Burning Moscow

Chapter 533: Unexpected victory

Without much effort, the tank full of infantry passed through the troops sweeping the battlefield and approached us. About ten meters away from us, the tank stopped. When the infantry got out of the vehicle, the top hatch of the tank turret opened, and two people emerged from it. At a glance, I recognized one as the commander of the tank soldier, and the other was Gedar, who had been missing for a long time.

The two helped each other to jump off the tank, and then walked towards me side by side. I thought that Gaidar would have missed the fighter, and he should behave sincerely at this time. I didn't expect that the expressions of him and the tank soldiers were full of spring breeze. The two of them walked up to me and raised their hands to salute me.

"Captain Gaidar, and you tank soldier, you actually have the face to appear in front of me," I looked at the two people in front of me, my heart burned with anger, and naturally I spoke mercilessly to them, and I gritted my teeth. He said: "The task I entrusted to you is to bypass the settlements and come here to assist Captain Sergeikov in blocking the German reinforcements, but what about you? You haven't seen anyone for a few hours, if it wasn't for the artillery. Company commander..." I turned to look at the artillery company commander standing next to me, and said a little embarrassed: "Comrade company commander, I'm sorry, I don't know your name yet. How should I call you?"

"Morozov, Lieutenant Morozov, artillery company commander." The cannon company commander answered me loudly.

"Yes, it’s Lieutenant Morozov. If it weren’t for the lieutenant’s artillery company to destroy a German tank in time, then the enemy’s reinforcements would have broken through Lieutenant Sederikov’s line of defense at this moment and broke into the residential area. Our troops were driven out of the settlements step by step."

I just finished speaking. Sergeikov also said sternly: "Captain Gydar. I want to remind you. If the situation described by the commander really occurs, then waiting for your fate is not just as simple as returning to the punishment camp, you May be sent to a military court and executed immediately."

Gaidar ignored Jerikov, but looked at me earnestly and said, "Comrade Commander, can you listen to my explanation?"

"Let's talk." Although I was dissatisfied with him, I still figured out what was going on. The reason why they would be late to the battlefield, I raised my hand to look at my watch and added: "I will give you five minutes to explain this matter."

"It doesn't take five minutes, at most one minute, I can explain things clearly." Seeing that I gave him the opportunity to explain the reason for being late, Gaidar showed a gratified expression on his face, and he said a little excitedly: "Comrade Teacher , After receiving your order, I immediately turned around and went back to Captain Perskin." He was afraid that I didn’t know who he was talking about, so he tilted his head to the tank soldier next to him, indicating that what he was talking about was The tank soldier next to him. In fact, he was right to do so. I still don't know what the commander of the tank soldier is called. He said so. I just learned that the tank captain was named Perskin.

"... I discussed with Captain Perskin to reinforce Captain Sederikov, the nearest path is undoubtedly through the settlement, because the battle was going on fiercely, and Perskin was worried about his tank detachment. Will be attacked by enemy anti-tank fighters, so I offered to go around the settlement, so I got on his tank, exited the settlement, and joined the other two tanks waiting outside.

Because I was afraid of encountering enemy anti-tank fighters, I took two infantry companies, some of them boarded tanks, and the rest on foot, planning to go around the west side of the settlement. As a result, we quickly discovered that we were on the wrong path. There was a swamp with a large area. If it weren't for the soldier in the tank that opened the road, if he noticed something wrong and asked the tank to stop, the leader must have fallen into the swamp.

No way, we can only continue to detour west, hoping to find a way,..."

I heard Gydar Rory talk for a long time without getting to the point. How come I haven't discovered that he is such a long-winded person before. Seeing that he wanted to let him play freely, he didn't know when he could talk about the subject, so he coldly interrupted him: "Captain Gaidar, let me remind you that you only have five minutes."

