Building a New World

Chapter 307: How to deal with

"Master Keane, please quickly order the elimination of these newly transformed blood races! Their current strength is not strong. If you don't take advantage of it now, you will definitely suffer endlessly!" The three werewolves of Wolf, Karl, and Vera shouted to Jia Zhengjin loudly.

"Kean, these are your people!" Christina grabbed his hand. "You shouldn't slaughter them, instead, you should rescue them from evil!"

"Master Keane, what should I do? Please order as soon as possible!" Buddy and Rabbi led the town guards to resist the members of the Holy Dragon Guard that had been transformed into blood.

"Kean, we can't just abandon any companion!" Tina looked at her husband and said, "Look, there are several innocent children who have been bitten. Are you going to kill them together?"

"Master Keane, please give us a chance!" Philip and Fiora raised their heads in unison and shouted, "We will definitely control these people! Please don't kill them!"

The city was divided into two factions, one was the kobold legion led by the werewolf, and the town guards such as Buddy and Rabbi. They felt that the blood race must be eliminated as soon as possible to prevent future problems; the other was led by Tina and Christina, Philip. , Fiora and their elf shooter group fully support, I hope to do my best to control these people, try not to hurt them!

Jia Zhengjin was in a mess in his head.


"Sir Keane!!"

"Please decide quickly!"

"Master Keane, please order!!"

People on both sides are constantly urging, hoping to get his instructions. Among them are the panic-stricken voices of countless residents, even members of many town guards.

The two forces in Jia Zhengjin's mind continued to struggle, and finally said aloud: "Try to catch them alive and don't endanger their lives! But if your life is threatened, then I allow you to kill each other to protect yourself!"

When ordered, the group of people led by Wolf, Karl and Vera felt very unhappy. They feel that they can't cut the grass and get rid of it, which will make a big mistake sooner or later! However, Jia Zhengjin's wishes cannot be violated, so he can only close up a little, and dare not attack with dead hands!

The morale of the elf archer group is greatly boosted, and they cooperate with the troops to use magic arrows to attack the hands and feet of these blood races, limiting their movement. It's just that the blood race can recover like a werewolf, as long as enough blood is stored in the body.

This group of blood has attacked many people, of course, there is enough blood to use. It is quite difficult to subdue it in a short time. But as long as they drain the blood in their bodies, they will lose their fighting power before they can **** in new blood, and they can only catch their hands!

Jia Zhengjin was not idle, and immediately took out the stun gun from his virtual backpack. He didn't know whether the stun gun was useful, but at the moment there was no other good attack method, because the power was too strong to keep his hand. Only the stun gun was weaker, and there was some concern about whether it would be too weak.

Worrying is unnecessary!

The reason why Wolf is able to carry the stun gun's attack, the werewolf's own resistance is the main reason! Coupled with the terrifying recovery speed, so he can not cause harm.

But these are just ordinary people who have just been transformed into blood. If it is a vampire of the same level as Wolf, the stun gun may not work, right? However, it is very effective for these blood races!

When Jia Zhengjin fired the first shot, he accurately hit a member of the Holy Dragon Guard converted into the blood. The member was trying to break into the house from the window with red eyes, but was struck by lightning, and his body was instantly paralyzed and fell to the ground.

"Useful!!!" Seeing that the stun gun was working, Jia Zhengjin's morale was greatly boosted, and now he used stun guns to attack.

The werewolves, kobold troops, town guards, elven archers, and the untransformed saint dragon guards went all out and used all their power to consume the energy of the blood clan, and when they could not recover from themselves, they immediately attacked their hands and feet to make them Lose the ability to resist!

Thousands of troops in the city are serious, and naturally it is not that the more than 300 junior blood races can match!

In just over half an hour, they were all defeated and quickly controlled by others.

However, before this, the fierce fighting has caused 10 transformed Dragon Guards and 3 residents to die innocently!

Jia Zhengjin blamed himself a little. If it wasn't for his own negligence, there would be too few people who arranged to guard them.

In the homes of the 10 Holy Dragon Guards and the three residents, Jia Zhengjin all gave generous pensions, hoping that their families would not be too sad.

"Sir Keane! Although they are under control, their bodies will recover slowly." Wulf looked at the more than 300 members of the Saint Dragon Guard and whispered to Jia Zhengjin, "If they accidentally let them drink Blood, it will recover faster! And those who were injured in this battle will also be transformed into blood races! I am afraid it will not be easy for you to control them! Unless..."

"Unless what?" Jia Zhengjin asked in a low voice. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"Unless... take advantage of this opportunity to quickly destroy them!" Wolf said coldly. "Sometimes as a leader, you have to give such orders!"

"Although what you said makes sense, but I cannot accept this opinion!" Jia Zhengjin shook his head, looking at the panicked injured residents in the crowd, including some children, "Holy Dragon City should give everyone a sense of security, not fear ! Since they came here, they are all my people, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up!"

"Then how to take care of them?" Wolf said, "Even if it is a junior blood, its strength and agility have been greatly improved. Even if it is **** in prison, it may be freed, and then it will run away from the wall! Greater confusion!"

"Well..." Jia Zhengjin suddenly got a headache. This is indeed a big problem!

"Sir Keane!" Philip walked over here. "If I was troubled by the method of imprisoning them, I would have an idea!"

"Oh? Come on!" Jia Zhengjin hurriedly looked at him.

"Master Keane, didn't you get one or two thousand imprisoned rings when you rescued us?" Philip said. "That thing can bind our elves, and naturally can also bind blood races! Especially the primary blood races, once imprisoned Can't break free!"

"Chain of imprisonment?" Jia Zhengjin's eyes lit up when he heard the name.

After the rescue of the elves at that time, the ring of imprisonment was broken a lot, but the rest of it was still there! If it is really useful for blood races, then you can rest assured that those who have been transformed, and those who are injured and ready to be transformed, will be imprisoned until the Guangming Church sends people to come!

Now that Christina has become her wife, should the Bright Church give this face? After all, they are considered to be their mothers!

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