When his wife rushed in, Su Qingyun was dealing with some daily documents. He read them at a glance and signed and approved if they felt they were acceptable. If not, he refused. This was the first time he had seen his wife acting so rude.

Of course, after hearing the content, he was also excited. He grabbed her hand hard and asked hurriedly, "Are you serious?"

When Fang Mingyue saw her husband who was even more rude, she resisted the urge to lose her temper and gradually calmed down, "Yes, everything is true. When I saw her, I confirmed her. What do you think...should we let her go?" Boss, do they just admit defeat?"

When they left Su Jiameng, the child was still very young. How much memory did he have at that time? When they first saw the basic information given by the Gu family, they just felt that this child was destined to them, but they never thought that she would be the person they had longed for.

Until one time, they accidentally discovered the novel she wrote. The opening content was extremely familiar, especially the description of the heroine's parents and the general background setting of the world, which made their hearts beat wildly. Is it possible that the child is coming back?

Although I hope this is true, I still worry about gains and losses, and dare not have too many delusions, lest the blow at the time be unacceptable to them. But as more and more investigations were conducted against Su Jiameng, a certain suspicion in his mind became more and more firm.

The couple spent two days reading the lengthy but still unfinished novel, and later found a lot of favorable evidence that could support their conjectures. That child... was the child they lost!

Realizing this, Su Qingyun could hardly sit still. She wished she could fly to the Silena Galaxy right now to bring her daughter back and never let her leave his sight again. I didn't protect her well before, but now I can't let her get hurt even if I try my best.

But after all, he is a man who holds the position of marshal. No matter how impulsive he is, he will not really act like this. He forced himself to calm down and couldn't rush the matter of acknowledging his relatives. It was impossible for him to patronize his own feelings and ignore Su Jiameng's thoughts.

The couple had been away from her for decades. While she was struggling to survive in that world, the couple lived peacefully in this world and took root here. They also gave birth to four children in a row, giving them a complete family.

When they first came to this world, the more peaceful and happy they lived, the more painful a certain part of their hearts became. Su Qingyun even secretly imagined when there was no one around, let the child die early, maybe she would come to this world to join them.

Of course, such thoughts only passed by for a moment, and after he woke up, he slapped himself hard twice. As a father, he did not think that his child would live happily in the future, but secretly hoped that she would die soon. He was simply a fool!

The inexplicable appearance of their couple in this world is already the greatest gift from God. Even if the child died, he might not have such an adventure. Su Qingyun silently spurned herself. No matter how much she wanted to see her daughter, she could not have such excessive thoughts.

But he didn't expect that after many years, they would actually have a chance to see that daughter! The wife wants to see her daughter, and he wants to see her too. But when he thought of the plot in that novel, where the child was implicated by the couple and involved in a military dispute, he felt ashamed to see her.

Although he liked his wife's suggestion very much and wanted to see the child soon, after careful consideration, he still reluctantly rejected the proposal. He said, "This is not appropriate. If the boss and the others are asked to admit defeat, of course they will agree, but they will definitely not be happy in their hearts, and Xiaomeng will not like this. She has the strength to suppress the four younger brothers, you have to believe her .”

He knew very well what kind of temper the four boys in the family had. If he forced them to admit defeat, it would only prompt them to vent their dissatisfaction on Xiaomeng. And according to Xiaomeng's temperament, he probably wouldn't be surprised by such a success.

"Of course I believe this, but I feel unhappy when I think of having to pretend to be a stranger before that." Fang Mingyue clenched her fists, feeling unspeakably suffocated. She actually wanted to show off her cards today, but she also knew that it was not a good opportunity.

"No matter how unpleasant it is, we have been waiting for so many years, and we don't care if we wait a few more days." Su Qingyun squeezed his wife's hand and asked warmly, "That's it, okay? Give each other more time." Some buffer time to prepare.”

After confirming that her daughter was in this world, Su Qingyun's plan also changed. In the past, I just thought about trying to resist the Zerg and persist as long as I could. But now that I have more concerns, I naturally can't have such a negative attitude.

Maybe...you should do something. He also needs to become stronger and become a tree that shelters his daughter from the wind and rain! Xiaomeng is now involved with the Gu family... By the way, when he thinks of this, he is itching with hatred and wants to tear Gu Ningxuan into pieces!

Damn it, a stupid brat from a rigid family like the Gu family, how dare you touch his precious daughter! When the time comes to recognize her daughter, she must completely isolate Gu Ningxuan. His daughter naturally deserves the best man!

