Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 24, Police Government

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, it doesn't matter how the secret was leaked. The key now is how to deal with the aftermath?" Michael said eagerly

"Let me think about it!" Stam Borof said calmly after wandering for a few steps.

After a while, the door of the office was knocked again. This time, it was Yunas, Sowell, and Wilson, who also came to sleep.

Stam-Bolov glanced at the three of them coldly, as if to find the leaker, and then withdrew his gaze. He asked, "You all know?"

The three nodded, expressing their acquiescence.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, this matter is very difficult. Our mortgage loan matter has now been exposed, and domestic public opinion is very unfavorable to us!" Yunas said in a low tone.

As the Minister of the Interior, the supervision of domestic public opinion is the responsibility of Yunas, and now he is in trouble.

"Not only that, but there are also many people in the government who are dissatisfied with this matter. I also met Chekov on the road just now, and he wants our cabinet to clarify!" Wilson added.

"I know! Mortgage tariff right of way was decided privately by our cabinet bypassing the Congress. If it is not exposed, it will become an established fact after the railway is completed and opened to traffic. You can still pass the customs by virtue of political achievements, but now I am afraid that many people in the party will want to Against us!" Stam Borof said gloomily

"That's right, Your Excellency, that was our original plan. It's impossible now. The British and Austria-Hungary will not let us go back. Shouldn't it be time to activate the emergency plan?" Sowell said murderously.

"Ah, God! Are you crazy, Sowell? Contingency plans are for times of crisis, and it's not there yet!" Wilson protested loudly

"Mr. Wilson, now is a time of crisis. If it continues, the prestige of the government will be undermined. Now we have been seized by the opposition party, and they may initiate a downfall at any time!" Yunas

"Are you waiting? This relationship is too big. Once it starts, it will be a landslide! It will also intensify the conflict. At that time, it will be your life and death, and there will be no chance to ease it again." Michael said hesitantly.

Two votes against, two votes in favor, put the decision-making power in the hands of Stam Bolov.

"Well, start it! The situation is beyond our control and can't go on any longer. Mr. Yunas, the next thing is left to your Ministry of the Interior!" Stam-Bolov said fiercely

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Prime Minister. Everything is under our control!" Yunas said confidently

"The army will remain neutral in this operation, and when necessary, it can come out to suppress the rebellion!" Sowell assured confidently.

Stam Boroff nodded with satisfaction, and as for Sowell's second half sentence, he had automatically filtered it out.

Just kidding, if the army is really dispatched, it will herald the resumption of the civil war. Regardless of victory or defeat, the cabinet will be the loser. Now that the Liberals are in power, a coup is no longer a toy for them.

The opposition party did not wait for the government to come out to clarify and explain, the police have already come to the door. Leaders have been imprisoned one after another, and suffered heavy losses for a while.

Even many newspapers were closed down, and countless scholars were implicated. The noisy Sofia fell silent.

The word prison started, and the white terror started from Sofia and spread to the whole of Bulgaria.

Prisons became overcrowded, and in just two weeks, more than 10,000 people were arrested in Bulgaria.

Among them are intellectuals, feudal landlords, workers, peasants, government officials, and even some members of Congress. The butcher knife of Stam's cabinet has been raised high.

The constitution has been blatantly trampled on, and the law has been swept away. On September 15, Stam's cabinet declared the Conservative Party an illegal political party and ordered it to dissolve.

In fact, the Conservative Party is now a mess,

The backbone is almost all in prison. Although everyone was full of anger, they were helpless in the face of tyranny.

From now on, the time of freedom in Bulgaria is over. Everyone has to be careful when they speak. If you are accidentally targeted by the secret police, the gates of the prison will be opened for you.

Ferdinand helped fuel the flames. Such a big cleaning opportunity is rare. And there is the Stam Cabinet, who took the initiative to stand up to take the blame and attract hatred.

If you don't make good use of it, how can you be worthy of the selfless dedication of the cabinet! Ferdinand admits that Stam Borov is a true patriot who can do anything for the rise of Bulgaria.

But politics is cruel, has nothing to do with justice, and only serves its purpose. The cabinet's approach is somewhat radical, but it is understandable for national development.

The biggest problem is that the cabinet holds power and wants to make Ferdinand the archduke a rubber stamp. Since it blocked his way, it was natural to kick it away.

In the struggle for rights, there is no room for concessions. Ferdinand had also thrown an olive branch to Stam before, but what was the result?

If Stam Borov is really capable, politically skilled, and has excellent governance ability, he is comparable to the Jagged Prime Minister. Ferdinand is not intolerable, but unfortunately he has none.

Therefore, with the secret help of Ferdinand, the efficiency of the police is unprecedentedly high. Large numbers of anarchists, revolutionists, and anti-governmentists were exposed and arrested.

Ferdinand knew very well:

The main problem in modern Bulgaria is not that democracy is not enough and freedom is not active enough. On the contrary, the current stage of democracy in Bulgaria has already exceeded the actual needs, and the freedom has also exceeded the necessary level...

Bulgaria is located in the Balkan Peninsula and is surrounded by strong enemies. At this stage, the most important thing is to concentrate on development. Only when the country is strong can we talk about freedom and democracy!

At the same time, because the nationalism in the Balkans is so strong that even a Bulgarian has his own political ideas and cannot help but contribute to the development of the country. So much so that they point fingers at national politics and development strategies, blindly xenophobic!

The two Balkan wars in history are proof that strong nationalism creates a strong army. The same is true, creating diplomatic isolation, and there is no ally in the surrounding area!

Opening the history book, we know that Bulgaria has never formed a clear, long-term and constructive strategic goal.

This group of politicians came to power to do this, and that group of politicians came to power to do that. Who to choose as enemy and who to choose as ally?

I'm sorry, the Bulgarians didn't figure it out and ended up being besieged. Then he was coerced by nationalism and joined the world war to take grain from the fire, which was extremely miserable.

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