Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 343 338: Father’s inheritance (Part 2)

Ever since Gu Molin lived with his two buns, his quality of life has steadily improved. Not to mention how shocked the two smart great-great-grandchildren were to him, Su Mo's craftsmanship alone was enough to impress the old man, and his hidden attribute [Foodie] was triggered.

Although he is already a retired marshal, he still has connections in the military and political circles. Ever since the Zerg incident broke out, he has been holding endless meetings every day, and privately he has to be vigilant about the bad guys. A reliable marshal's son.

The Human Alliance's territory is too big. There are ten galaxies. How many habitable planets are there in each galaxy? Every planet must be taken care of, and no checkpoints between planets can be relaxed. The marshal must take care of the military defense arrangements during this period. This made Gu Zhengye, who had always regarded the position of marshal as an iron rice bowl for his retirement, completely miserable and so tired that he had panda eyes.

On the other hand, Gu Molin was raised fair and fat by Su Mo, who was extremely skilled in craftsmanship. Even the wrinkles on his face were stretched out by the flesh and flesh, and his complexion looked rosy and radiant. When standing with his son, the contrast is even more obvious.

Gu Molin even went so far as to take photos of his five meals a day and send them to Marshal Gu Zhengye regularly, who was hungry and could only eat tasteless nutritious meals. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon dessert, dinner, supper, five meals in total, this old man is not afraid of stuffing himself! Every time he receives a photo, Gu Zhengye is in the most irritable mood.

Two steamed buns... Oh, I'm not fat now, I should be called Shota... They hurried home as fast as possible. As soon as they entered the yard, they saw two familiar strangers kneeling on the ground obediently. My great-grandfather was lying leisurely on the couch basking in the sun.

"Grandpa...we are back." Huaifeng shouted loudly as soon as he stepped into the courtyard, alerting three people in the courtyard.

As soon as he saw his two great-great-grandchildren returning, the smile on Gu Molin's face gradually deepened. He waved to them with a smile and shouted vigorously, "Xiao Feng Xiao Xi, you two children, come here quickly..." …Let Grandpa take a look…”

The young man who was kneeling on the ground listening to the training raised his head when he heard the words. Gu Molin snorted coldly, picked up the tickle next to him, and touched their heads twice, "Who asked you to raise your heads? All of you lower your heads and reflect. , If you don’t reflect on a reason today, you will continue to kneel down until the end of the world! Neither of them will make people worry... Both of them like to be smart..."

When had Huaixi and Huaifeng seen Gu Molin get angry? Now that I saw him reprimanding people, I was frightened for a moment, and my nerves were tense. When Gu Molin saw this, the anger in his heart didn't come out again. He once again [caressed] the heads of the two young men and said, "Look at you, one or two of them are so fierce and evil that they are so stupid that they can kill two nephews." They were all scared..."

nephew? Huaixi's heart skipped a beat, and he looked carefully at the two young men kneeling to listen to the training, and found that one of them was Gu Ningzhi, whom he had met once at Daystar, his second uncle by blood... So, this meant that the other The older one is his uncle?

Huaixi and Huaifeng both fantasized about what it would be like to meet the two legendary uncles... At present, it seems that their fantasies are shattered.

Gu Ningzhi really didn't even have the courage to refute such an unfounded accusation.

If the person who said these words is their father Gu Qidong, whether it is Gu Ningzhi or Gu Ningyi, show him the face! But now it is Grandpa Zeng, who is highly respected in the family, who is scolding them. They are really dumb and unable to speak out their sufferings.

"Grandpa, are they...the eldest uncle and the second uncle?" Huaifeng has the attributes of [self-acquainted] and [people come crazy]. He has never known what it means to observe people's emotions. His ability to act coquettishly is second-to-none, and he is also the most popular among the elderly. .

"For the sake of two children, two smart fools, let's all live together." Gu Molin said with a tigerish face, and his words were even more merciless, but this is the tradition of the men of the Gu family. With [Xin Huan] ] just dislike [old love].

Now that the fifth generation of the Gu family has emerged, and they are quite healthy, the grown-up brothers named "Ning" who are not cute are naturally not lovable. Not to mention the rebellious behavior of Gu Ningyi and Gu Ningzhi, the old man did not say that he wanted to forgive...

"Yes, great-grandfather." Gu Ningyi and Gu Ningzhi stood up, with no expression of displeasure on their faces.

They had expected that their great-grandfather would be angry, which was understandable. What their brothers did back then was indeed unethical, and they still came to him secretly after so many years. Anyone else would have kept a straight face and said one or two scolding words, but they all said that it was nothing.

In fact, Gu Molin was indeed a little angry, but he was not angry about anything else. He was angry that the two of them rarely went home, but they did not dare to look back at home openly, but came to him secretly... When did the Gu family man become so timid?

Facing brothers Gu Ningyi and Gu Huaixi, Gu Molin's expression always switches perfectly and seamlessly, one side is fierce and the other side is gentle and kind, "Xiao Feng, you two don't pay attention, take a shower after exercising and then come back. Look. Look at the sweat all over your body, what should you do if you accidentally catch a cold? Come on, drink some hot water first, and then take a shower..."

