Card Room

Chapter 109

↘End♂Ben♂God♂Lizhan↙Mobile phone user input address:

【Chapter 109, Liuxi Village-15】

The five of Xiao Lou left the boundary of Liuxi Village. There was a two-fork road ahead, the left side led to the dark mountains, and the right side was dense forests. The howling of wild wolves could be heard from time to time in the mountains, Xiao Lou asked, "Which way shall we go?"

Yu Hanjiang frowned and looked at the pitch-black mountain, and said, "Go to the woods." He whispered as he walked, "Everyone prepare your control cards. Once a wild beast approaches, use the balance first."

Balance is a team-limited card, and a team can only bring one. But now, the five of them have not signed the contract. Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang are on the team, Ye Qi and Shao Qingge are on the team, and Liu Qiao is on the team alone. There are three balance cards they can use, one for 5 minutes, No matter how many beasts there are, there is no need to worry about not being able to escape.

What's more, Ye Qi's guitar can be controlled in a wide range, and the teleportation card, flight card, and speed shoes can help teammates escape quickly. When necessary, Tao Yuanming of Xiao Lou can also use group space teleportation. It's really not possible, Yu Hanjiang has two guns. With Team Yu's marksmanship, it's not difficult to kill a few beasts.

If you have the courage to walk into the forest outside the village, you have no skills.

The five of them walked forward together, Liu Qiao used the trees to move and help everyone find the way, Ye Qi and Shao Qingge walked in front, Xiao Lou was in the middle, and Yu Hanjiang was in the back.

After entering the forest and walking for a while, Liu Qiao stopped suddenly and said, "There are thick and tall trees ahead, and there are many strange vines. The vision is blocked by trees. I can't see clearly. Everyone should continue to go deeper." Or stop here?"

Yu Hanjiang suddenly said: "Be careful on the tree!"

Xiao Lou looked back vigilantly——a poisonous snake with a dark green body almost the same color as the leaves suddenly jumped out from the branch, and opened its mouth to bite Liu Qiao's leg! Fortunately, Liu Qiao reacted quickly enough, and flew down the tree without hesitation after hearing Yu Hanjiang's voice.

The poisonous snake jumped into the air, opened its mouth wide and spit out the red letter towards everyone. Its tongue was thin and long, its black eyes were fixed on everyone, and it made a "sisi" sound, as if disturbing its sleep for everyone. Extremely dissatisfied.

Yu Hanjiang shouted loudly: "Quick back!"

Everyone's expressions changed, and they immediately followed Yu Hanjiang back a few steps.

Xiao Lou asked, "Is this snake poisonous?"

Yu Hanjiang said: "This is a green mamba that is used to living in trees. Its venom contains neurotoxins. If it is bitten, the fatality rate is extremely high."

Liu Qiao's face paled slightly. If Dui Yu hadn't reminded her just now, she would have been bitten by a poisonous snake. There is no medicine in this village, and being bitten by a poisonous snake would be fatal.

She looked at the poisonous snake with lingering fear. At this moment, a lot of "Sisi" voices came from everyone's ears. The village chief looked back and immediately hid behind Yu Hanjiang in fright: "Ahh... so many snakes!"

Everyone looked around, and saw countless green poisonous snakes suddenly appearing on the surrounding trees. Those snakes seemed to be called by the king of snakes, and collectively spit out a message. The green snakes crawled slowly on the trees, entwined around The branches, in a blink of an eye, surrounded them all.

Yu Hanjiang said: "We may have entered the territory of poisonous snakes, retreat quickly!"

Xiao Lou was terrified. He had only seen some snakes in the zoo before. This was the first time he saw so many poisonous snakes in the wild. Yu Hanjiang pulled Xiao Lou up with one hand and the village chief with the other. He turned on his speed shoes and ran away. .

Liu Qiao couldn't climb the tree, so Ye Qi took out his teleportation card and was delighted to find that the skill of his teleportation card had been upgraded. Before, he could only teleport one person, but now he can take two people. Ye Qi hurriedly said: "Liu Qiao, Mr. Shao, I will take you away, come to me!"

