The entire school is under martial law! Even if I am the principal?

After Liu Jianguo hung up the phone.

In a trance.

He heard a burst of movement outside the experimental building.

Liu Jianguo raised his eyebrows, but his expression didn’t change much.

“Colonel Li’s movements are so fast!”

He walked to the window and looked down.

I saw.

The National University of Defense Technology of Longguo fell into the night.


On the road to campus.

Countless SWAT riot vehicles, armored vehicles, etc. with flashing police lights.

They roared towards the experimental building.

After stopping at the entrance of the experimental building.

For a moment.

Countless police officers with guns jumped out of the car.

Then they gathered together urgently, standing upright and waiting for the captain’s order.

Even upstairs, Liu Jianguo could hear their captain’s powerful voice.

“Everyone has it!”

an order was given.

All the gun-wielding officers and soldiers had their feet together and their eyes were bright and extremely sharp.

The captain ordered.

“Seal down the entire experimental building and set up a cordon!”

“No one is allowed to enter the experimental building!”

“Investigators, find a good position and closely monitor the surrounding situation. If you find anything suspicious, report it immediately.”

” When necessary, coercive measures will be used.”

“All officers and soldiers must ensure the absolute safety of the experimental building.”

“Did you hear that?!!”

The words fell.

All SWAT officers and soldiers took the order and shouted.



Deploy as ordered.

Special police officers and soldiers were ordered to arrive at their posts, surrounded the entire experimental building and set up a cordon.

Each post is three meters tall, with guns and martial law.

Each SWAT comrade has eyes like a falcon, sharply monitoring the surrounding area and not letting go of any clues.

There were piercing sirens and loud noises in the experimental building.

Many students who had just fallen asleep were suddenly awakened.

They were sleepy-eyed and dragged their tired bodies out of bed.

Looking out the window at the flashing police lights.

The sleepiness on his face disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The classmates in the same dormitory were talking a lot.

“Something happened outside?”

“I don’t know? There was such a big commotion. Could it be that there was an accident?”

“The police cars are here. It seems like it’s not a big deal!”


There was movement in the laboratory building. , also woke up everyone in Tang Xiaorou’s dormitory.

Chen Jiaojiao complained sleepily with a drooped face.

“What happened outside? It made such a big noise and prevented people from sleeping?”

She had just fallen asleep for a short time when she was woken up before Zhou Gong saw her.

Qian Jiajia couldn’t help but say.

“There seems to be the sound of a police car. It’s fine. Why did the police car come to the school?”

Qian Jiajia got up from the bed and looked out the window.

Tang Xiaorou also looked out the window at this time.

Because of the location.

From their position, they could not see the whole view of the experimental building.

Only the reflection through the window glass could vaguely see countless police lights flashing over there.

Tang Xiaorou was full of doubts.

This is the Longguo University of Defense Technology.

Logically speaking.

In terms of safety, I dare not say that it is the first among all universities in Dragon Kingdom, but it must be among the best!

Now the police officers are attracted.

How big of a deal has this happened?

Tang Xiaorou couldn’t help but said.

“The police car came to the school in the middle of the night. Something serious probably happened inside the school.”

She frowned slightly.

First, there was a power outage across the school and the city just now.

Now the police car is coming to school again.

For some reason, Tang Xiaorou always felt that something was wrong.

It seems… there is a vague feeling that there seems to be an inexplicable connection between the two.

She thought that Xu Hao must have been awakened by such a loud movement.

So, she picked up her phone and prepared to ask Xu Hao about the situation there.

Sent a WeChat message to Xu Hao.


After waiting for a long time, I did not receive a reply from Xu Hao.

“Were you not woken up by such a big movement?”

Seeing this, Tang Xiaorou hesitated for a moment and dialed Xu Hao’s phone directly.


What she didn’t expect was that Xu Hao’s call was not answered for a long time?

“What’s going on?!”

“You’re not answering the phone, are you really asleep?”

As far as she knew, Xu Hao’s dormitory seemed not far from the experimental building!

How could Xu Hao sleep with such a loud movement?

After trying to call a few more times, but still no one answered, Tang Xiaorou gave up.

At this time, Qian Jiajia asked.

“Xiaorou, doesn’t your little boyfriend know what happened?”

Tang Xiaorou shook her head.

“He can’t get through on the phone.”

“Huh?” Qian Jiajia was a little surprised.

Then she guessed.

“Could it be that something happened to them?”

Hearing this, Tang Xiaorou’s heart tightened.

Just when she was planning to contact Xu Hao again to ask about the situation.

In the class group, the counselor suddenly started talking to everyone.

Tang Xiaorou opened it and took a look.

When I saw the notice sent by the counselor, my eyes suddenly shrank slightly.

The counselor said in the group.

“Receive an urgent notice from the school!”

“Military training for freshmen has been temporarily cancelled. We will wait for further notice when it restarts.”

“At the same time, everyone will stay in the dormitory these days. No one is allowed to leave the dormitory without special circumstances.”

“Three meals a day . , and other daily needs, specialized personnel will provide them for you!”

“For other details, please wait for follow-up notifications!”

As soon as this notification came out, the whole class went crazy.

There were many discussions in the group.

“What the hell! What’s going on?”

“Military training is cancelled? Okay~”

“Something’s wrong, something’s wrong, did you hear the sirens outside? It’s probably related to this.”


All classes in Longke University received counseling After the announcement from the members, there was a lot of discussion.

at the same time.

Gu Jun, the president of Longguo National University of Defense Technology, also immediately learned about what happened at Longguo University from his assistant.

“Special police enter the school and the military closes the school?”

Gu Jun looked solemn and serious.

It is actually very common for things like this to happen at Longke University.

But it’s a bit rare to see something like this in the middle of the night.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked his assistant to arrange a vehicle and rush back to school.

The assistant did not find out the specific situation.

I heard that the superiors deliberately did not spread the news.

In order to find out, Gu Jun planned to go back in person to understand the specific situation.

Military vehicles were speeding on the roads of Longdu.

Not long after, he arrived at the gate of Longke University.

At this time.

The gate of Longke University was guarded by military personnel.

There are five steps and one post, guarded with guns.

Looking at this posture, it is obvious that something very important happened in the school.

Gu Jun’s thick eyebrows suddenly raised.

This aroused even more curiosity in his heart.

What needs such a big deal?


Even his assistant could not find out the specific situation.

Think of this.

Gu Jun couldn’t wait to ask the driver to drive to the school gate.

“Quick! Enter the school immediately!”

The driver took the order and immediately drove to the school gate.


at this time.

Military officers and soldiers guarding the school gate immediately stopped the car.

The sentry stepped forward through the gate and saluted Gu Jun first.

Then he said solemnly.

“Hello, comrade, there is an order from the superior!”

“During the martial law period, no one is allowed to enter or leave the Longke University campus!”

Hearing this.

Gu Jun was stunned!

He widened his eyes and looked at the sentry in front of him in disbelief.

As the principal of Longke University.

He was actually stopped and not allowed to enter the campus?

? ? ?

Gu Jun’s face was confused.

He thought the sentry didn’t know his identity, so he kept his voice low.

“I am Gu Jun, the president of Longke University!”


The sentry’s attitude remained decisive.


“No one is allowed to enter the campus without orders from superiors!”

Gu Jun suddenly became speechless.


“I’m the principal and can’t even go in?…”

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