This sudden marriage was beyond people's expectations, but also within reason.

European aristocrats marry, pay attention to matching families, and attach great importance to blood. In this way, the range of options is already small, and if political factors are considered, the choice will become narrower.

Historically, the original owner, Ferdinand, would not delay until 1893 when he married Princess Maria Luisa of Bourbon-Parma, daughter of Roberto I, Duke of Parma and Princess Maria Pia of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.

In 1894, the Grand Duchess of Xenia married her cousin, Grand Duke Alexander, in a hurry in order not to destroy the noble bloodline. (There is also an unreliable speculation that: Alexander III was already sick and dying at the time, so he hurriedly married his daughter!)

This world is no exception. Ferdinand's life-long affairs have been delayed. Although Princess Clementina has made a lot of claims before, she finally gave up. The Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Kohali family You can't lose face.

Ferdinand's marriage is not only a personal issue, but also involves the honor of the family. If there is no suitable candidate, it will wait. Many big European aristocrats come here.

It's not that they don't want to get married sooner, the problem is that the choice is too narrow, and the ancestry factor in this regard is more important than politics.

The situation of the Grand Duchess of Senia is similar. Historically, due to the poor diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Russia at that time, the two were naturally not considered.

After Ferdinand crossed, the relationship between the two countries has improved under the butterfly effect, and each other has come into sight.

The relationship between European aristocrats is intricate, and almost all major aristocrats have marriages. For example, the wife of Ferdinand's cousin Edward VII, and the queen of Alexander III, Maria Fyodorovna, are sisters.

Not only that, anyway, the marriages between the European nobles are a mess. Ferdinand also knew that his mother, the Princess Clementine, who was also a cousin of the French princess and Queen Maria Fyodorovna, had a good relationship with each other, and then hooked up naturally.

(I'm sorry for the seniority, the author doesn't know how to calculate it, three or four different answers are not enough, and it's okay to push a few more generations to get more than a dozen answers.)

The two sides are well matched, and they are now political allies. Under normal circumstances, it can be finalized only after Ferdinand St. Petersburg and his party.

Well, these are not in a hurry. Ferdinand has to solve domestic problems now. There are still a lot of troubles in Bulgaria now. The economic crisis has been detonated ahead of time. The government has taken measures to deal with it. Although the destructive power has been weakened, the aftermath is still indispensable.

Compared with the situation in the Balkan countries, Ferdinand is still very fortunate.

Bulgaria was a Russian sphere of influence until 1886, when Russian capital dominated. But after the Stam government, the relationship between Russia and Bulgaria broke down, and even severed diplomatic relations, and began to introduce large-scale British, Austrian, Hungarian and German capital to frantically suppress Russian capital.

This is too exaggerated to be used in Bulgaria. Small Bulgaria can't attract the peeps of capital predators, that is, a few bank offices plus a group of compradors.

The comprador had already been killed by Ferdinand by borrowing a knife. Oh, and the fish that slip through the net are busy turning the case over!

It is a pity that Bulgaria is now a legalized society. Unless you can provide evidence that you have been wronged, it cannot be overturned.

Since Ferdinand announced his vindication, there have been very few exceptions that have died, and the rest have been vindicated. As for the return of assets, bring evidence!

At that time, the accounts of the home were destroyed by accident. So far, in addition to returning a few properties, the rest of the assets go to the Stam government to prove it!

Do you want to make a comeback without money? It is true that the rising star capitalists who were whipped by Ferdinand were vegetarians,

Can't even handle a few trash fish?

However, banks are disgusting. The loans of previous governments have successively mortgaged a lot of sovereigns. Now that the economic crisis has broken out, major banks are shrinking their funds to cope with the possible run on their own countries.

If Ferdinand didn't take the opportunity to fall to the ground, he would have traveled in vain. The major powers have always been the focus of the intelligence department, and now it's Fuhu's turn to perform.

Ferdinand has always believed in, "eat every bite of rice"! Due to geopolitics, Bulgaria's financial capital is currently led by Britain and Austria, followed by Russia (forgive them, given Russia's poor financial conditions, it would be good to be able to maintain its influence, is it still short of money?), Germany has just entered the market. .

During the Stam government, Bulgarian customs duties were mortgaged to the British, and most of the mineral resources were mortgaged to Austria-Hungary.

This multiple-choice question is easy to do, and the persimmon is looking for a soft pinch. The current financial system of the British Empire cannot be shaken by a small economic crisis; in contrast, the financial system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is much worse, and there are not enough colonies to discharge floods. greater impact.

Well, this time the opponent is much smaller, just a bank - Austro-Hungarian Bank. As you can tell from the name, this bank is not easy.

The predecessor of Austrian Bank was the Austrian National Special Bank, which was established in 1816 and restructured into Austria-Hungary Bank in 1878. (Don't get me wrong, it's still a private bank, and it became the Austrian state-owned bank after the disintegration of Austria-Hungary.)

In a secret room in Vienna, Fuhu convened a meeting of several intelligence chiefs, which can also be said to assign tasks.

"Your mission this time is very simple, it is to spread the news that the Austro-Hungarian Bank is going to go bankrupt. This is information, there is truth or falsehood, you just declare it as true!" Fuhu


Soon, a street tabloid in Vienna published the news that three months ago the Austro-Hungarian Bank had provided a loan of 50 million kronor to the Serbian government. This news is true! However, the editor's bold speculation was added later: Serbia is about to go bankrupt in the economic crisis, and this loan may not be recovered!

Immediately caused a sensation in Vienna, 50 million crowns is not a small sum, which is already close to Hungary's annual customs revenue.

Everyone is talking about the bad luck of the Austro-Hungarian Bank, and such a huge sum of money is enough to make it hurt.

However, this did not immediately arouse the concern of the senior executives of the Austro-Hungarian Bank. Yes, they issued a loan of 50 million kronor in name.

Such fat cannot be swallowed by the Austro-Hungarian Bank alone. In fact, this loan was issued by a bank group.

Moreover, the loans at that time were deducted with interest first, and then issued in batches, and only half of them have been issued now. In addition, a large part of this money was used by Serbia to purchase weapons and equipment in Austria-Hungary, and part of the funds returned. In fact, not much cash was released.

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