Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 63, Check and Balance

After sending the delegation away, Ferdinand turned his attention to the country. It's time to get ready, with congressional elections reopening next year. This is the Shen promise he made by himself, of course he can't go back on it.

Now in Bulgaria, Konstantin does not have the status of Prime Minister, but he is doing the work of Prime Minister. If there is no accident, he will be the new Prime Minister after the parliamentary election next year.

Ferdinand didn't want the appearance of power, checks and balances were imperative. Chekov has ruled it out, he's an honest man. Let him do things with peace of mind, let's play politics and forget it! Without Ferdinand's support, who would take him seriously now in the government.

Ferdinand thought of a person-Wei Zheng-Ivanlov, the current governor of Fraca. He is also a very ambitious person, this is not the point, the key is that he is still very capable.

Before, Ferdinand planned to drop him to the Ministry of Agriculture to take over the job of James Ferdinov. Due to Nikolai's visit, the alliance between Russia and Bulgaria was advanced. Ferdinand was too busy, so he was delayed. It can now be dropped.

Looking at the political landscape of Bulgaria, smart people all know that the interim cabinet is just a decoration, completely covered by Ferdinand.

Three cabinet members: James has left his business and went to do scientific research; Scriment is a religious person, and he has never been involved in affairs, which is optional; the only normal one is Chekov, The younger brother of Ferdinand.

As an excess, the temporary cabinet only needs to be obedient, and it doesn't matter what waste materials are used. It is also convenient for Ferdinand to take power and promote his cronies.

For example, when it comes to promoting high-ranking government officials, Ferdinand can make a decision without restraint.

Ferdinand promoted Konstantin before, and now he wants to promote Wei Zheng-Ivanlov. No one objected, which would have been unthinkable under Stam's cabinet.

It is no longer needed, and Ferdinand's position has been consolidated over the past few years. The cabinet at the back must do things independently. Once the Second Five-Year Plan starts, there will be too many things to be busy with!

Ferdinand didn't want to die from exhaustion, nor did he intend to provide soil for the powerful ministers to survive. Cabinet expansion is imperative.

Historically, the Konstantin cabinet was known as the most energetic cabinet in Bulgaria, and it was just right for them to implement the Second Five-Year Plan.

Then, our Comrade Wei Zheng-Ivanlov was knocked unconscious by a pie. In order to check and balance, his position is not only a minister of agriculture, but also the minister of industry.

Looking at the fate letter, Wei Zheng-Ivanlov couldn't believe it. As the Minister of Agriculture, he knew this, and now there is another Minister of Industry, and then he came to the palace in a daze.


"Wei Zheng-Ivanlov, we meet again!" Ferdinand joked

"Yes, Your Excellency the Grand Duke, it is a pleasure to meet you again!" Wei Zheng-Ivanlov said excitedly

Ferdinand put away his smile and said cautiously: "Well, yes! It's not a good job to bring you to Sofia this time. The Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry are the two busiest departments in Bulgaria in the future, and they are also the most important. two departments!"

Ferdinand's cautious tone frightened Wei Zheng-Ivanlov, and he reacted quickly.

"Is this a test? If it's not a good job, is there a better position? Is it hinting at the cabinet? The Prime Minister doesn't need to think about it, all Bulgarians know that Constantine has already made a decision. A cabinet member's The location is also very attractive, at least for me!"

Wei Zheng-Ivanlov immediately expressed his determination in a firm tone: "Please rest assured, Your Excellency, I promise in the name of God that I will do the task you gave me, or let me go to hell!"

This was the first time that Ferdinand had met someone who had made such a determination to him. He also knows that people like Wei Zheng-Ivanlov have low morals and will do anything to achieve their goals.

But this kind of villain is often the most used by leaders in the workplace. Ferdinand was no exception.

At least this kind of villain will implement his orders 100%.

After listening to Wei Zheng-Ivanlov's assurance, Ferdinand said with a smile: "Well, very good! I hope you can always maintain your current heart and serve Bulgaria wholeheartedly!"

"Don't worry, Your Excellency the Grand Duke, I will do it!" Wei Zheng-Ivanlov answered affirmatively

Ferdinand nodded, expressed his approval, and then said: "Well, the focus of your next work is on agriculture. You know that for some reason, the Bulgarian government currently holds 35% of the country's total. I want you to gradually promote mechanized operations on this land and promote agricultural reform."

"Not only that, you have to organize farmers to build water conservancy projects. And promote the cultivation of commercial crops, etc.! In short, it is your job to increase grain production and increase farmers' income!"

Wei Zheng-Ivanlov was a little stunned. Shouldn't he focus on developing industry? Why is my work focused on agriculture? If he was an actor, he would definitely say: The director's script is wrong!

After confirming that Ferdinand was serious, Wei Zheng-Ivanlov quickly adjusted his mind and said, "Please rest assured, Your Excellency the Grand Duke, I will focus on agriculture and strive to complete it as soon as possible. Task!"

Ferdinand smiled with satisfaction, and then said: "Of course, you can't relax in the industry. The main project at present is the steel that is about to be launched. You can now organize experts to conduct prospecting, and then select the site for the steel plant! In this regard, We all listen to the experts!"

Wei Zheng-Ivanlov pondered for a few seconds, it seems that he has a lot of tasks! But the heavier the task, the more I can withdraw my value!

He assuredly said: "Don't worry, Your Excellency, I will definitely complete the task!"

Ferdinand looked at Wei Zheng-Ivanlov and said, "Well, I'm waiting for your good news!"

In fact, there are still many things in the Ministry of Industry, but now it is basically Constantine who is supervising and doing a good job.

Ferdinand didn't want to make any extras now, so he didn't mention it. Wei Zheng-Ivanlov is also a smart person. He knows that if he is a newcomer, if he immediately confronts the future prime minister, he will definitely have no good fruit to eat. It's better to wait, anyway, after the general election next year, Constantine, the prime minister, must also decentralize!


After leaving the palace, Wei Zheng-Ivanlov happily went to the government to report.

Oh, it seems that there is no higher position in the government department than Wei Zheng-Ivanlov. Chekov was on a visit, Scriment was in the church every day, and James' base was the laboratory.

Other high-ranking government officials are either equal or lower, even Constantine and him are only equal. In the short term, he only needs to be responsible to Ferdinand, which is really good news for Wei Zheng!

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