Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 366 359: The reborn sister loses her vest (Part 2)

Among the three brothers of the Gu family, except for the middle one Gu Ningzhi who was idle and not doing his job properly, Su Qinwu had contact with the other two.

Needless to say, Gu Ningyi was her male god. Of course, she felt that she would no longer worship this man on the altar, but would instead be determined to conquer him! Let him give up everything for himself! And Gu Ningxuan?

She only wanted to use two words to describe this man - Haha! When he thought that he had witnessed the most embarrassing and unbearable past in his life, Su Qinwu couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in his heart! Gu Ningxuan, the youngest marshal of the alliance, her former husband, Dong Shouyi's good brother, and the person she hated the most in her midnight dream, now appeared in front of her!

Su Qinwu will never forget what happened that day. The roaring Zerg were raging everywhere. The originally peaceful planet instantly turned into a hell. Everywhere was filled with howls and cries for help before death. The whole world turned gray at this moment.

She turned pale with fright. She hugged her son tightly and hid in the storage room, praying that those things would not find them.

Her son's frightened cries made her feel distressed and angry at the same time. She felt distressed for the little guy who cried hoarsely and was out of breath, but she was also angry that the child didn't know what to do and didn't know how to observe the situation around him! No matter what time it is, the Zerg are raging everywhere. Does this stupid son cry so hard to attract the Zerg to kill their mother and son? This kid is just as annoying as his father!

Every time Su Qinwu dreamed of that scene, she couldn't help but feel regretful and sad, and wanted to apologize to her timid son.

Su Qinwu's situation in the Dong Shouyi family was not very good in her last life. She looked down on Dong Shouyi from the bottom of her heart, and the Dongshou family also vaguely alienated her because of her behavior and the harm she caused to Dong Shouyi. None of the many servants was a true Respect and love her.

Of course, this was Su Qinwu's unilateral view, and in fact the Dongshou family did not try to accept her. However, Su Qinwu's vision was too high to see her, and Dong Shouyi was content with his current meekness, so she subconsciously wanted to ignore her. That’s all.

Although Su Qinwu didn't like this son very much because of Dong Shouyi's relationship, she also felt that his son's existence was like an eyesore. He was undesirable and superfluous. He had no other use than bringing trouble to her. . But no matter what, that child is also a split part of her body, connected by blood with her, and mother and son have been dependent on each other for many years!

But... the child was pushed into the mouth of the Zerg with her own hands. She can still remember the child's wet eyes, the expression of pain and grievance when it was bitten, and the words "Mom, I hurt so much", Make her feel infinitely guilty and regretful.

Every time she had a nightmare, she would see a cute boy looking at her with admiration, calling her "mom" in a sweet and waxy voice, and showing two little ones when he smiled. Her round dimples and eyes are bright, pure and flawless, like the purest and most beautiful black gems in the world. Just being looked at by him makes you want to soften your heart.

But in the second half of the dream, this beautiful little angel would always ask her why she pushed him away, why she didn't want him, why she didn't save him... Su Qinwu wanted to answer that she didn't do it on purpose, but that her body made this action involuntarily. …

Then, Su Qinwu would always be horrified to see this child suppress his smile and approach him with an evil and sinister look on his face. Blood flowed out from all parts of his body, with bleeding from all his orifices. His eyes were full of sorrow and hatred. Behind him were a group of people trying to get closer. of Zerg.

[Look, Mom, I am in their belly, they are me, they are all your sons... Come and play with us...]

The nightmare ended with Su Qinwu being knocked down and bitten to death by the half-zerg who claimed to be her son. She woke up in a cold sweat.

She had had such nightmares countless times over the years, and the fear of them had consumed all her inner apologies and guilt. She even felt that this incident was not her fault, that the child was here to collect debts, and was born with a her!

The first thing she hated was her haunting son. Now that she had started a new life, why did he still keep torturing her in her dreams? The second person I hate is Gu Ningxuan! After the disaster broke out, Gu Ningxuan came to save the mother and son for Dong Shouyi's sake. This was supposed to be a very brotherly act, but many years later, Su Qinwu hated him!

She hated Gu Ningxuan for not coming earlier and later, but he came just when she pushed her son into the Zerg's mouth and was bitten to death.

Not only did he see her in the most embarrassing situation, but she also lost her only son! If Gu Ningxuan had come earlier, she would not have pushed her son into the Zerg's mouth because she was too scared. Naturally, she would not have suffered from nightmares for many years. If she had come later, he would not have seen her behavior. She could have lied about her son. He was killed before the Zerg came, not by her...

After so many years, Su Qinwu, who is now quite powerful, no longer wants to care about the sister who disappeared somewhere, because Su Qianxin can no longer enter Su Qinwu's eyes, and she has set her sights in a wider place!

