Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 36, the establishment of the provisional cabinet

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, Lord Scriment said in disbelief: "How is this possible? The cabinet is crazy, are the officials below crazy too? This is completely insane!"

No one answered his question, and everyone around was as stunned as he was. The opposition party, which originally thought it was going to make a comeback, is now blinded by this bad news.

The main characters are dead, and the foundation is gone. The remaining two or three cats and dogs are destined to become spectators.

To the outside world, this is a big firefight between the Liberals and the Opposition. The Liberals felt that the tide was over, and they simply dragged the opposition to the end.

Now everyone is almost there. The Liberal Party is notorious, the opposition party is thin, everyone has lost their popular base, and no one has the ability to destroy the other.

This is exactly what Ferdinand wanted. After this battle, it will be difficult for Bulgarian political parties to form a climate for at least 20 years.

Moreover, the people are no longer interested in political parties. The massacre of the Liberal Party and the assassination of the opposition party are terrifying to think about!

After thinking for a while, Ferdinand decided to beat the underdogs and said to Fuhu: "The focus of your work next, you must continue to guide public opinion and focus on propaganda!"

Fuhu asked suspiciously, "Your Excellency the Grand Duke wants to abolish the political party?"

Ferdinand gave Fuhu a dissatisfied look, and after a moment of silence he said, "What? What do you think is the problem?"

Fuhu knew that he had made a blunder, which was beyond the scope of his work, and said quickly: "No, there is no problem, I will do it right away!"

Ferdinand waved his hand and motioned for Fuhu to leave. I thought to myself: "Fuhu has so much power in his hands that he is getting carried away now. It seems that the power must be divided!"

At this time, Alice walked up to Ferdinand and said, "Grand Duke, Minister Chekov is here."

"Let him in!" said Ferdinand, calming down.


Done, courtesy greeting, Chekov begins to report to Ferdinand.

"Your Majesty, I recommend a person to you. He is very capable and can assist you in handling government affairs!"

Ferdinand asked in surprise: "Oh! Who is it?"

Stam's cabinet fell, and in addition to leaving a huge sum of money, it also left behind a bunch of troubles. The provisional cabinet has yet to come and be formed. This all needs to be handled by Ferdinand. He is in urgent need of help.

Chekov did not shy away from saying: "My old classmate Konstantin Etolov, a former high-ranking member of the People's Party, has strong personal abilities, and he has no obvious inclination in diplomacy."

Ferdinand was shocked, he was another celebrity, and it seemed that he was the next prime minister of Bulgaria in the original time and space.

Konstantin Etolov, who became the Prime Minister of Bulgaria in 1894, continued to implement the economic policy of the Stam government and promoted the industrial development of Bulgaria with the most energy in the previous government; Normalize the relationship.

But in dealing with political enemies, the BJP often hires assassins to murder opponents. And soon after taking office, party officials engaged in gray transactions, corruption, and soon became notorious.

Ferdinand thought about it for a while, and then relaxed, the current situation is very different from the history. A Konstantin Etolov couldn't make a big splash, and it seemed like a good choice to let him handle the internal affairs.

"Oh, since you admire him so much, I'll meet him!" Ferdinand said with a smile

Chekov said in a positive tone: "Don't worry, Your Excellency, he will never let you down!"

Ferdinand nodded.

Chekov was overjoyed, his efforts were finally not in vain, and he was rewarded so quickly. In joy, he said excitedly: "Your Excellency, please rest assured, I will definitely work hard to do it well!"

Ferdinand nodded in satisfaction.

His time in Bulgaria is too short, and there are not many suitable candidates in his hands.

Chekov was the first high-ranking government official to take refuge in him. Although his ability was average, he was more obedient and had good execution. And since he is already the Minister of Education, it is not too abrupt to promote him to the cabinet.


Time flies by, and after two days of fermentation, the news has spread all over Bulgaria, and everyone is talking about it.

The media has just been deregulated, and now it's like being suffocated, biting the Liberal Party and the opposition party and lashing out. The intellectuals who escaped the disaster, the education circles responded in groups.

Thanks to the reign of terror of the Stam government, many ordinary people are, nothing to do with themselves ~ hanging high, which has relieved Ferdinand's pressure.

Although Stam's cabinet was sent away in the name of mental illness, there were still strong calls for their death sentence.

Fortunately, Ferdinand dealt with decisively, launched a rehabilitative committee, and diverted the public's attention with reversal of the case, so there was no confusion.

On May 15, 1889, Ferdinand set up a temporary cabinet in a low-key manner, and the prime minister took up the vacancy.

, Now there are only three members, the Minister of Education Chekov, the Minister of Agriculture James-Pedinov, and the pro-Russian Pai Shikliment Archbishop.

Immediately after the establishment of the new government, tithing in kind was abolished, and the exorbitant taxes imposed during the Stam government were also abolished.

Then Ferdinand was ordered by Archbishop Scriment to form a delegation to visit St. Petersburg, to appease the domestic pro-Russian faction.

After doing this, Ferdinand breathed a sigh of relief. The chaotic situation in Bulgaria was stabilized in a short period of time.

Now Ferdinand has the energy to deal with the mess left by Stam's cabinet. The ongoing five-year plan cannot be stopped; the chaotic government system needs to be sorted out; the most troublesome are the suspects who were executed secretly and still in prison, and need to be re-identified.

Konstantin-Etolov passed Ferdinand's test and was appointed Minister of the Interior, responsible for presiding over the daily work of the government.

Chekov personally took command of the reversal committee and began to identify charges. Of course, those who participated in or were involved in the assassination were directly ignored. The unfortunate one who was directly destroyed by the door also leaned back.

Even so, the rehabilitative work of tens of thousands of people will not start soon. This was Ferdinand's idea, and everything was handled in accordance with legal procedures.

Ferdinand invited out the Bulgarian judiciary, the famous old stubborn - Boris Christoph, formed the anti-corruption bureau.

Begin to purge the assholes in the government, including the former cabinet, which is also under investigation, and a large number of officials face being replaced.

The first to bear the brunt is the police department. As a direct participant in the massacre, the outside world is shouting and shouting. Taking this opportunity, Ferdinand quietly completed his control of the police system.

Ferdinand and the interim cabinet were busy for more than half a year before the government got on the right track.

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