As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

But after they received the transfer order, they looked left and right, but couldn't see any clues.

At this time, a soldier suddenly said: "Master Hou, I seem to have heard of the name Yatuo."

Yun Ye turned around and looked: "Say!"

The soldier said quickly: "Master Hou, my subordinates also heard this from the caravan from the Western Regions."

"It is said that Ye Tuo is a horse thief who does all kinds of evil. He has been roaming the land of the Western Regions for ten years. It is said that he is three feet tall, rides a huge white camel, and eats a calf for every meal. He has many men under him. Twenty brothers, every one of them is a demon. After robbing and killing people, they will dig out the heart of the businessman and roast it on the fire. "

Yun Ye was not surprised to hear this exaggerated legend. After all, legends like this are everywhere on the grassland.

After the Tang people ravaged the grasslands, those famous generals could not escape the fate of being described as demons.

"Is there any other information?"

The soldier nodded and said, "Yes, there is another theory that Ye Tuo is actually the prince of Kang State."

"When the old king saw that he could speak when he was born, he was afraid that he was a devil, so he threw him into the mountains to be eaten by wild beasts. Unexpectedly, the wild beasts not only did not eat him, but also fed him milk. When he grew up, he threw his father into the mountains. Barren Mountain, and then let his younger brother succeed him as king."

"I have heard from many people that Ye Tuo is actually the most powerful person in Kang State..."

Hearing Fu Bing's words, Yun Ye nodded thoughtfully.

This statement is quite plausible, after all, Xuanzang was kidnapped from Kang by Ye Tuo.

Although I don’t know the reliability of this news, there must be a connection between Kang Guo and Ye Tuo.

Now that Ye Tuo and Tian Xiangzi have been mechanically summoned by Lin Zhongtian, they simply kill them. If they want to find out the supporters behind them, such as the person who forged this paper transfer order, they have to look for clues from Kang Guo!

After making up his mind, Yun Ye ordered everyone to pack their luggage, control the camels, and set off as soon as possible.

That night, the team set up camp and lit a bonfire.

Xu Jingzong woke up slowly, only to feel pain in his head, and his memories before coma became fragmented.

After Sun Simiao asked, he found that he only remembered that he, Lin Zhongtian and Yun Ye came to Tuocheng and met Ye Tuo. He had no memory of what happened next.

Xu Jingzong became suspicious about this, so he ran to test Yun Ye.

Yun Ye said that he was not cautious enough and drank the wine handed over by Ye Tuo, and then became drunk to death.

Although Xu Jingzong had doubts, Sun Simiao did find a rare drug called Qianrizui during Sun Simiao's inspection.

According to Sun Simiao, this thing is one of the main ingredients of Ma Fei Powder. He searched the palace and couldn't find it. He didn't expect Ye Tuo to have it.

Seeing that Immortal Sun had already spoken, Xu Jingzong could only ignore it no matter how suspicious he was.

After Xu Jingzong left, Sun Simiao glanced at Yun Ye and Lin Zhongtian and said: "Bring the thousand-day drunkenness you got from Ye Tuo, the old Taoist can forget about this matter and will never ask you why you made up the facts. "

The smile on Yun Ye's face froze, and he said humbly: "You know everything?"

Sun Simiao said calmly: "There is a difference between taking the initiative to drink Thousand Days of Drunkenness and being drunk after being knocked unconscious."

After hearing Sun Simiao's words, Yun Ye and Lin Zhongtian looked at each other with admiration on their faces.

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you..."

Yun Ye sighed and said with a smile: "Qian Rizui is in the penultimate carriage. I have given the order, so you can go and get it."

With Yun Ye's permission, Sun Simiao smiled and left with satisfaction.

Afterwards, Lin Zhongtian and Yun Ye also left the military tent and bumped into the foreign girl.

At this time, they had learned that the name of this alien girl was Nahigu, and she was an ordinary shepherdess.

She is illiterate and has never learned anything other than shepherding. She is naive and ignorant, but also makes people feel sad.