The two quickly stood on the left and right sides of Ye Qi. Ye Qi activated his skills and ran after Yu Hanjiang.

The crowd ran wildly in the dark forest for several minutes, leaving the area with tall trees, Yu Hanjiang stopped, Xiao Lou took a deep breath with lingering fear, and the village chief next to him was almost out of breath.

It's really scary, if you don't have an excellent means of escape, rushing into the snakes rashly, there is only one word of death.

Ye Qi brought Mr. Shao and Liu Qiao to a stop nearby, panting and said: "Fuck, I was scared to death! There are so many green snakes, I have never seen so many snakes since I was a child!"

Yu Hanjiang said with a sullen face: "The wild is much more dangerous than I imagined."

The village chief finally got his breathing back. He patted his chest and said while panting, "I said it a long time ago, the wild is too dangerous, and you still don't believe it!"

Shao Qingge usually had a smile on his face, but now his expression was very serious. He didn't speak, which proved that he was also a little scared.

Liu Qiao looked at Yu Hanjiang and said softly, "Thank you."

Yu Hanjiang said: "You're welcome. You were talking at the time, and I heard a voice behind you, only to realize that the snake had been coiled on the tree pretending to be a leaf."

Liu Qiao frowned and said, "It's not safe to be on the tree. It seems that we can't go in that forest anymore."

Xiao Lou thought for a while and suggested, "Then go into the mountains?"

The wolf's cry came from the other side of the mountain, so they walked towards the forest first, and it turned out that the forest was full of poisonous snakes, and there might be other beasts.

Yu Hanjiang said resolutely: "Go to the mountains, wolves are afraid of fire, let's find an open space, each with a torch."

Everyone turned around and entered the mountain.

As soon as I entered the mountain, I heard the sound of rustling animals crawling on the ground, and a woman's legs became two meters high, just like a dead body.

Jumping and walking like a corpse, she can jump seven or eight meters at a time, Xiao Lou said: "It's the two who left with the gems before!"

The woman obviously saw them too, jumped over and said, "Why are you here?"

The crawling man also stopped, his body and the ground merged into one color, only his head was exposed, and he asked, "Have you been kicked out of the village?" This scene was very strange, as if he had only one head on the ground alone.

The village head turned pale with fright: "He, why does he have no body, only a head!"

Xiao Lou glanced at him, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't be afraid, village chief, this is a kind of blindfold."

The man wondered: "Village chief? Are you taking the village chief with you?"

Xiao Loudao: "We got the gem, but there are still many people in the village who haven't got it. They are worried about being robbed, so they come to the village to avoid it for the time being. As for the village chief...he was driven out by Grandma Sun. He can provide us with A lot of information."

The man and woman looked at each other and said, "Do you really have gemstones?"

Yu Hanjiang, who was in charge of keeping the gems, took out the dark green stone and showed them a look.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and the woman gritted her teeth and complained: "We have been hiding in this mountain for a day, damn it! There are many wild wolves and tigers in the mountain. If my mother didn't have long legs, she could just jump and walk. It has become the food in the belly of those beasts!"

The man turned pale and said: "The two challengers who were driven out of the village on the first day have been eaten by wild beasts, leaving only bones, right in front..."

Xiao Lou looked at Yu Hanjiang, who said in a low voice, "Go into the mountain."

The woman was dumbfounded: "Are you crazy?! We can't stay in the mountains any longer, we have been hiding around. I advise you not to go in, just hide around here!"

Xiao Lou understood Dui Yu's meaning and helped explain: "Wolves are afraid of fire, we can light it."

The woman was stunned: "Could it be that you have drawn a card like [Lighter]?"

Xiao Lou didn't directly say that the one he drew was Bai Juyi, he smiled and said, "Anyway, we have a way to light the fire. If you want to, you two can go with us. There are many people and it is convenient to drive away the beasts."

The man and woman looked at each other, and the man nodded with his head on the ground.

Ye Qi couldn't help but said: "Brother, can you change your body back to speak? You can only see one head, and I feel uncomfortable."

The man said: "Okay."

He changed back—this time even the only remaining head was gone, and only a lump of dirt could be seen slowly moving beside it.