As soon as Perskin heard this, he quickly took the conversation and said clearly: "Comrade Commander, please allow me to report the details of the matter to you." Seeing me nodding slightly, he continued: "We bypassed the swamp. From the northwest to the position built by Captain Sergeikov, I did not expect to encounter a group of German patrols on the road. After some battle, we wiped out the enemy and captured a prisoner.

From the captive's mouth, we learned that there was an enemy camp not far away, where nearly a thousand people were stationed. Except for the German troops of the two companies, the rest were all Italian troops. ..."

"Wait, Comrade Captain," I heard that they had discovered the barracks of the Italian troops, and I couldn't help but aroused my curiosity: "The prisoners didn't lie to you, why are there Italian troops stationed here?"

Perskin said affirmatively: "I have cross-examined the captives, yes, it is indeed the station of the Italian army, which houses a battalion of Italian troops and two companies of German troops."

"Then what kind of action did you take?" When I heard that the Italian army whose record and equipment were completely disproportionate, I had an idea in my heart. It would be great if I could find a way to transfer the German troops away from the camp. For me, the Italian camp without the German troops is a huge prisoner-of-war camp, but the enemy inside has not laid down their weapons for the time being.

"We immediately went to the military camp that the prisoners said, trying to find out the situation of the enemy. Unexpectedly, when there was still one kilometer away from the camp, we found that the German troops in the camp were moving in the direction of the settlement. Seeing the enemy leaving, I felt that the fighter plane had arrived. Without the support of the Germans, the Italians would be vulnerable. However, for the sake of safety, I asked Captain Gydar to send scouts to the vicinity of the camp to conduct reconnaissance. I found that the Germans were all mobilized. In the direction of the settlement, only Italians were left in the camp.

In the process of scouts, the infantry who had fallen behind also caught up. This way. Our infantry number reached two companies. Wait for the scout's intelligence to come back. We immediately launched an attack on this camp. "

Although I have long known that the combat effectiveness of the Italian army is low. But I don’t know what kind of result they will get when they meet my untrained unit, so when they heard that our army launched an attack on the Italian camp, they couldn’t help but curiously asked: "Your last How was the result?"

Perskin said excitedly: "I used a tank to open the way, and the infantry followed closely towards the enemy's camp. The enemy had only two sandbags at the door, each carrying a light machine gun, and we saw our tank rushing towards them. , He shot desperately. The machine gun bullet hit the tank's armor as a sound. But it couldn't stop us from moving forward at all.

Seeing our tanks were getting closer and closer, the machine gunners were afraid to fight, dropped their weapons and ran to the camp, but were knocked down by the machine guns on our tanks. After the tank collided with the sandbag fortification, our troops rushed into the enemy's camp. "

Hearing what he said, I felt more at ease, and I asked lightly: "Did the enemy quickly put down their weapons and surrendered to you?"

My words surprised Perskin. He asked in astonishment: "Comrade commander, how did you know? After our troops rushed into the camp. The enemy rushed out of the tent with their weapons. I commanded the tank detachment towards the camp. They fired a few shots and blew up a few leading officers. The rest of the people raised their weapons over their heads with both hands and surrendered to us."

"After only a few shots, the enemy surrendered? It's incredible." Sergeikov said with emotion, then turned to ask me: "Comrade Commander, do you think this is true?"

I glanced at him, then nodded and said, "Comrade Captain, you don’t have to doubt it, this is absolutely true. I remember someone said that as long as you face the Italian army, your morale will rise, and their line of defense will be improved. Be broken. And a general who has won Italy twice in a row will be laughed at."

After listening to it, Sergeikov asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, I don't know who said this. Why have I never heard of it?"

Of course I would not tell him that I saw this sentence in a post of later generations, otherwise they would not be regarded as a neuropathy. In order to divert his attention, I deliberately mentioned another allusion: "When Italy attacked Greece, the soldiers unanimously reported to their superiors that we could not attack because there were Finnish troops in Greece. Mussolini who got the report, Asked the Finnish allies to withdraw their troops from Greece. But after investigation, Finland found that only three Finnish soldiers and three officers were volunteers in Greece, so it replied to Mussolini that the so-called troops had only six volunteers. Mussolini was very much. Angry, send a telegram to Finland: I am referring to these people!"

