Cataclysmic Transformation

Chapter 297: Fierce confrontation

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Chapter 297 Fierce Confrontation


? The expression on everyone's face is unbelievable. It's not that the Sanctuary Power can actually kill the Sanctuary Power. How is this possible?

When Lafield heard it, he didn't believe it, "Platz, aren't you kidding me?"


Pope Ernst snorted at this time, "Master Laffield, this guy named Ron killed Wharton because he practiced evil undead magic, and these evil powers do not belong to him. He is heresy! "

Lafield froze, "What? Undead magic?"

He naturally heard some undead magic, is this undead magic not known as garbage magic?

"No!" Platts yelled, "Deputy Speaker, our Roland Empire has never had heresy ..."

He took a deep breath and said, "The existence of any power has its rationality, and the same is true of undead magic. Although some of its behaviors make us incredible, it does not mean that it is evil ..."

He gave Ernst a glance, "On the contrary, it is the Holy Church, which calls all forces that do not conform to his own doctrine heresy, and during Ron's time in the Holy Roman Empire, he sent troops to chase down, and finally even sent out the Holy Power, This behavior is unreasonable when I come to the root. "

Ernst sneered, "Dr. Platz, can you tell me Ron's true strength now?"

Platz hesitated, "Although I don't know much about undead magic, as far as I know, according to his current cultivation progress, it is estimated that it is about the strength of the division level ..."

At the division level, this level of strength makes everyone here disdain.

"You admit it!" Ernst took a deep breath, and he turned sharply. "Adult Speaker, Lord Lafield, a division-level strongman to kill a strongman in the sanctuary is extremely unreasonable. , Can do this, because this heretic named Ron has a corpse, he uses some special methods to make a holy corpse possess the former power and manipulate it to fight, so as to kill Wo pause……"

"Manipulate the body?"

Everyone in the House of Representatives looked at each other, and the use of this power was unheard of.

The senator of the orc clan frowned, "You are, that guy named Ron doesn't have the strength of the sanctuary, but only uses the power of the dead sanctuary strong?"

Ernst: "Exactly!"

Laffield asked, "Is that what happened to you, Platts?"

"Good!" Platz nodded, "Master Laffield, but I still think that the existence of this power has its rationality, no matter what method Ron uses, as long as he can win, even if we are holy Is n’t the domain powerhouse trying every means to gain strength? What's wrong with this? "

The views of the two are fiercely confronting each other, and each side insists on their own words and does not give in to each other, almost arguing.

Wen Tini, one of the senators, frowned. She heard that now she finally knew who this Ron was. If there was no wrong guess, this Ron was the same as the Rongen in Aurora ’s mouth. people.

"This guy really can't stop ..."

Wendini sighed in her heart that a division-level strongman actually made all the strongmen in the entire continent quarrel for him. This is probably the only person in the history of the mainland.

Everyone knows that the matter is actually very simple, but Laffield has not made a decision, who is right and wrong in this matter, that is really not true, the two sides have their own opinions, and each sounds reasonable.

Lafield said helplessly, "I don't know how to do this, let's discuss it!"

There was a buzzing sound in the conference hall, and all the strongmen discussed it. Some supported Platz ’s point of view, while others supported Ernst ’s point of view, but most people still held the mood of the play, except the Holy Roman Empire. No one regards it as the strong of the Roland Empire.

Montegoth grinned at Platts. "That guy named Ron is the guy who led the school to the Xianglong Academy? Could he kill Wharton? Sure enough ..."

Platts smiled bitterly and whispered, "You have also seen that battle corpse puppet. Have you forgotten the headless monster over Balovax College?"

"It's it?" Montegoth stunned. He nodded immediately. "If it's done, it shouldn't be a problem to kill Wharton!" Montegoth still had a lingering fear of the terrifying power of the headless corpse.

Hill smiled slightly, "I've seen him like Ron, and the power to manipulate the corpse is incredible. When the earth sword Saint Chris killed, he also used this trick. At that time, I suspected that the headless The guy came out of him, hehe, if he had sacrificed a headless monster, Chris was afraid that he would die in your college ... "

"Thank you for that. If it weren't for you, how could it be so easy?"

Platts sighed, "I have a hunch, I hunch things may go in the wrong direction, Hill, what are you doing about this?"

Hill smiled slightly, "Relax, I will be on your side!"

Montegoth also laughed, "Old ghost, when will I not support you?"

While everyone was discussing, Laffield quietly asked Speaker Frigga, "Sir Speaker, you ..."

