“We have arrived, Chairman.”

Late that afternoon, I headed straight to Samjeong Hospital in Ilwon-dong.

The entrance to the hospital was overcrowded due to reporters who had already smelled it.

No matter how much the media is blocked at the company level, it seems to have its limits when it comes to important issues like this.

"uh! Isn't that Jaewoo Group Chairman Jin Hyun-seung?

Even though I got off from quite a distance, someone recognized me and yelled at me.

Reporters rushing towards me soon.

Since then, most of the questions that have been pouring in have been about Chairman Lee Yong-moon's condition, and it is the same as asking me about it and there is no answer.

“Please clear the way.”

I turned around with a very serious expression on my face.

Perhaps the voice was too loud, the reporters suddenly became quiet and the road slowly opened.

“I know that Samjong will make a separate announcement about Chairman Lee’s condition. Hani. Instead of doing this here, we would rather go to the press conference room that is being prepared in Samjeong.”

Without a word, he immediately rushed to the hospital.

“I’ll take you this way.”

Some of the bodyguards from Samjeong, who had been working hard to block reporters, found me and ran to me immediately, and immediately led the way to the ward where Chairman Lee Yong-moon was hospitalized.

'Heart attack...'

In fact, it was also the cause of Chairman Lee's death before his return.

The problem is that it happened more than 10 years earlier.

Is this also a result of the butterfly effect?

Even so, it was not expected that the butterfly effect would unfold in such a situation, so the embarrassment was multiplying.

“Welcome, Chairman Jin.”

Chairman Lee Young-hoon in the lobby of the special room. No, he is now in charge of Samjong Electronics' managing position, and when he sees me, he frowns and holds out his hand.

In hindsight, he had only met me face-to-face a few times.

However, since the relationship between me and Chairman Lee was so strong, it is true that he and I feel different.

“How are you?”

Lee Young-hoon's head shook quietly at the hint of a question.

Is it still a difficult situation?

If that is the case, it would be a very clear situation for Lee Young-hoon.

At least before his return, it was after Lee Young-hoon took control of the company to some extent, but not now.

'This is so... I can't imagine the future of Samjeong.'

I sighed for a moment and looked at Chairman Lee Yong-moon lying across the glass door.

He is seen lying helplessly with all life support devices dangling.

It is hard to believe that he is a giant of an era.

“Yesterday morning, while out for a walk or exercise, he suddenly collapsed.”

Lee Young-hoon, who came one step closer to me, continues with a detailed explanation of the situation.

He still fixed his gaze on Chairman Lee Yong-moon, and as he nodded his head, he also turned his gaze to the inside of the window and said:

“The alarmed bodyguards took first aid, but they said that the delay in the arrival of the paramedics was a huge blow.”

Had I been hiking, that would have been unavoidable.

Because 119 isn't some kind of superman.

The problem is that if you've been in cardiac arrest for a long time, there's little chance of recovery.

For me, once again, I am worried about the future of Samjeong.

“What does the doctor say?”

“They say they are in a coma, so there is nothing more to do. Still, we should expect to see even a single ray of light.”

There was nothing else to say, so I just nodded.

However, it is not possible to discuss the inheritance issue in this situation, and it is not a situation that will tell you that there will be a huge wave in the economic world centering on Samjeong for a while.

By the way, from the enormous inheritance tax issue to the establishment of the succession structure.

I'm already curious how you're going to handle it all.

“By the way, did you say that you recently succeeded in developing a 45-nm process at Jaewoo Semiconductor Lab?”

I was barely holding back words that didn't fit the situation, but at first he broke the tacit rules on his own.

It may be said that he is cold-hearted, but in a way, it must have been an attitude that came from such a sense of urgency.

He glanced around and nodded his head.

“Then, as scheduled, we put our top priority…”

“It will be. A promise is a promise. Well, we agreed to discuss the conditions again with the president, but we will discuss the matter after the situation is settled.”

For some reason, he did not vomit any more.

And then there was silence for a while.

I let out a sigh of regret as I looked at Chairman Lee Yong-moon, who had been lost in consciousness for a long time.

'I can't believe it. That the fate of that tycoon will end like this.’


[It is reported that Samjong Group Chairman Lee Yong-moon has collapsed from a heart attack and is unable to recover his consciousness. The Samjung group intends to watch his recovery for the time being...]

The news of Chairman Lee Yong-moon shook the whole of Korea for a while.

At first, the shock caused by the fact that a giant in the economic world had collapsed caused the whole country to panic, and after that, when the reality was accepted with ease, attention gradually shifted to the issue of determining a successor.

And after about a month passed, the tax issue that would occur in the process of inheritance became a matter of concern for all the people.

[Samjung Group announced today the merger between Jehan Wool and Samjung C&T.]

Shortly thereafter, the reorganization of Samjeong's governance structure began to follow its original history.

Also in a bad way.

This means that frogs are going to eat dinosaurs in a nutshell, which of course would raise a question for people with even the slightest common sense.

[Samjung C&T's minority shareholders today objected to the unfair merger ratio.]

As expected, the bustle of the stock market has begun.

After that, people's attention has been focused on what choice the National Pension Service, which holds a huge stake, will make.

However, he also followed the original history as it is, and the problem caused a commotion in the political arena.