My words made everyone laugh. When the laughter stopped, I then asked Perskin: "Captain Perskin, where are the prisoners?"

"Still in their camp, guarded by our soldiers." At this point, Perskin hesitated, then continued: "In fact, not all Italians have surrendered, and there is about one company. The army’s strength, in a corner of the camp, protected their battalion commander and refused to surrender to us. They sent people to pass a message saying that if they want them to lay down their weapons and surrender, they must ask our superiors to negotiate with him before they would surrender. "

"Since they are only willing to surrender when they see your superior, then I will go to the Italian camp and accept their surrender by the way." Then, I walked to Perskin's side, waved my head at him, and said: "Come on, Comrade Captain, take me to the Italian camp."

"Please wait, comrade commander." Sergeikov ran in front of me, blocked my way with open arms, and said nervously: "I think this is like a trap, even if Italy is so vulnerable, It would not make sense to surrender to a troop with fewer numbers than them in just a few minutes!"

When I heard him say this, I was very happy. First, I was happy for the concern he showed for my safety; second, these subordinates no longer just blindly obey orders, they already know how to consider problems from many aspects. I smiled and said, "Comrade Lieutenant, your worry is unnecessary. I saw from the battle report that in a battle in North Africa, a few British tanks charged against Italian anti-tank gun positions. At the beginning, Italy also fired back artillery fire, but after two or three minutes, it suddenly stopped and waved the white flag to surrender... Afterwards, the British asked the reason, and the Italian replied confidently: The ammunition box was opened without a crowbar... Think about it, it claims to be the strongest The desert lions will surrender at any time. I will give these second- and third-rate troops sent to Stalingrad by others."

"But." Sergeikov still stood in front of me. Continue to try to persuade me: "Even if these Italians really surrender. What can you do if you encounter the escaped tank on the road?" At this point, he gave Perskin a contemptuous look and then said: " You know, one-on-one, our tank may not be able to win."

"Comrade Captain," Perskin, who was still smiling, was furious when she heard Sederikov say this. He grabbed the captain by the collar, moved his face to the side, and said viciously, "Who is it who insulted the rights of our tank soldiers? You say, who is it?"

Sergeikov was unwilling to be gripped by Perskin's collar like this. While struggling desperately, he said loudly: "What can you do with me if I said it? Quickly take your dirty hands. release!"

"Stop it, stop it all!" Seeing that the two of them will fight again if they continue to fight, I quickly stopped them: "What are you doing? Have the ability to fight the Germans. Instead of fighting with your own people! "

When I became angry, the two immediately became honest. Both took a step back obediently, but still stared at each other fiercely.

At this moment, Gaidar, who had not spoken, came out to complete the battle: "Captain Sederikov, let me just say a few words. The German tank that you said was running away, does it have a tank and an armored vehicle?" See After Sergeikov nodded in affirmation, he went on to say: "We encountered the tank you mentioned on the road. Because we were returning from the Italian camp at the time, the German tanks did not expect to encounter us here. So before I got back to my senses, we were killed, and the German soldiers in the car were all killed by us. Look," he said, pointing to the seven or eight soldiers standing behind: "They are all German equipment."

I saw, yes, these fighters are all German-style equipment, not only rifles, submachine guns, and even a soldier holding a machine gun, which was unloaded from the armored vehicle.

As I was about to raise my leg and walk towards the tank, I suddenly remembered something important, so I stopped and asked Gaidar solemnly: "Comrade Captain, why didn't you inform me of your actions in time?"

In response to my question, Gaidar lowered his head in embarrassment, and said ashamed: "I'm sorry, comrade commander, my telegraph operator was unfortunately killed by a stray bullet during the battle with the German patrol. Captain Perskin Although there is a radio station in his tank, he doesn't know your calling code, so he can't get in touch with you."

