Chen Yingxi took Zhan Zhengxi and the hundreds of people under her hand away, Feng Qingran called Mo Qingqing and they continued on the road.

When she passed by Luo Yixin, she glanced at Luo Yixin lightly.

everything about her. However, she only lost her mind for a very short time, and greeted Chao Feng with a smile as if nothing had happened.

Feng Qingran's eyes swept over Luo Yixin and the men she brought, and saw who they were, then left.

When Liu Ziche passed by Luo Yixin's side, he raised his arm and poked Mo Qingqing lightly, and said meaningfully: "Second goods, let me tell you, next time I encounter this Kind of people, don't be polite, just stick steel bars in the eye sockets and out of the back of the head." After she finished speaking, she glanced at Luo Yixin, flapped her wings twice, and turned away.

Mo Qingqing thought for a while, looked at Luo Yixin, and said "oh".

Mo Qingqing came a few days first, knew the place well, and led everyone to the mutant hotel where she lived.

The proprietress of the hotel is named Langsha, and she is the one who takes care of this mutant hotel. At this time, either the hunting team and the material team went out to hunt for supplies, or they were sleeping in the room. The hotel lobby was very deserted, and only a few waiters were cleaning.

The proprietress Langsha sat in an inconspicuous position and said something.

When Mo Qingqing entered, the first thing she saw was the proprietress, and then she saw a very white seventeen or eighteen year old sitting opposite her.

The young man's skin was as white as the wind, Liu Ziche had a match, and his blue eyes were clearer than the lakes on the plateau. His heart was not as powerful as hers, Zhan Zhengxi and the little monster, and the breath on his body was very calm, but it seemed to hide a very violent power in this calm.

Mo Qingqing couldn't say what it felt like, she could only say that it was an intuition, just like the feeling Feng Qingran gave her, and it was no weaker than Feng Qingran.

The boy saw Mo Qingqing and Feng Qingran when they entered the door, and then looked at Feng Qingran.

The proprietress Langsha got up, greeted her with a smile, and greeted, "God of War is back?" She followed Mo Qingqing's line of sight and said, "This is my brother Langhai."

Lang Hai stood up and greeted them politely: "Hello." He asked Feng Qingran politely: "Is this sister also a supernatural person?"

Mo Qingqing: "Huh?" After a while, she turned her head to look at Feng Qingran and Langhai again, and asked, "What is a superhuman? Infecting mutants?"

Lang Hai saw that Mo Qingqing didn't seem to understand, and explained: "Infected mutants are called infected mutants, and those who acquire special abilities after infection and mutation are called superhumans."

Mo Qingqing: "Oh" and said, "Then I count too."

Lang Hai glanced at Mo Qingqing silently, without comment.

Feng Qingran said: "We are far away from the large army, and this is the first time I have heard of the supernatural being." She asked Mo Qingqing and Han Beichen to arrange the check-in, while she and Liu Zi Che stayed and asked Lang Hai about the situation of the superhuman.

Mo Qingqing and Han Beichen set up a house, but because the food and supplies they brought were not enough to pay the rent, Mo Qingqing took Han Beichen, Shui Lan, Xia Qiaoer, Fang Lianrong and the others out to hunt.

Feng Zhenxuan said he was going out for a walk, and left with Bai Ling.

The streets during the day are very deserted, except for the cleaners and the patrol team of infected mutants in animal skin uniforms, there are only a few scattered teams of different sizes hurrying on their way. Even if the cleaners sweep the streets 24 hours a day to remove weeds, the houses that are under-manned, the overgrown weeds in the ruins, and the plants are spreading out a large number of plant seeds every day, and they are expanding and eroding step by step. the city.

Mo Qingqing didn't know how long this city could last.

The hunting team occupied all the places in the city that could be hunted, and Mo Qingqing didn’t want to drill into the sewage to catch snakes and insects in the sewage, so she and Shui Lan went outside the city to search prey.