In the half day after waking up, Nahigu gradually became accustomed to the panic from the beginning.

Yun Ye arranged for someone to boil hot water and clean up the girl. After the dirt faded away and her fair face was revealed, Yun Ye began to respect Lin Zhongtian's abilities even more.

Lin Zhongtian could actually tell that she was a beautiful woman from the dirty look she had before that day.

With such eyesight, Yun Ye said he had to accept it.

Women on the grassland are always passionate, like fire, and Rimu is no exception.

In just half a day, she had become familiar with the Yun family guards around Yun Ye.

Among them, I don’t know which Sha Qian Dao taught her a word of Chinese, which made her call everyone she met brother.

Seeing that Rimu was standing in front of the white-haired and white-bearded Sun Simiao, showing a bright smile and wanting to call her brother, Yun Ye quickly stepped forward, pulled her over, and said solemnly:

"You can't call this brother!"


Na Rimu blinked his eyes, raised his little face, and shouted eloquently: "Brother!"

Yun Ye was stunned for a moment.

Lin Zhongtian laughed loudly next to him, pointed at himself and said, "What about me?"

That day, Mu shrank his neck and hid in Yun Ye's arms, seeming to feel a little awe of Lin Zhongtian subconsciously.

Yun Ye actually didn't understand this situation.

After all, compared to him who still looks young, the genius in the forest is a truly mature and beautiful man.

With such a handsome appearance, coupled with his otherworldly temperament, he is definitely a first-rate girl killer.

But Rimu didn't have any admiration for Lin Zhongtian. Instead, he shrank every time he saw her, like a child who had done something wrong before seeing a serious adult.

Yun Ye didn't understand, but Lin Zhongtian knew the reason.

Although this prairie girl named Na Rimu is naive and dull, she has good spiritual sense. Just like those camels and horses, she can naturally feel the indescribable awe from Lin Zhongtian.

This spiritual sense not only allows her to seek good luck and avoid disaster, but also allows her to live in harmony with the creatures on the grassland.

If Rimu hadn't met Yun Ye that day, she might have become a witch on the grassland in the future...

Just when Lin Zhongtian was thinking this, Yun Ye pulled Na Rimu out of his arms and looked at her seriously.

"You can call me brother."


That day, Rimu didn't know if he heard what he said. He hesitated for a moment, stuck his head out, and timidly said: "Brother."

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly, raised his hand and took out a jade bracelet from his arms, and gave it to her.

This bracelet is not a special treasure, but it contains some spiritual energy, which can not only strengthen Higurashi's body, but also make her spiritual sense more useful.

Such as commanding cattle and sheep or wolves on the grassland...

Of course, Yun Ye and Na Rimu naturally didn't know about these things.

Yun Ye smiled and asked Na Rimu to take the jade bracelet, and told her to keep it well and not to throw it away.

Although Rimu couldn't understand what he said, when she touched the jade bracelet, she felt the warmth that refreshed her spirit. She also felt that it should be a good thing, so she looked at Lin Zhongtian with a bright smile.

"elder brother!"

Lin Zhongtian laughed dumbly, looked at Yun Ye and said: "Isn't there someone around you who understands Turkic dialect? Teach her a few more words. It's not a problem to always call people brother..."

Yun Ye nodded and said, "I think so too."

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it’s seven days of travel.

Thanks to the addition of thousands of domesticated and extremely well-behaved camels to the team, the team's carrying capacity has increased dozens of times, and the ballista, which was originally the slowest in walking, also has extra foot power.

In just seven days, everyone had completed the journey that had taken them at least half a month.

This is also thanks to Lin Zhongtian and Na Rimu. With the two of them here, there is no need to worry about the camel escaping.

On this day, not long after everyone set off, they saw a large flag with the word "Tang" flying on the hillside ahead.

Sixteen Tang army scouts were stationed on the top of the horse slope. One of them galloped down and stopped ten steps away from the convoy. He touched the handle of his knife with his right hand and shouted at the convoy with a vigilant face.