I heard him say that, and I understood that another radio operator was lost in the battle, so that we would only be left with radio operators No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4. I pointed my hand to the operator No. 4 not far away, and ordered him to say: "Operator, come with me." Then I told Sederikov: "Comrade Lieutenant, when I'm away, the troops here Leave it to you. Remember, hurry up and repair the fortifications in the settlements to prevent possible attacks by the enemy."

Before getting into the tank, Perskin wanted me to sit in the tank, but I refused. Finally, the radio operator got into the tank, while Gaidar, I and a few soldiers squeezed on the tank body. Two of the soldiers rolled off the tank for fear of standing unsteady, and even tied themselves to the turret with backpack straps. On the handle.

The t-34's driving speed is quite fast, and it took us less than half an hour to arrive at the Italian military camp. The tank carrying us passed by the four tanks placed on the side of the road and drove directly inside. I saw that many of the tents on the roadside had been torn down, and groups of Italian soldiers wearing boat caps were sitting on the ground, surrounded by soldiers from my division guarding them.

Gaidar pointed to a wooden hut in the distance and the sandbag fortifications outside, and said loudly to me: "Comrade Commander, you see, there is the Italian camp, and their battalion commander is inside."

The tank stopped fifty meters from the wooden house. As soon as Heydar helped me jump out of the tank, a few people greeted me, and the lead was the engineer Mikhayev. He raised his hand to salute me and said, "Comrade commander, the Italian battalion commander is in the wooden house. He said that as long as we have a high-ranking commander, he will surrender."

"Who can speak Italian here?" I looked at the few standing in front of me, and couldn't help asking the most critical question.

Both Heydar and Mikhayev shook their heads a little embarrassed, indicating that they didn't understand.

Since I don't understand. So how did they communicate with Italians? Isn't it a gesture? on the battle field. Gesturing to the enemy. Others probably don't have much interest in watching, I'm afraid they will shoot directly at you.

When I was puzzled, Mikhayev reported: "Comrade Commander, many Italians can speak German, so I can communicate with them."

I glanced at Mikhayev, nodded, and said, "Well, since this is the case. Then you will go to the wooden house with me and accept the Italian surrender to us!"

After finishing speaking, I handed the submachine gun to a soldier and strode forward. Heydar and Mikhayev hurriedly followed and walked towards the wooden house together.

On the way, Gaidar's heart was also a little uneasy. He asked in a low voice: "Comrade Master, do you think the Italians will suddenly change their minds and hold us all up?"

"No." I said affirmatively: "If they want to fight. Just now they wouldn't be so easy to drop their weapons and surrender, and this Italian battalion commander. The reason why he has to see our high-ranking commander. Surrendering is also to preserve some face for yourself."

"Comrade commander, I don't know much about the Italians." Mikhayev also said without a word: "I don't know if they really wanted to save their face and asked to surrender after seeing our senior commander."

"It must be so, that's right." Just now Mikhayev didn't hear me talking about the embarrassment in Italy, so I deliberately told him an allusion: "On June 30, 1940, the Italian Governor Barr in Libya Marshal Bo, over Tobruk in Africa, was shot down by Italy’s own anti-aircraft artillery. In order to cover up the tragedy that made them shame, the Italians cheekily announced that the Marshal died in an air battle with the British. , Comrade Engineer, you have arrived at the place. Go forward and report it."

I saw Heydar and Mikhayev look at each other, then nodded. Then Mikhayev ran to the sandbag fortification with confidence and talked with a man who looked like an officer. After a while, Mikhayev ran back to me and said with a smile: "Comrade commander, I just asked the Italian military officer, he said that their battalion commander is waiting for us in the house. Let's go in."

Under the leadership of the Italian officer, we passed by the enemy's sandbag fortifications and swaggered into the battalion headquarters. There is a wooden table in the middle of the room, with maps spread out on the table, on the phone, and even a pistol. An Italian officer sat behind the table, and when he saw us come in, he quickly stood up.