Before Mo Qingqing separated from Shui Lan and the others, the three of them would scream and panic when they encountered jackals.

This time they went to the outskirts of the city to hunt again. They followed the traces left by the beast to find the place where the beast was hiding. Together with Han Beichen, the four worked together to force the beast out of the hole and kill them together. , and split the beast into four parts with their animal bones that resembled axe, each carried one part on their shoulders, and carried it back easily.

Mo Qingqing remembered Han Beichen who hid in the underground garage to catch mice to eat, and then saw this Han Beichen who dared to hold the horn to face the beast, and the three sisters who made a neat move and cooperated tacitly The group of people secretly sighed: Shibei should be impressed in three days. She is growing and becoming stronger these days, why aren't they?

The group returned to the hotel, handed over the hunted beasts, and changed three suites.

Shui Lan, Fang Lianrong, and Xia Qiaoer have one room.

Han Beichen, Bai Ling, and Feng Zhenxuan are three in a room.

Feng Qingran, Liu Ziche, and Mo Qingqing were three in a room.

They filled their stomachs, took a shower, and put on comfortable cotton clothes to hide in their rooms.

Liu Ziche nestled on the chair in the corner, she opened the curtains, the original window had been sealed with bricks, leaving only a small transom that only one person could get out. This transom is no problem for an adult man, but now she can't get out because there are a pair of big wings behind her. If she got out of this transom, she would definitely get her wings stuck.

Mo Qingqing sat on the soft two-meter wide bed, holding her chin and looking at them both, her eyes went back and forth between Feng Qingran and Liu Ziche. She said: "I thought Birdman's wings were all white..."

Liu Ziche rolled her eyes at Mo Qingqing angrily, not wanting to answer a word. She complained wildly in her heart: "What's wrong with my colorful wings? What's wrong? It wants to grow colored feathers, what can I do?" In fact, Liu Ziche was quite proud. She knew best what happened to her own wings. Although they looked like bird wings, they were very different from ordinary bird wings.

She once reluctantly pulled out two feathers for experimentation. After her feathers were pulled out, the luster would gradually fade and the color would gradually disappear. After two or three days, the color would become Very ordinary and ordinary fire red, there will be no more luster. What she can now be sure of is that the sheen on her wings is actually the result of the energy spread across each wing. If she is not mistaken, when the wings absorb enough energy to fully grow, they should not only be able to spread their wings and fly high, but can even be used as a shield to resist damage for her. It is not ruled out that there are other possibilities. After this period of adaptation, her wings have been able to be retracted and retracted freely. Even leaning on a chair or lying down to sleep will not affect her rest, and she can fold her wings to keep warm, even saving a cloak.

Mo Qingqing didn't care when she saw Liu Ziche ignoring her, anyway, in her opinion, whether it was white wings or flower wings, they were all wings, and there was not much difference. She looked at Feng Qingran and said, "Feng Qingran, why are you so powerful, but your heart seems so... You can't see it at all?"

Feng Qingran said: "Zi Che and I have studied this issue before. From the current point of view, energy absorption can be divided into three ways, one is the polymerization type, the other is the diffusion type, and the other is the energy absorption type. There is a composite type."

Mo Qingqing said blankly, "Huh?"

Feng Qingran continued: "The polymerization type refers to the energy absorbed by you, Zhan Zhengxi, etc., and condensed into the heart. When using energy, the energy is delivered from the heart, and the heart is the Your energy store."

Mo Qingqing nodded "oh" clearly, and said, "What about the diffuse type? You are like this? The specific way of expressing it is that the heart is very ordinary, but the strength is very powerful, what else is there? The way of performance? Where is the key point?"

