven’t heard very much in an hour. After removing the weather, greetings, and appearance, all that is left is the level of the person from the evaluation agency who contacted me? I don't know why I saw it from the side. I was the only one who answered yes.”

“Uh… is it?"

Is it because her own expectations were wrong? Irene put on a shy expression.


I closed my eyes and read the conversation again.

‘… In fact, if it was any other time, we would have talked more comfortably... you know This time, the students were noisy because of the Shin Kyung-seung incident. Because of that, we also have to be careful... .'

In fact, as she just told Arin, there isn't much information from the evaluators.

‘Oh, of course, it’s not that the CEO is the one to talk freely. just… To prevent unforeseen circumstances... .'

Even though she said it was to prevent an unexpected situation in advance.

'Actually, I'm worried about the shoes.'

Well, in the beginning, important business was face-to-face or written consultation, so it wasn't something that could not be understood.

Well… Still, considering that the evaluators personally called Naburengi, an academy instructor like me... Apparently, the matter was quite important.However.

‘… Oh, is it something related to the SAT? Yes. Sure. So, why don’t we meet in person and discuss the details?’

All I could guess was that the reason they were looking for me was related to the SAT.


A major event that determines the life of a 12-year student at once.

On this day, the value of a person in their teens and twenties is determined and solidified.

Since it is probably related to an important task, the evaluation agency will have to think carefully about it.

at that time.

"Oh! Teacher, do you have any exam questions... synthesis!"

Erin Lee, who was waiting for my answer, suddenly makes a surprised expression and then covers her mouth with her hand.

Then she looks around her with her tense eyes and makes her cry.

"Eww… sorry. I have to be careful... .”

Well… Looking at her expression, she seems to be thinking of something absurd.

I opened her mouth as I looked at Arin, who had a look of embarrassment.

“… What else are you thinking about?”

Then, with an expression on her face as if her tears were about to fall, she opened her eyes in a circle and asked me.

"Yes? uh? Didn't the evaluation center invite you as a member of the CSAT exam questions?"

I was imagining that too.

Well, her imagination wasn't so absurd.


The official name is the Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation.

A government-funded research institute located in Deoksan-myeon, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do.

A place that researches, develops, and implements tasks such as textbook accreditation, scholastic ability test, combined academic ability evaluation, official examination, high school freshman selection test, employment test, and local public official appointment test questions am.

If you look at the importance of what you do, it is the final boss of public education that oversees the entire secondary education process in Korea.

‘A place where you can take mock exams and scholastic exam questions’

In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people who are not involved in the education system, it has only this level of meaning, nothing more and nothing less.

So, it was understandable that Erin Lee was misunderstood like she is now.

‘Because most would think so.’

I waved my hand lightly.

“We were supposed to meet in person to discuss the details, but it is probably not because of what you think you are in contact with.”

“Really? Whew, I was really surprised. I guess I didn't mean to say it for nothing."

Ia Lin sighed with her relief.

Then she began to regret in a small voice.

“Ah, it’s not worth it. If you were elected as a member of the questioning committee this time, it would have been amazing... .”

Well… It seems that she was looking forward to it, apart from worrying about who might have heard it.

'Actually, if I was chosen as a member of the questioning committee this time, I would be the first as an academy instructor.'


“It’s something I don’t know yet, but it’s probably right. Because I have never heard of a private academy lecturer becoming a member of the question.”

That possibility was remarkably low.

In a way, the education sector was a more conservative organization than the military.

‘It’s not like the saying ‘Economics, then politics, and politics’ comes out for nothing.”

I smiled and handed a joke to Erin.

“If I were to go into the hospital, I would have to be imprisoned for two months, right?”

"to… ? uh? um that... Is that so?”

“Hey, if I stay in for more than two months, Arin’s work will decrease a bit, but I’m sorry for Arin.”

“Eh, ah! Ah… no!"

This Arin was waving his hands for nothing and denied my words with her whole body.

I stroked her hair once and turned my gaze back to the papers.

“Having premature expectations is poison.”

“… Will it?”

Erin Lee sat next to me with a gloomy expression on her face.

And for a while she seemed to be contemplating something by herself.

But after a while.

"Hmm… But no matter how I think about it, is there something strange about it?”