Mikhayev stepped forward and talked to him in German. The officer listened for a while, looked at me in surprise, and talked to Mikhayev in German for a long time before he walked around the table. , Walked in front of me.

After he raised his hand to salute me, he spoke in German or Italian, anyway, I could not understand a word for a long time. Mikhayev saw me staring at the Italian officer in front of me blankly, and hurriedly came over to translate for me: "Comrade commander, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Alfonso, the first captain of the Italian battalion commander. It means that his troops are tired of the war and are eager to return to their homeland as soon as possible, so they surrendered to the Red Army!"

I listened to his high-sounding reason, smiled, put my hands behind my back, and politely responded: "Mr. Alfonso, congratulations on making a wise choice. You and your subordinates will be able to return to themselves. The motherland of China. First of all, please ask your soldiers outside the door to lay down their weapons, otherwise if there is a misunderstanding with my people and the unfortunate incident of exchange of fire occurs, they may not be able to return to their hometown alive."

Hearing what I said, Captain Alfonso immediately said something to the officer who led us in. After a salute, the officer turned and ran out of the wooden house.

Seeing what Alfonso did, I understood that he really wanted to surrender, so I continued to say to him: "Mr. Alfonso, next, please call all your subordinates together, and I will arrange for manpower to **** you. safe place."

When we walked out of the wooden house together, the Italian soldiers who had been carrying live ammunition had already put down their weapons and were concentrating towards the designated area.

Gaidar asked me for instructions: "Comrade Commander, what should we do next?"

"Comrade Captain, you and Comrade Mikhayev will bring a company to stay, and let Captain Perskin keep two tanks for you, and when the Italians are assembled, they will be escorted back to the settlement."

"A company?!" With an embarrassed expression on Gaidar's face, he pleaded: "Comrade Master, can you send me more people. You know that there are 700 Italians, and I have a hundred. Can you take care of them?"

I saw a jeep ahead. It should have been captured by the Germans from the Soviet army, so I asked Mikhayev to go to Captain Perskin and asked if he could help me find a driver to drive me and take me back. Residential areas, I don’t want to go back in a tank anymore.

Regarding Gaidar’s concern, I smiled and said, "Comrade Captain, you have to worry too much. When the British army received a group of Italian soldiers with guns to surrender in North Africa, they were so busy collecting the spoils that they had no time to manage the Italian prisoners, so they yelled at them. Said: "Don't be noisy! Go over there!" Then continue to collect the spoils. In the absence of any other way, the Italians had to hold their guns on their heads and walk around in order to find the British troops to capture themselves. Also, because There were too many prisoners of war, and the British army had no time to build a prisoner-of-war camp, so they asked the quartermaster to send raw materials to the Italian prisoners of war ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and let them build a prisoner-of-war camp and lock themselves up."

Mikhayev quickly found a driver, not Perskin's subordinate, but a subordinate in my division. The jeep drove to a stop in front of me, and I let the radio operator sit in the front passenger seat, and I sat in the back seat. Before closing the car door, I leaned out and said to Gaidar: "If the Germans and Italians are locked in the same prisoner-of-war camp, the Germans will organize to try to dig holes to escape the prisoner-of-war camp, while the Italians are even in the prisoner-of-war camp. When the door was not closed, I stayed very cooperatively, but occasionally went out to harass the cute girls nearby."

Having said that, I closed the car door heavily, and then told the driver: "Let’s drive, comrade driver, let’s rush back to the residential area now."

"Comrade Commander, what should we do next?" Operator No. 4 turned his head and asked.

Looking at the radio operator who was not flexible enough to understand my intentions at all, I couldn't help sighing, and then instructed him: "Comrade radio operator, your task is to contact Colonel Ruskin, Chief of Staff of the Army. Tell him the good news immediately.” After speaking, I leaned back and leaned on the back of my chair to close my eyes and rest. In order to fight the battle of regaining the settlements, I stayed up all night for a few days. Tired me out, I must seize the time to take a good rest. (To be continued...)

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