Xiao Lou raised his forehead: "Let's go."

The lump of soil followed quickly, and so did the woman jumping like a zombie. Her legs were two meters high, like two pillars. This skill card was no less than Liu Qiao's flying with the help of trees.

A group of people entered the mountain and saw a big tree.

The howling of wild wolves became more and more clear, and the low roars of many ferocious beasts could be heard in his ears. The timid village head was trembling with fright and hugged his head. Only Ye Qi could pull him, so he could move.

Xiao Lou turned around and walked behind the tree with Yu Hanjiang, and quickly summoned Bai Juyi to light a charcoal fire. Before the couple could react, a cluster of flames appeared out of thin air. The woman said in amazement: "Your card is very interesting. It works."

Yu Hanjiang found a wooden stick, lit it and handed it to Liu Qiao as a torch, saying: "Xiao Liu, check to see if there are any snakes in the tree, hold the torch, be careful."

Liu Qiao nodded, took the torch and flew up the tree. She stepped on the leaves and inspected it carefully, and said: "There is nothing in this tree, only a nest of bird eggs was found on the top of the tree." She took the eggs down and said, "If someone is hungry, they can eat it." Night snack."

Yu Hanjiang said: "This tree can protect us from wind and rain, so let's use this as our base."

Xiao Lou agreed: "Okay, this tree is thick enough, everyone can sleep against it at night."

Ye Qi, Shao Qingge, and Xiao Lou immediately started to act. They brought some dry wood and put it aside for later use, and each of them lit a torch to avoid being approached by ferocious beasts or poisonous snakes.

The trembling village chief couldn't understand what these people were saying. After seeing the flames, his face softened a little. He took the torch from Ye Qi and sat silently beside the tree. Ye Qi was worried that the village chief would be scared to cry, so he thoughtfully played the flute for him and let him fall asleep directly.

Everyone sat on the ground around the charcoal fire, and none of them felt sleepy.

Just as he was about to roast the bird's eggs with fire, he heard footsteps coming from ahead.

Yu Hanjiang pricked up his ears vigilantly, and said, "Four people."

Xiao Lou was startled, and lowered his voice: "Four, could it be Lao Qi and the others?"

Liu Qiao immediately climbed up the tree, took a look from a high place, and said, "That's right, it's them."

After a while, the four of them followed the light of the fire to the open space, and saw that everyone was grilling food around the fire. The four of them were surprised and said: "Old Han, you guys are having a good time!" "Lighting a fire to scare away wild animals is a good way. "

Lao Han is Yu Hanjiang's pseudonym, and these four people are the employees of the design company that formed the group.

Xiao Lou greeted with a smile: "Come and sit."

The four of them came over and looked warily at the strange man and woman. Xiao Lou said, "Don't worry, the people here have already found the gems and are sure they can pass the level. There is no competition among them."

Yu Hanjiang said in a low voice: "In order to dispel the guard, take out the gemstones and confirm."

Everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to take it out.

Yu Hanjiang was the first to take out his gemstones neatly, and Shao Qingge and Liu Qiao also took out their gemstones.

Lao Qi followed closely and spread out his palms, the young couple

The couple, Xiao Wu, also took out the box from her pocket, and the woman who knew how to jump zombies saw everyone take it out, so she also spread out her palms to confirm.

"Golden green cat's eye, moonstone cat's eye, Hetian jasper cat's eye, quartz cat's eye, alexandrite cat's eye, tourmaline cat's eye..." Shao Qingge listed all the cat's eye varieties in turn.

"You know jade very well?" the curly-haired woman asked curiously.

"Someone in the family is engaged in related business." Shao Qingge touched his chin with a smile, and said: "These gemstones are of very good quality, and the cat's eyeliner is all in the middle, and they are slender and translucent. Every gemstone is priceless, seven The bracelets made up cost hundreds of thousands at least—I’m talking about the price in RMB, which should be in the tens of millions when converted into gold coins.”

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and they wanted to take the gems out of the secret room to exchange for money.

Ye Qi asked curiously: "There are six here, where is the last one left?"