[This morning, the Daehan Ilbo raised the death of Chairman Lee Yong-moon.]

Because he has been so thorough about the status of Chairman Lee, the news of his death, who is still at the crossroads of life and death, has made news.

This, too, follows history.

If things go like this, the outcome may also follow the original history.

Lee Young-hoon's takeover of Samjeong Electronics.

And the debate about the illegal succession process that will continue for a while.

And... a boring legal battle.

But what happens to Samjeong if Lee Young-hoon is really subject to legal sanctions?

"Im here."

Concentrating on radio news, I didn't even realize that the vehicle had entered the missile development center.

Maybe it's because it's raining, and the atmosphere outside the window is particularly eerie today.

"Gosh! Are you here, Chairman?”

"It's a surprise."

Just as I got out of the car, I heard Seongho's voice from behind.

It was a completely unexpected situation, so his body was startled, and he soon found a man holding one of his cans of coffee and waving his hand toward me.

"What are you doing here?"

“What are you going to do? I'm enjoying a rest after dinner."

He smiled at those words and moved forward.

Perhaps it was because rest was disturbed, and he followed me with a frown on his face.

“By the way, why did you come down here again today?”

“I have important data to pass on to you.”

He responded as if passing by his question and opened the door to the conference room.

Contrary to expectations, the appearance is not so clean.

Well, it would have been weirder if the place dealing with all kinds of chemicals had a messy environment.


I looked around for a moment and handed him a memory.

As if he already understood the meaning of my actions, the savvy guy quickly grabs it and asks.

“What else is this?”

“The core technology of the interceptor propulsion system in the ascending stage. Only with that is it possible to reach the realm of hypersonic speed.”


“By the way, this should never be opened in public. Even in the development stage, it is essential to thoroughly divide the fields so that researchers do not know the reality itself.”

He swallowed a gulp and nodded his head.

"one more. For security, upload the contents of this memory to the main server as soon as you enter the lab. It is protected by a quantum cryptography, so no one will be able to access it.”

“Then what about this memory?”

“Are you stupid? Of course it should be discarded. Throw it in the incinerator in the lab.”

Due to my serious expression on my face, he nodded impatiently.

Still, it's something I don't believe in.

In the end, I dragged him to the server, and after checking the data upload and even the disposal of memory, I breathed a sigh of relief.

“But with true hypersonic technology, to what extent is it possible to achieve alternative speeds?”

“According to the theory, about Mach 13.”

He looked at the memory that was slowly melting in the incinerator and responded.

I thought I could hear hiccups for a moment, and then with a puzzled face, he pulls the collar of my sleeve.

“How is that possible? He said that Mach 6 is the limit for hypersonic propellants being jointly researched with Russia.”

“Yeah, but that’s the case with single-propelled propulsion, and if another propellant can push it at a speed of Mach 6 or higher, it can be lifted up to 12 or higher depending on inertia. In fact, that is the characteristic of the double combustion system.”

“Then you are going to put another propellant in the middle?”

Seongho was also exceptionally quick to understand the situation.

Just by hearing those words, you are accurately inferring my intentions.

For a more detailed explanation, he took a nearby paper and pen and drew the main configuration diagram of the Sun rocket.

“The missile we are going to develop will be a three-stage propulsion system.”

“…3 steps?”

“Yeah, Stage 1 will use a pulsed detonation engine to achieve extreme acceleration and then fall off, then a multi-pulse rocket filled with super explosive propellant will speed it up to Mach 8.”


“Then there is enough air compression for the final stage, the double-burning propellant, and at this point, speeds of Mach 12 or higher are achieved.”

“Then you are going to use this 3rd stage as the final collider?”

"right. This last third stage is an interceptor and another propellant.”

I smiled and nodded my head.

Seongho stared blankly for a while and then shook his head.

“Isn’t this crazy?”(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)



“Then do your best.”

After leaving the center, we headed back to the parking lot.

The sky is still overcast with clouds.

I was about to get into the car quickly because it looked like it was going to rain again right now, but at first glance, a strange word came out of Seongho's mouth.

“Hey, it’s the perfect weather to die.”

For a moment, my steps stopped spontaneously.

As soon as I looked back at him, I asked with a smirk in his eyes.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Why are you saying that all of a sudden?”

“It’s just that the weather is that gloomy.”

He shook his head and got back into the car.

Follow me!

The sound of a cell phone momentarily.

The confirmed number belonged to Lee Young-hoon.

-Your father just passed away.


I headed straight for Samjeong Hospital.

As if they had already heard the news, flowers were lined up at the entrance of the hospital.

Among them, it seemed that there were more than a dozen of them with Jae-woo's name.

“Are you here?”

The executives of the group who arrived first were looking after Chairman Jin.

Perhaps because of the death of a person who had an influence in the political and business world, the people who gathered at the funeral were enough to form a country.

I feel regret that I may have come too early.

“Twitter, they said there is no order to go…”

Chairman Jin had a particularly droopy appearance.

After all, he's old now, so he can't help but worry about death.

He is comforting himself, even doing things he doesn't normally do, and when he pats him on the back, he shows a gentle smile that he has never shown before.

"There's no order to go..."

“Yes, I think so.”

“So, you don’t feel anything?”


“So, you’re asking when are you planning to go, now?”


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-115

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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