She said as Ia Lin squinted her eyes as if something was wrong with her.

“… what?"

“No, I don’t understand why she said she couldn’t speak over the phone if the teacher wasn’t chosen as a member of the CSAT exam questions. If she wasn't related to the questioning member, she wouldn't be hiding that much, would she?"

uh? Come to think of it, she found that part a bit odd.

'CEO, that was once we met... .'

'See the story in person... .'

'Ah, that's what I'm going to tell you now... .'

Because I had a question, whenever I asked a few questions, instead of giving a simple answer, I skipped most of the questions by saying that I would meet you in person.

'I'm not trying to conspire... Hmm, as Arin said, this is definitely not a normal reaction.'


“Hehe, so. I think there's plenty of potential. To be honest, if you look at how difficult it is to adjust the difficulty level of the evaluator these days, is it really too rough?”

As she said, the evaluation of the evaluation agency these days is…

[Our main enemy is the evaluation agency, not the Ministry of Education or the school!]

[Does it make sense to be unable to pass the exam for 4 years in a row?]

[okay! Even if I leave it to elementary school students, I will be able to control the difficulty better than you. I can't live, let's change!]

[Education is a hundred years old... 이 새끼들은 1년마다 제도를 바꾸네. I will also raise broilers longer than that!]

Because I was crawling on the floor.

Hmm... If so, it was a very possible idea.

No matter how conservative the iron rice bowls are, public opinion will be terrifying at this point.

'okay. As a human being, it was too much to fail to adjust the difficulty level for 4 years in a row. It's a bit like changing the entrance exam system 4 times in 4 years... .'

There is a saying that the transformation of a woman is innocent, but the transformation of the Education Office was indisputable guilt.

That in itself is a serious guilt.“… … .”

Closing her eyes, she slowly gathered her thoughts.

SAT exam questions... In fact, has there ever been a history of intervening in the SAT problem by a person who played in the private education board?

I shook my head.

In each area, 157 submission committee members, 74 review committee members, and 95 management personnel in charge of progress and operation.

An elite group of 326 incumbent university professors and high school teachers

It was the members of the entrance exam exam questions.

In addition, there was a stipulated stipulation that those who submitted a reference book within the last 5 years, lecturers at the entrance examination institute, or those with children in high school were excluded from the selection of the candidates…

In fact, it was right to see that there was no room for a classroom instructor like me to intervene.

Of course, since the regulations have been slightly modified since 2019, there are cases where special cases are recognized if there is a recommendation from a private organization or other data to prove public credibility.

‘It’s almost impossible.’

A special exception is a special exception. Going through that hole was harder than a camel going through the eye of a needle.

I regrouped my thoughts.

Evaluator in crisis. And there are gaps in the rules that spread like a thread between the rules.

Squeezing through that gap was not just the glory of me alone.

It was an important event that could possibly rewrite the history of education.

So, from my point of view, I have no choice but to be cautious.

‘I want to refrain from such upheaval.’

I touched my chin with a complicated heart.

Obviously, the fact that I was taking the SAT exam was a great help to my career, but there was also a lot of room for it to rise up in the conversation.

‘No matter what choice I make, I will be responsible for it.’

If the SAT exam is too easy, tears will flow from the eyes of those who have worked hard for the past 12 years.

However, on the other hand, if the SAT exam is too difficult, tears will flow in the eyes of all students.

And it's not just the students who shed tears of blood.

Parents who have supported those students for 12 years.

Teachers and instructors who have been teaching those students for 12 years.

their family, friends and lovers.

It was the test for the SAT that could bring tears to tears in the eyes of all those who are in a relationship with love and friendship, yes, in the eyes of countless people.

‘… It’s embarrassing.’

Is it right for me to influence the lives of so many people?

If you search the USB and check the error rate by year, you should be able to balance the difficulty level as fair and fair as possible... Even so, it was not something I dared to recklessly cut.

‘I’ll have to think about it a little more.’

The more I thought about it, the more my heart felt heavy.

But that didn't mean it was time to stand still.

There are now about two months left until the entrance exam.

If it was long, it was a long period, but if it was short, it was a short period with no limit.

In order not to regret, you must prepare from now on.

No matter which option I choose.

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