The Gu Ningyi brothers looked at each other, with only one meaning in their eyes - this is differential treatment! Did they pick it up?

"Grandpa, no need. My brother said that he has something to tell Grandpa..." Huaifeng's eyes were bright and black, and he always had a bright smile on his face. He and his brother are really symmetrical, one has acquired facial paralysis, and the other is paralyzed with a smile.

"Oh? Xiaoxi, what do you want to tell Grandpa?" Gu Molin attaches great importance to the education of children. His education method is very consistent with Changxi's, but he is better at following the guidance and letting the children think and grow on their own. "But Are you having trouble training?"

Huaixi shook his head and glanced briefly at Gu Ningyi and Gu Ningzhi. The defense and rejection in their eyes were obvious. Although they were related by blood, Huaixi did not think that these two people could be trusted. Blood relationship did not mean 100% free trust.

Gu Molin did not correct the child's subconscious defensiveness and cautious behavior. For him, it was not a bad thing for the child to be defensive. It would be bad if he was fooled out of his money and sold to help people count the money. !

"It doesn't matter, your two uncles are both strict-mouthed people, but they are easy to talk. If Xiao Xi feels that the matter is important and is inconvenient to speak out, she should whisper it to her great-grandfather first. If her great-grandfather thinks they can listen, then You keep talking. If you can't listen, we'll talk in another place." Gu Molin smiled heartily and looked at the Gu Ningyi brothers with teasing eyes.

Huaixi thought for a moment, then stepped forward and whispered in his ear. The smile on Gu Molin's face instantly froze, his eyes shone with surprise, and there was unstoppable joy in his voice, "Child... …What you said…is it true?”

Huaixi replied with a serious expression, "Yes, my great-great-grandson dare not hide anything. This is something left by his father. Although it should belong to my brother and I, the matter has already involved the alliance, so the division cannot be solved by simple inheritance. "

After all, Gu Molin was a person who was used to seeing wind and waves. The joy in his heart quickly suppressed and he became calm. He glanced at Brother Gu Ningyi and said, "It's okay to tell your two uncles about this matter. They both have a certain relationship with your mother and can be trusted."

Huaixi then took out the contract, as well as a screenshot of a certain passage in the letter, "This is the planet my father purchased..."

As soon as he said this, Gu Ningyi understood what the [Planet Purchased] was. He was also aware of this matter, and he was also confused as to why Gu Ningxuan wanted to buy a planet without any energy or profit at a high price. After thinking about it, I just thought that the other party wanted to use this planet as a proposal gift to impress Su Jiameng... Giving a planet sounds very cool.

However, now that I hear it, it seems that things are not that simple? At least the younger brother didn't just buy a planet to satisfy some vanity, but had further considerations... He quietly waited for Huaixi's next words.

"...according to the contract and the letter written by my father to my mother, I explained a very important thing...that planet is extremely rich in natural Clay ore!" If the amount of mineral reserves was average, Huaixi would not be so gloomy. , after training, he didn’t even bother to take a shower, so he took his younger brother and ran home. He and Huaifeng both have a lot of clay ore, which is comparable to ore veins with average ore reserves.

However, according to the information revealed in the contract and letters, these Clay ores are spread over one-tenth of the land of the planet! That planet is quite special. The land area accounts for 70% of the entire planet. There are no large oceans, but only criss-crossing rivers.

The size of the planet is even dozens of times that of the ancient Earth! Based on this calculation, how much Clay ore should there be? He didn't dare to think deeply...

"Natural... Clay ore..." Except for Gu Ningzhi who was a little confused, Gu Ningyi and Gu Molin both understood how precious this kind of thing was. Gu Ningyi would know because Su Jiameng herself revealed it personally, and her novel also mentioned the preciousness of this thing. Gu Molin will know because he has already contacted Qiu Yexuan and others and knows more in-depth content...

"Yes... maybe it's not very necessary now, but with the spread of the Zerg, it will become very important." Huaixi said calmly, "Isn't Grandpa Zeng preparing for the awakening of his mind recently? Clay Ore is indispensable. .”

Gu Ningyi and Gu Ningzhi both looked at Huaixi and Gu Molin in surprise. How dare the old man let children know these confidential contents?

How did they know that except for Zhu Mengqing who had re-enlisted in the army and struggled, the only people who were capable of guiding thoughts at present were these two children. They are naturally qualified to know this information.

"I know, I will send more people to take over there... But..." Gu Molin tilted his head and reached out to poke Huai Xi's cheek, "As for who to send, it is up to you and Xiao Feng to decide , those people will all belong to you from now on..."

Huaixi looked at the other party in shock, vaguely guessing what he meant.

"Xi and Feng are the most famous warriors among the ancestors of the Gu family. Grandpa hopes that you can do better than them and live up to these two names! Do you understand? Haha... There is no need to put too much pressure on, Grandpa is always here. …”

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