Life in this life is much better than in the last life, but one thing has always been like a thorn in my throat. I can't take it out and swallow it. It hurts every time I move my mouth! That haunting child, and Gu Ningxuan, whom she hated.

She had nothing to do with Dong Shouyi in this life, so she would not have that child. Although Gu Ningxuan was still Gu Ningxuan, she had caused her to deviate from her original life path early, and she had the misfortune to pass away five years ago...

The people she wanted to take revenge on had all disappeared. Su Qinwu was very disappointed for a time. She was full of hatred but could only suppress it. No one could understand, and no one could understand her pain! But! Unexpectedly, God would treat her so kindly and send the object of her true hatred to her in person! Gu Ningxuan, Marshal Gu of the Alliance... you also have this day!

Su Qinwu's eyes flashed with fierceness, and she slowly approached the unconscious Gu Ningxuan, with an uncontrollable laugh on her face! The strange thing is that although she was laughing, she didn't make a sound, as if she was performing a silent movie.

"Here comes..." Staring at that mature face, Su Qinwu endured it again and again, and finally suppressed the wild laughter that was about to burst out, and said in a strange and awkward voice, "Tie him up tightly and use the most advanced The confinement weapon!"

Gu Ningxuan was still unconscious. Naturally, he could not have known that he was tied to a high platform specially used for electric shock executions. His hands were tied to his back, and his feet were also tied with special materials. His whole body was because of the huge transparent egg. A shaped instrument suspended in mid-air, still wearing the turquoise military uniform, not concealing its majesty and solemnity.

Su Qinwu has been developing his own power over the years, tapping various talents, either coercing and luring them, or convincing them with emotion and reason. He has used all kinds of means to recruit talents and spent huge sums of money to establish this secret power! However, people who are attracted by this method are always prone to problems, so Su Qinwu also established a special execution department, which is usually used to entertain disobedient subordinates or annoying and uncooperative children. Today's owner is the most powerful person in the alliance. Young marshal... Haha, Gu Ningxuan!

"Give him a sting to wake him up!"

Su Qinwu couldn't wait to see the collapse in Gu Ningxuan's always cold expression! He probably never thought that she was still alive, right?

Su Qinwu didn't know how Gu Ningxuan came here from his "previous life", but as long as she knew that she had a grudge against this man and that she wanted to take revenge on him now, that was enough!

The rest, like when she was intercepted on the interstellar network, are just trivial matters!

A young man in a white coat beside him raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at the military uniform on Gu Ningxuan, then lowered his eyelids sadly, and resignedly took out a light green injection. The color looked bright under the daylight. Extremely translucent and bright.

This kind of injection is commonly known as "stinging agent" and is not circulated in pharmacies or hospitals on the market because its main function is to cause muscle and nerve disorder and pain in the human body. If used too much, it will have serious sequelae.

Usually, these things are used to punish some boys and girls who are disobedient and unwilling to cooperate in training. To put it bluntly, they are illegal drugs used for torture.

Of course, in some special cases, this injection is also beneficial, but it is rarely used.

Although the researcher did not know who the Alliance soldier was being tortured, he also knew that he should be a man that Su Qinwu hated extremely. Perhaps before he fell into Su Qinwu's hands, this man was still an unknown hero who was brave and good at fighting and defending the Alliance.

But once you enter here, you can't control anything. The young man wearing a white coat and gloves inserted a large number of injections into Gu Ningxuan's flesh and blood, and slowly pushed the liquid in, which would make the person being injected feel more painful.

"Master, I'm fine." The young man pushed most of the medicinal solution into the special bag in his cuff with cryptic movements, then pretended that the task was completed, and told Su Qinwu with an indifferent expression, "He is currently in an inexplicable deep coma. , after a stinging agent has completely taken effect, it can be awakened, which will take three to five minutes..."

"One more!" Su Qinwu crossed her legs, folded her hands around her chest, and leaned back on the luxuriously decorated chair. Her expression was cold, and a scarlet color seemed to flash in her eyes. "If two more don't work, just give me two more." Three, four, there are plenty of stingers here!”

The young man's expression was startled, and he almost lost the strength to hold things in his hands. After a long time, he said in a dry voice, "Yes, follow the instructions carefully!"

However, Gu Ningxuan's awakening speed was beyond the young man's imagination. One-third of the stinging agent actually caused the opponent to wake up slowly within a minute!

When the young man discovered this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and put the stinging agent back in its place.

_(:з」∠)_ Shiitake suddenly had a question, how many children's shoes are fattening this book?

PS: I recommend gay friend Jade's new book "Zhai Dou". There is not only fighting inside the gate of the mansion, but also Dou Bi, and the cute and stupid things Do Bi will do. This is the amusing life of a silly foodie who has zero house-fighting skills but is extremely blessed and lucky, living in the back house.

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