CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 35: Don't mess around

Chapter 35

"Still, do you feel that the debt is not overwhelming, anyway, you have already owed so much, might as well owe it? In the end, it is just not over.

"No, no, I didn't think about it that way. I asked you to borrow this half a million for ..." Luo Qingyun wanted to explain.

Su Haohao did not give her a chance, "I don't care what you borrow money for, I just need to know, what ability do you have to pay this money back."

Luo Qingyun then realized that she was too naive. How could she think that someone who had little to do with her would borrow such a large sum of money for no reason?

In particular, he knew that she was unable to pay the money.

It was she who didn't figure out the situation, thinking that he could help him pick her up at the station, and he could help him lend some money to himself.

In fact, he was not obliged to do these things at all, and it was love to help her, and there was nothing wrong with not helping her.

"Are you ... will you buy me?" She bowed her head, her voice was as small as a mosquito. When she said that, her nose was sore and tears swirled in her eyes.

"What?" Su Yehao frowned, without hearing it too clearly.

Luo Qingyun didn't want to run away anymore, she had to collect money, no matter what the price.

Looking up, she stared firmly at Su Yinghao in front of her, her voice raised a little, "I can sleep with you for debts."

Su Yinghao looked at her eyes for a moment, her deep black eyes revealing a certain light that made her invisible.

"Really?" Gently ticked her thin lips, her long forefinger raised her chin, and looked carefully at the beloved skinny face. "That's a good idea."

Luo Qingyun blinked, and tears were rolling under her long eyelashes, but she held back and did not let the tears flow down.

You can't cry, Luo Qingyun, all you have done is right.

Don't feel ashamed or shameful, you are here to save your biological father.


In the master bedroom, the headlights were not on, and a dim little night light was on the bedside. The warm orange light shone out from the inside, making everything in the room dim and ambiguous.

Luo Qingyun took a bath because her luggage was stolen, and Su Yinghao's nightgown was too big and too long for her, so she had to wrap a big shirt on him and barely wear it as pajamas.

Lying on the soft and comfortable big bed, her little heart jumped tightly.

It's like going back to the night they were together for the first time two years ago.

Su Yinghao walked to the bed and looked at the small body hiding under the quilt. Although he was able to feel her body trembling despite the quilt.

He bent over and sat down beside the bed, and the mattress sank under the weight of his body.

Lifting a corner of the quilt, he lay down slowly, extended his long arm to the switch of the night light, and lightly pressed the light out.

There was darkness all around, Luo Qingyun's hands clasped the quilt tightly in the darkness, and his heart was full of fear of the man lying beside him.

After the man lay down, he turned over gently, approaching her stiff body, and the big palm was naturally placed on her slender waistline. With a little force, she was taken into his arms in.

Luo Qingyun's emotions were already tense at this point, and he even forgot to breathe. His head was buried in his chest. He heard a strong heartbeat sound in his ears. My heart trembled.

"Want to strangle yourself?" His voice came from above his head, a rare peace.

Huh ... Luo Qingyun exhaled softly, but it was so dead that the heat was like a catalyst, causing his originally calm body to start heating.

Luo Qingyun was held in his arms, why not heat?

Gently moving, she wanted to change her position and lay flat, but only when she moved, the big hand clasped around her waist tightened even more.

"Don't mess around." He warned her.

Luo Qingyun was frightened by his voice and stopped in a hurry. He just pressed carefully against his chest and breathed softly.

Her body is very soft, and she also exudes the scent of a cleansing shower gel, giving the illusion that it is extremely sweet and delicious, which makes people want to taste it.

"Mr. Su ..." she said softly, her voice trembling a little.

He said "um".

"Will you lend me money, right? If I didn't pay my dad for gambling debts, those people would not let him go." She carefully confirmed to him the transaction between them.

Su Yanhao heard the words, his expression was slightly stagnant.

It turned out that she wanted 500,000 to save people.

But Luo Qingyun, Luo Qingyun, what evil did you make in your life?

Why do you have to pay so much debt in this life?

"Don't worry about money, go to sleep." His voice suddenly softened, and he was no longer as harsh as before.


Luo Qingyun froze for a moment, just sleep like this?

They don't do other "things"?

Looking up, she wanted to confirm with him whether she was really ready to sleep, but her little head moved slightly, and he was gripped by his big palm. "Further disturbing, I promise you not to sleep anymore. "

She knew that he wasn't telling a lie, and he obediently put his head on his chest and didn't move.

At this point the clock on the wall was already pointing at four forty in the morning.

The horizon had begun to appear white, and the night passed, Luo Qingyun was really tired, and fell asleep within a few minutes.


As soon as I woke up, the light in the room was still dim, but the man beside him had nowhere to go.

Get up, walk to the floor-to-ceiling window, and open the thick shade curtains. The sunlight outside the window instantly shines into the room, causing her eyes pain.

Go to the bathroom, wash up, and go downstairs.

As soon as I got downstairs, I saw Su Yinghao sitting on the sofa drinking coffee. There was a long-lost familiar figure sitting opposite him.

When Luo Qingyun saw the figure, she froze for a while. When the figure turned back, she seemed to be nailed to the ground with an expression of incredible expression.

"Awake?" Su Yinghao was talking to her.

"Qingyun ..." Luo Jianhai was so excited to see her daughter that she stood up from the sofa.

Even if it feels incredible again. Luo Qingyun also knew that everything she saw now was true.

The middle-aged man with white hair and a dull expression and bruising bruises on his face and body was his father Luo Jianhai.

But how did he appear here?

"Dad ..." I haven't seen each other for many years. The relationship between father and daughter has been very rusty. Luo Qingyun even hesitated even "Dad".

"Qing Yun, my dear daughter, my father didn't hurt you at all. At the critical moment, you can still rely on it, knowing to save your father." Luo Jianhai looked at him for years, but his daughter, who was already slim at this time, Don't mention how happy it is.

Looking at the man's shirt on her body, she already knew what her daughter had to do with the man in front of her.

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