Lao Zhuang, the leader of the guards beside Yun Ye, glanced at him, curled his lips and said, "It's Lao Xing from the Youwu Guard!"

Yun Ye glanced at Lao Zhuang and said, "Do you know him?"

Lao Zhuang smiled and said: "Of course we know each other. You also know, Lord Marquis. Before I met you, I was from Zuowuwei. When I was in Zuowuwei, I often dealt with Youwuwei. During training, this old Xing never If you beat me, you are just a defeated enemy!"

Yun Ye looked at him speechlessly, shook his head, and gave up the plan of asking Lao Zhuang to come forward.

He glanced at the most powerful angel in the forest.

Lin Zhongtian understood, followed Yun Ye on horseback, and walked out of the motorcade.

"Who is commanding the army in Youwuwei now?"

Yun Ye was riding on his horse, looking at the scout in front of him and asking loudly.

The scout also recognized Lao Zhuang and already knew that this team with camels was one of his own.

If Lao Zhuang came forward, he would not be embarrassed because of personal grudges.

But if it was Yun Ye, he didn't dare to neglect. He jumped off the horse quickly, clasped his fists and saluted, and said: "Back to the general, the right military guard is now directly under the control of the general manager of Ding Xiangdao."

Yun Ye nodded and said: "You go back and report to the General Manager. Lantian Hou Yunye came to serve in the army on the order of the General Manager and requested to return to the camp."

Hearing the name of Lantian Hou Yunye, the scout was startled. He quickly stepped forward, took the military order from Yun Ye, then mounted his horse and left.

Not long after, Li Jing in the military tent received the order document. He immediately frowned and thought about it, but did not remember that he had ever given such an order to Yun Ye.

He only remembered that he told Yun Ye to go back to Chang'an. When did he ask him to come to serve in the army?

Thinking of this, Li Jing immediately asked the military recorder to take out the archived documents and check them one by one. Finally, he found the original records. It clearly stated that the general manager ordered Yun Ye to return to Chang'an and definitely not to serve in front of the army.

"This document is a forgery!"

Li Jing broke into a cold sweat and quickly ordered to send messengers to the generals to check one by one to prevent other military orders from being tampered with.

After giving the order, Li Jing welcomed Yun Ye and his party into the military camp.

However, considering the problem of military morale, he concealed the matter and investigated it secretly, without making it public or telling Yun Ye.

But what he didn't know was that Yun Ye had actually known it for a long time.

Li Jing didn't want to talk to him about this matter, and he was happy to be at ease.

Three days later, Sun Simiao came to visit. Seeing Li Jing's brows furrowed and gloomy, he sighed softly and said, "Brother Yao, are you worried about the forged transfer document?"

Li Jing was shocked when he heard this: "How does the Taoist master know?"

Sun Simiao sighed and said: "Not only do I know, Yun Ye has also known it for a long time. If Senior Brother Yao really doesn't know who to ask for advice, just go to him... Oh, by the way, remember to let him come alone, don't Take the friend named Lin with him."

Li Jing wondered: "Why, I heard that this person is Yun Ye's senior brother. He is from the same school as Master Yun Ye. He is also a disciple of a master. I have wanted to meet him for a long time, but I have been busy with military affairs these days and have never been able to get the time. "

Sun Simiao nodded and said: "Lin Xiaoyou is indeed a disciple of an expert, but he is different from Yun Ye. This person is both civilized and martial, and he is quick-witted and can always do surprising things."

"The old Taoist has been getting along with him these days and found that his mind is detached and unlike ordinary people."

"A person like this will definitely be rude in front of Brother Yao. Even the wise are afraid of causing dissatisfaction and disputes!"

Li Jing smiled and said: "I see, the Taoist Master is trying to pick me up. It doesn't matter. Children of immortals have always had eccentricities. I, Li Jing, still have the tolerance to tolerate others. Just call them here, the Taoist Master!"

Sun Simiao nodded and said with a smile: "In that case, the old Taoist will go..."

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