Fulijia shook her head, "I have no opinion!"

"I understand!"

Laffield nodded, knowing that Frigga did not want to intervene in this matter.

At this time, Imena, the priest of the Holy Word, the Lord of the Temple of Atonement, suddenly arose, "Adult Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Senator, I want to say a word ..."

The conference hall was quiet, and everyone's eyes were on her.

Imina took a deep breath and said, "I draw Members' attention to the fact that the most powerful, evil, and terrifying place of undead magic is manipulating corpses to fight ..."

Her beautiful eyes circulated, and the voice like a yellow warbler echoed in the conference hall, "Then ... you can imagine this kind of scene, no one's life is infinite, if these evil heretics are manipulated after your death With your body, do something illegal, what would you think? "

Imena's words just fell, and the entire conference hall was turbulent. Everyone's face had a trace of indignation. Maybe they were all strong people who had a lot of power and domination. But after death, they changed. They turned into a corpse at their disposal, and this transformation was unacceptable to them in any case.

"My words are over!"

Imena knew the reason for the end of the day, she obediently saw it and closed it, and immediately sat down.

At this time, as soon as Ernst glanced at her, she nodded gently.

In the words of Imena, the wind direction of the House of Representatives suddenly changed, and many people began to rebuke the evil magic of undead magic with awe.


At this time, Hao Qin, another deputy speaker of the Bimun family, who had been silent, had spoken. When he made a speech, everyone's eyes were attracted.

"This Ron has the evil power that can manipulate the body, so he does not need to stay in the world. I suggest that the Parliament form a joint law enforcement team to carry out this matter ..."

Hao Qin's words were powerful and finalized. As the deputy speaker, he clearly expressed his opinions while other senators did not object to it.

"The deputy speaker is wise!" Ernst bowed deeply, with a smile on his face.

Laffield asked, "What other opinions do the senators have?"

Wendini pondered for a moment, thinking to @ 黄 小说 /class12/1.html said.

"Huh, Ron, you stinky, dare to bully my baby grandson, since you don't blame me for not helping you!" So he said.

"I have no opinion!"

Several senators also shook their heads, expressing no opinion.

Platz glanced at Montegoth, Hill and others, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

Platz's heart sank, and he asked Hill with a wry smile, "Can things be recovered?"

Hill's face was also bitter, "I'm afraid I can't!"

When Lafield's eyes turned to Speaker Friega, Friega hesitated, "I will not intervene in this matter, let the human family deal with it ..."


The Razor Heights in the southwest of the Warcraft Empire is the territory of the noble Bimon family. The endless plains, a huge castle-like rugged building stands on the ground.

The exterior of the castle is so rough and rudimentary, but the interior decoration is magnificent.

In a wide corridor, a handsome and handsome man was waiting anxiously. He kept pacing step by step, but his eyes glanced at the closed door with an anxious expression on his face.

He is Tommy, the illegitimate son of Wharton, the strongest of the Holy Land and the Lord of the Pious Temple.

Since the death of Wharton, without the protection of the strong, Tommy's status has plummeted. Due to the ineffectiveness of the party, the emperor's team suffered heavy casualties, and Tommy took responsibility. Forget it, almost even the Imperial title was cut off.

However, Tommy is a man who is good at grasping opportunities. He caught the last straw he hit at all costs-Omiga, a strong man of the Bimon family. In order to impress Omiga ’s heart, he came to Warcraft not far away. The Empire Razor Heights, with exquisite gifts and sweet words like the oath, finally successfully captured Omega's heart.

At this time, the door opened and Omega hurried out from inside.

"how about it?"

Tommy walked up quickly, his eyes glinting with hope.

Omega's ugly face hung with a loveless look, and smiled, "It's done. Under the ancestral power of the ancestors, Ron can't escape the fate of being slaughtered ..."

"That's too great!" Tommy's eyes shone with revenge. He hated the tunnel, "Ron, you will have such a day ..."

"Omega, thank you ..." Tommy said sincerely.

Omega smiled, "Thank you, this Ron also has hatred with me, don't forget that I almost died in his hands ..."

With a sigh, Tommy was holding this ugly boy, and his heart was touched for a while. After experiencing the world-like ups and downs, Tommy matured a lot at once, and he took Omega in his arms and murmured, "Omega, I have nothing, don't leave me ..."

Omega flicked Tommy's beautiful blonde hair softly, "Of course not, dear, we will be together in the distance ..."

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