Feng Qingran heard Mo Qingqing ask several questions, and knew that Mo Qingqing was really interested in this matter. She was also worried that Mo Qingqing would suffer a loss when encountering other superhumans because she did not understand the situation. She said: "Diffusion type is my type. To put it simply, my entire body is an energy storage container, and the absorbed energy circulates continuously in the body, so that I can reach a very peaceful and stable state. Because the container is large , the more installed, the more energy that can be absorbed and emptied, and the demand is also much greater.”

Mo Qingqing said "Oh" with a vague understanding, and said, "So you can eat so well?"

Feng Qingran said, "That's right." She paused and said, "One of the ways of expressing it is to release energy."

, Every blood vessel is clearly visible, and the blood that glows with blue light flows through the blood vessels like water. She said, "Is it such an outflow of energy?"

Feng Qing shook her head.

Mo Qingqing said curiously, "Then show me the energy."

Feng Qingran continued to shake her head and said, "It's getting late, go to bed." He got up and prepared to put this topic down.

Liu Ziche pursed her lips tightly and laughed.

Mo Qingqing was even more curious and shouted, "Feng Qingran."

Feng Qing ignored Mo Qingqing and went to the toilet.

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes and shouted: "Sister—"

Although she regarded Mo Qingqing as her younger sister in her heart, she was used to Mo Qingqing calling her "Feng Qingran", and when she heard the word "sister", it was scary.

She took a deep breath, hesitated for two seconds, and returned to Mo Qingqing as if she was dying, and said, "If you dare to laugh like Liu Ziche, I will strangle you."

Liu Ziche "Hahahahaha..." laughed out loud.

Feng Qingran picked up a pillow and hit Liu Ziche's face.

Mo Qingqing became even more curious, her eyes widened, waiting for the moment to witness the miracle.

Feng Qingran said: "Okay, see it."

Mo Qingqing blinked blankly, she looked at Feng Qingran, then looked around, and asked, "Where? Then she held it down, she bowed her head, and saw Feng Qingran's lower abdomen appeared a black whirring black vortex that was smaller than a ping pong. Around the black vortex, there was a black fog-like and black-like thing moving towards It spread all around, and in a short while, Feng Qingran was completely shrouded. Feng Qingran seemed to be sinking into the darkness, and even the light of the candles lit in the room didn't seem to shine on her.

Mo Qingqing curiously stretched out her finger and poked Feng Qingran's arm, and found that there was nothing out of the ordinary, so she couldn't help asking: "Feng Qingran, why is your ability to show... Like a ghost on the upper body? Wouldn't it be unlucky if it was released?"

Liu Ziche laughed again.

The black energy on Feng Qingran's body disappeared, and the small black vortex clinging to her lower abdomen also disappeared, and she returned to normal.

Mo Qingqing looked at Liu Ziche curiously and asked, "Is it funny?" She was instantly full of sympathy for Feng Qingran, what kind of ability is this?

Liu Ziche shook her head again and again.

." She said thoughtfully: "Listening to the situation of the supernatural beings mentioned by Langhai today, it seems that after some people have undergone mutation, their physiques have changed, and they can cause certain kinds of problems with certain atoms, molecules or ions around them. The level of resonance or connection, and it works in a way that we don't know yet, forming a unique outreach ability."

Mo Qingqing frowned and looked at Feng Qingran, then at Liu Ziche, and asked a little speechlessly: "Are we still going to do human chemistry experiments?"

Liu Ziche said lightly: "I am studying medicine, not bioengineering." She changed her voice and said, "Of course, if I have this condition, I don't mind studying more. A homework."

Mo Qingqing threw a roll of eyes at Liu Ziche and said in her heart, "If you experiment with people, I will be the first to stay away from you." She thought again, then she would have to experiment with people It was also Feng Qingran, and it was not her turn, so she felt relieved.

There was a knock on the door, and Feng Zhenxuan, who was out, came back with plant seeds covered in dust and gravel.

The author has something to say:I have been busy with rights protection recently, and I have been interrupted for so long. I am very sorry.

The matter of rights protection has been handed over to a lawyer, and basically it can be resumed and updated.

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