"There's no point in discussing this, let's talk about the difficulties in front of us... It might be a temporary safe place, but I'd advise against treating it as a completely safe place, because we'd starve to death if the exit was blocked by that size.

Sachiko Nishikawa sat on one of the few wooden beds left, rubbing her aching thighs and placing her mask beside her, exhausted by the long hike and high tension in her nerves.

As one of the strongest combat forces in the team, she has obviously become the backbone of the team with her calm and composed.

"We have three questions to ask and we have to take this opportunity firmly, but the bottom line needs to be left with one question as a contingency.

Although Qian Hanye didn't have such a strong combat power, she was obviously much more reliable than Nangong Meng and Xiangtai, who looked confused.

"There must be a question of how to get out of here, but we can't judge whether the Sons of God are good or bad, they are not good or evil in nature, they are just simple servants, entering this world, we must also be careful of the possible traps in their language, so as not to be deceived into the blood of the mountain god.

Chihanha took out a post-it note and a gel pen from her sweatshirt, and skillfully wrote down the characteristics of Miko and the questions she was about to ask.

"I propose to ask, 'How do I get out of here safely?'

"That's... I'll say a word.

Shota shook his head and pointed to the word "safety" on it.

"Although... I don't know much about these ghosts and gods, but when dealing with honest but evil demons like this, might as well use some definitions?"

"Speaking of safety, those people on the last train to Huangquan are very safe, it seems that there is no such thing as death in this life, but it is more terrifying than death, it feels a bit like the chaos evil god Nurgle.... Ahem, it's far away.

"I suggest.... Let's use this definition: "How to get out of here safely and with our subjective consciousness fully willing to do it, without overdoing it", I'm stupid, I can only think of this..."

Sachiko Nishikawa nodded, not sparing his praise at all:

"Yes, Shota is very thoughtful, even if the possibility is not high, in the face of weirdness, we can't be too careful.

"I'll start, no objections, right?" Everyone,

you look at me, I look at you, and they all nodded.

"Good.... Sons of God, please answer my question, "How can we get all four of us out of here safely and in a situation where we are fully willing to do it subjectively, without overdoing it?" "


The mask made a distinct distorting sound, the luster on the surface darkened, and a burst of blue smoke floated out of the mask, slowly condensing and forming in front of the four people...

Within the realm of the shrine, even a few people who don't have psionic talent can see the true body of the Divine Son, which looks like a flower girl.

"Hmm, the first question?" it

was Nian Ju in a fox mask, she looked at a few people with a puzzled expression, and then suddenly thought of something, and smiled with relief.

"Ah, are you afraid of the language trap? I understand that when many resentful spirits want to kill someone, they will not succeed because of a single means, so they will distort the truth to achieve the goal... But don't worry, we won't do that.

"You probably saw the mountain god too, right? If you want to get out, there's only one way to go... By removing a strand of hair from the foot of the mountain god and placing it next to the shrine at the shrine gate, the gate to the human world will be opened.

"Sanjin-sama hasn't been very talkative lately... Please be careful.

Seeing Miko disappear again in front of her eyes, Sachiko Nishikawa breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice

, "In that case, our first goal is to remove the mountain god's hair,

and try not to alarm him... Shota, didn't you bring some ignition tools? The preliminary plan is as follows.

"Let's go and get the hair together, if there is no accident to wake him up, then gather at the entrance of the shrine, set the whole forest on fire and let the mountain god start moving, and don't care about the rules of pick-up and drop-off when we go out, this point we completely trigger.... Hopefully hiding in the workspace will fix this.

"As soon as we are discovered, we will disperse and flee.... If you can survive at that time, you will gather at the hotel, wait for three days, and if you haven't come back, you will start to find a way to escape from the hotel, no need to wait, we don't have enough food. Shota's

marching bag contained some compressed biscuits, which were given to the other three girls for less than three days, and the water was only enough for one day, and without water supply, it was impossible for a person to live long.

"Let's go. The

bunker wasn't too big, and a few of them quickly walked to the exit... It should be impossible to see at night in the dim forest, but for some reason, the dilapidated shrine-style lanterns on the roadside are oilless but always bright.

What's even more amazing is that all the props with exorcism functions also shine, among which the pendant belonging to Nangong Meng's grandmother on the chest is the most shiny, and the soft light makes people feel inexplicably at ease.

This is not the reality here.

A few people saw early on that the mountains and forests seemed to be boundless, never endless, and there was no such wilderness and high mountains in the Red Sun Empire.

The moonlight was no longer bright, but an eerie white, with dead vines and moss everywhere, and trees more than a cut shorter than the outside world, withered and yellow and lifeless.

As a few people slowly advanced, the "high mountain" with two "ancient trees" growing in the distance gradually became clear...

It was an elk.

Although it was not surprising, when they saw such a magnificent and huge creature, everyone felt a nameless fear in their hearts.

A sick, nearly 100-meter-tall giant elk leaned against the mountain, its neck slender and disproportionate, and its whole head was no longer like a deer, but hung weakly on its chest like a round tumor pierced by a toothpick, and the two antlers on the top of its bare head were as yellow as trees.

Stuck in its body is a large... The missile fragments, which seemed to have long been rusted, were unusually conspicuous with huge biochemical hazard signs on them, and dark black mucus continued to gush out of the wounds and flowed on the ground, which was quickly absorbed by the earth.

Through the wound, several huge maggots, nearly two meters thick and ten meters long, drilled out of the gaps in the pale ribs, and they waved their bloated and disgusting bodies wildly in the air, constantly eating away at the growing flesh and blood of the mountain god.


Nangong Meng saw a similar monster and forcibly held back the feeling of vomiting, but Shota still didn't hold back, retched, and spit out a large mouthful of sour water.

"It seems... That's why the mountain god is crazy. 」

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