Shao Qingge said: "The last one should be a red red-haired crystal opal..."

As soon as the words fell, the opals in everyone's hands suddenly disappeared.

Everyone stared at the empty palm, and they were taken aback for a moment. Before they realized what was going on, they saw Yu Hanjiang rushing out like a sharp arrow, and a fruit knife was directly pressed against the throat of the man not far away: "Give back the stone to everyone!" .”

The man was wearing a silver mask, and his voice was calm: "Don't get excited, one gem and seven gems can pass the level, I won't be so stupid as to snatch your stones and offend all of you."

Through the mask, he glanced at the crowd sitting around the fire, and spread his palms.

In the palm of the man's right hand were the six gemstones that everyone took out for confirmation just now, while in the palm of the left hand was the red eye stone he had obtained. He looked at Xiao Lou and said with a smile: "The last one , here with me."

Xiao Lou nodded: "I saw you by the pond, your ability to 'fetch things from a distance' is really good."

The man smiled and said, "It's easy to say, I'll borrow everyone's gems and use them, and I'll return them to you right away."

Realizing that he was not malicious, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The man asked, "Who has thin wire? Or something like steel wire?"

Everyone said no, Liu Qiao reacted: "You want to string seven gems into a bracelet?"

The man nodded, but it was a pity that everyone didn't have thread in their hands. Xiao Lou looked at the woman with long curly hair and said with a smile, "Please pull out a hair and try to see if you can string it together?"

The woman immediately pulled out a long hair and handed it to the masked man.

The masked man passed his hair through the holes of the seven jewels.

Ye Qi whispered: "Could it be true that collecting all seven gems can summon a dragon?"

At the moment when the seven gems were strung together, a prompt was brushed in the floating frame of everyone at the scene——

Spades 4 [Liuxi Village] secret room, the challenger connects seven gems in series to trigger hidden rewards. After clearing the level, an extra opal will be rewarded. When the level is perfectly cleared and the evaluation is S, each team will be rewarded with an opal bracelet and a [Liuxi Village Story Card].

According to Mr. Shao's valuation, an opal bracelet is worth hundreds of thousands of yuan. Wouldn't it be a fortune to sell it in the main city?

Surprised looks appeared on everyone's faces.

Unexpectedly, the most correct way to clear the customs in Liuxi Village is that all the challengers who got the gems jointly hide outside the village and restore the gems to the bracelet of the deceased Sun Yueqing thirty-five years ago.

Xiao Lou looked at the masked man and said, "You already knew this?"

The other party came over and sat down next to him, and said, "I also play too many games, and I want to try to see what happens when I collect all the props."

Ye Qi: "..."

This is really the routine of the game!

The masked man returned the gem to everyone and said, "I heard your action plan, and I will join in too."

Lao Qi's team and Xiao Lou's team have reached a tacit understanding. The man and woman who hid at the beginning did not know the situation in the village. They looked at each other and asked suspiciously: "What plan?"

Xiao Lou patiently explained: "On the fifth day, Liuxi Village's annual autumn harvest festival, Grandma Sun and Mrs. Qin are going to join forces to slaughter the village. We decided to save people, so we might get an S rating."

Shao Qingge looked at the two of them with a smile, and said: "The two of you escaped from the village ahead of time, so you made a mistake and made the right move. When you meet us, Old Han and Brother Xiao, you just need to be responsible and win."

The couple looked at each other with excitement on their faces.

They didn't even think about clearing the level perfectly, but they ended up like this, lie down and win? This luck is too good!

Shao Qingge, who has been lying down all year round, said that lying down is really comfortable.

If he, Xiao Lou, and Team Yu could enter the main city, they would probably be the richest challengers.

In the financial crisis of the 3 of spades, Shao Qingge manipulated the stock market and made a million dollars. In Liuxi Village, which is the 4 of spades, if you collect all seven opals, you will trigger hidden rewards, and the bracelet will bring you a lot of money if you sell it. Maybe if they go to the main city, they can buy a big house if they are super rich?

A better life seems to be waving to them ahead.

The author has something to say:

good night, see you tomorrow:)

Mr. Shao said that the rich team has plenty of money!

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