But during this period, he looked at the potential young subordinates under him. In the past, the more he looked at them, the more he liked them. Now, the more he looks at them, the more he dislikes them. Their performance is too poor! It is impossible to pick a satisfactory son-in-law from here, and it is not as pleasing to the eye as that wooden Gu Ningxuan.

Of course, he wanted his daughter to stay away from Gu Ningxuan, but he also knew that this possibility was too slim.

They both have children, and their bond is deep. How could it be so easy to break it off? If she did not leave Gu Ningxuan, Su Qingyun, the father, could only work hard to become stronger so that the Gu family would not dare to look down on his daughter. If your natal family is strong, you will have more confidence to speak!

Gu family... Su Qingyun heavily drew a circle on it. He was clearly jealous and cursed in his heart, but he couldn't move his hands. It was so frustrating! It was obvious that his daughter had been robbed, why couldn't he jump out and strangle that kid to death!

Su Qingyun felt extremely resentful and slapped a villain named [Gu Ningxuan] in her heart. Damn it...let him steal someone else's daughter!

After Su Jiameng returned, Gu Ningxuan came over and asked her, "Xiaomeng met the marshal's wife, what was your first impression?"

Su Jiameng said meaningfully, "Not bad. In terms of looks, I think Ah Xuan will probably like this mother-in-law very much."

Gu Ningxuan's spine broke out in cold sweat. After all, he was also the future [mother-in-law]. What did he, the son-in-law, like about his [looks]? These words sound very touching, and Xiaomeng always looks like he doesn't trust himself... He is very loyal and will never cheat.

Someone was frightened, and Su Jiameng, who deliberately took him into a ditch, said that she was innocent. It's not that she doubts Gu Ningxuan, but that the other person's imagination is too big to make up for it, so it's none of her business? However, when he saw his mother-in-law later, Gu Ningxuan was really frightened.

Thanks to the free donation of the reborn sister Su Qinwu, Gu Ningxuan has an extra place to relax. Using Sister Rebirth's brain to log into the interstellar network, he once again came to the virtual network in that plane and at the same time sent a message to Marshal Gu.

"Are you bored over there?" I came to see him every now and then. I really thought he, the marshal, didn't work! He is very busy!

"I'm currently on vacation, and I'll probably go back to the battlefield in a month and a half."

Gu Ningxuan was lying on the beach chair, wearing only a pair of tropical-style loose shorts and a pair of sunglasses on his head, showing a leisurely posture of sunbathing.

"Oh, congratulations on leaving early and never coming back." Marshal Gu said coldly, it's best not to bother him again.

The Marshal spoke mercilessly, but Gu Ningxuan didn't care at all. The two of them knew each other very well, just like they knew themselves. Gu Ningxuan could not help but treat him as a "best friend" and talk to him about everything.

Of course, given the high degree of unity and differences between the two planes in some aspects, they also like to exchange information and see if the other party has the information they need.

Anyway, his Xiaomeng has left this intelligence to himself, and he can come here whenever he wants. It feels pretty good to take a sunbathe and talk to Marshal Gu about his parents' shortcomings.

"How have you been lately?" He pushed up his sunglasses, revealing a pair of energetic eyes with a springy look on his face. "It looks like you're not having a good time. I feel like you're a lot more haggard than before."

Marshal Gu snorted in his heart, why didn't he know that [he] still had the tendency of being an old lady, so why did he speak so verbosely?

If you want to show off, just say it straight away. Why do you beat around the bush? It's not straightforward. "Do you think I'm as leisurely as you? It's normal to be busy."

The profession of marshal is not easy. He can't lead the army at will like before. More often, he stays in the rear and controls the overall situation. But Marshal Gu didn't like this feeling. He yearned for the blood of the battlefield, rather than squatting behind as a clerk.

Of course, since he delegated most of the tedious work to a few lieutenants, he also had more time.

Coupled with the [plug-in] Gu Ningxuan, many things can be prepared in advance.

After being a marshal for so long, this was the first time he knew that there were so many hidden dangers within the alliance.

The Zerg War was a murder caused by a laboratory. The laboratory created troublesome puppets lurking in various families, and also released a lot of genetic poisons and drugs... to stop people from living!

However, being a marshal also has the advantages of being a marshal. He has very wide authority to deploy troops and generals.

Those guys who were identified one by one, he quietly threw them in batches to the most dangerous places on the front line. They were useless and threatening cannon fodder anyway. It would be good to shine at the end of their lives. Kill a few more. Only the Zerg can be considered a contribution.

Think about the Gu family in Gu Ningxuan's plane. They tormented several people and damaged their own family. However, when Marshal Gu took action, he used the hands of the Zerg to clean up those hidden dangers. He was so ruthless that no one reacted at all. time.

Chapter One……

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