Cards come to the world

Chapter 298: One Step Away

While Stormtrooper was fighting bloody battles, Lin Ze was not idle, and cooperated with the little guy to quickly search for suspicious existences around him.

This kind of search, but it has been too late to see any results.

Lin Ze is not prepared to continue searching endlessly. After all, if their guess is wrong, then such searching is a waste of time.

Moreover, it may lead to an irreparable catastrophe.

If it weren't for the red background resource room, the protection setting time of automatic return was changed from 3 seconds to 1 second, Lin Ze would not have chosen this way at all.

In this way, even if there is any accident, Xiao Yang can completely turn back through the protection settings in the room, and in the end, what he loses is only some credits.

Of course, if this credit is really given for nothing, it will really make people crazy.

Lin Ze calculated the time and decided to look for another two minutes. If he didn't find it within two minutes, he would turn back.

Even if the challenge fails, you have to eat a few more elemental dragons.

However, even if it is really eaten down, the power of Shiyuan is not much.

Those giant dragons gathered together are amazingly strong, but the original power provided by each giant dragon is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Not too little, but to make Lin Ze extremely satisfied, the power of origin is obviously not enough.

And not long after Lin Ze made a decision, the little guy who continued to perceive depth finally stopped somewhere, and he seemed to perceive something.


The little guy who found something excitedly pointed to his feet, Lin Ze looked at him in surprise, and asked uncertainly: "Little guy, you mean that the energy source of those giant dragons is just underground here? "


The little guy nodded resolutely.

Seeing such a statement, Lin Ze didn't talk nonsense. The current magic power in his body is running out, but it is not a big problem to drive a card alone.

Driven by the magic power, Lin Ze summoned the Rocket Warrior that was recovered before, and activated the "Legendary Sword".

For Lin Ze today, the consumption of these two cards is almost negligible.

The Rocket Warrior's figure flashed again, holding the extremely sharp legendary sword in his hand. With the ability of this sword, breaking through the ground is not a difficult problem.

The little guy just sensed an abnormality in the ground, but he didn't send out any danger signal.

This means that the underground situation should be fine.

Lin Ze immediately drove the Rocket Warrior to swing the legendary sword in his hand, slashing the ground under his feet violently.


The edge of the sword passed, sharp and tough, directly breaking through the thick soil.

The legendary sword can cut iron like mud, and with the attack power of a rocket fighter, it is indeed not difficult to use it to cut through the ground here.

In a short time, the Rocket Warrior cut the ground under his feet into a pit deep enough for two people.

Lin Ze did not directly choose to enter the pit, but observed the actions of the Rocket Warriors continuing to break through the ground.

This kind of slashing lasted for several minutes, and finally, a layer of silver-white soil suddenly appeared in the pit.

No, it's not so much the soil, the silver-white surface slightly mixed with metallic texture is more like a thick box.

That layer of silver-white soil is hidden underground, which is obviously abnormal.

The Rocket Warrior immediately raised his sword and slashed, hitting the silvery white surface fiercely.


There was a crisp slashing sound, but only a slight scratch was left on the silver-white surface, as if it was unmoved.

Such a situation made Lin Ze realize that the root of the problem must be here!

Find a way to break this layer of silver-white surface.

It might be possible to rely solely on the Rocket Warrior and the Legendary Sword, but the progress would be too slow.

Lin Ze suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, his magic power was suddenly driven, and the card with a rich brown luster turned over.

Accompanied by the faint sound of horseshoes, a dark figure of a knight holding a battle thorn in each hand,

Driving the mighty war horse, it flashed out together with the gust of wind.

Special call, Gaia, the dark knight of Gale!

In this case, Gaia's extraordinary destructive power is enough to play a key role.

Lin Ze couldn't help but be thankful that when the magic power is in short supply, Gaia will appear as the ace of the Jedi at any time.

After Gaia's figure flashed, he immediately understood Lin Ze's intentions, and turned his gaze to the pothole below. The size of the pothole was still too small for him who was driving a war horse.

Immediately, the two-handed stabs were swung one after another, and the surrounding ground suffered instantly. Under the infusion of a strong force, the not-so-thick ground split into pieces.

The pothole below was also affected and expanded a large circle.

Along with the expansion of the pothole, Lin Ze noticed that the silver-white surface below had obviously expanded a full circle.

In other words, what Lin Ze saw before was not the limit width of the silver-white surface.

"What the hell is this thing?"

Lin Ze muttered, staring intently at Gaia who had begun to cooperate with the rocket fighters to launch an attack together, destroying the silver-white surface.

Gaia's destructive power is indeed remarkable, every time his pair of battle thorns are thrust out, they can form a strong force, sink into the silver-white surface, and destroy it.

The most staggering thing is that every time Gaia stabs, the landing point is the same position, and there is almost no error.

Lin Ze was also surprised by this exquisite and delicate combat technique of breaking through the surface.

I didn't expect Gaia to be able to do this to this extent.

Under such powerful and effective linkage destruction, within half a minute, obvious cracks appeared on the silver-white surface.

Under continuous destruction, the outline of some kind of weapon can be vaguely seen on the silver-white surface.

Lin Ze suddenly realized that this time he really found the right place.

At the same time, high in the sky, the Stormtrooper, who was covered in scars all over his body, was panting wearily.

In the battle just now, he had forcibly killed seven or eight dragons, including two elemental dragons, namely the flame dragon and the wind dragon.

Despite the excellent results, Stormtrooper paid a very heavy price. Even after Xiao Yang's tireless healing, he is still at the end of his rope.

Staring at the sky, Xiao Yang turned his eyes to a certain direction, which was where Lin Ze left.

The battle situation can no longer be sustained.

Xiao Yang glanced at the credit card. If he chooses to activate, he can trigger the protection mechanism and leave the resource room.

But if this is done, all the previous efforts will be in vain, and the credits consumed will also be irretrievable.

The hesitation only lasted for a moment in his heart, and Xiao Yang quietly made a decision.

That is to keep fighting.

Lin Ze has been away for so long and has not turned back. Obviously, he should have discovered something.

There may be only one step away from victory.

If he chooses to give up at this time, then he, the president of Yuka Club, is really in vain.

"There is no way, just fight hard, the last bit of magic power, stud is stud, it can have some effect, let fate!"

Xiao Yang chuckled and said to himself, the magic power all over his body suddenly concentrated and exploded!

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