British Civil Servant

Chapter 35: the dust settles

Putting down the microphone, Merkulov quickly picked it up again, and said, "I'm Merkulov, connect me to the special operations department, no matter what method is used to ensure the success of the operation, the special operations department will set off immediately, use Do whatever you can to bring back the talent the great Soviet needs."

Historically, Operation Osawagen was three months after the start of Operation Gyro Needle in the United States, and the Soviet Union only began to search for scientists from the German military industry in October after the end of the war. Compared with the United States, which has already started this work in July, just after the war, it has lost its first move.

In terms of execution power, the Soviet Union not only had no disadvantage, but even had an advantage over the United States. Just started with revenge on the Germans in the minds of the Soviets and didn't think about it.

After an accidental news, the NKVD learned that the United States, Britain and France had an action plan in this regard. It came back to its senses and quickly launched the Osawagan operation. Using its powerful executive power, it must be ahead of the United States, Britain and France. Before, get these scientists from the German military industry.

The primary target is the German Army Rocket Research Center on the Baltic Sea, where the famous V-2 rocket was successfully developed. And the Soviet-occupied states of Saxony and Thuringia. Before Germany surrendered, large numbers of researchers and equipment were evacuated from Berlin to the two states.

In the Osawagen operation, Werner von Braun and his V-2 rocket research team were on the list.

Merkulov mobilized the special operations department to rush to the front, and at the same time gave the promise of independent judicial power. Beria, who put down the phone, was also not idle, and directly got in touch with the Red Army commander who had already invaded the urban area of ​​Berlin, and asked the front-line commander to pay close attention to the relevant talents and protect the scientific research institutions in Berlin.

Then Beria left the apartment directly and went to the Kremlin to report to Stalin.

Because of an accidental piece of information whose authenticity is questionable and whose source cannot be assessed, the battle between the United States and the Soviet Union over German scientists was staged ahead of schedule, and this time it was the Soviet Union who took the lead.

A little later, Beria walked out of the Kremlin in a calm mood. He had already obtained all the authorizations for this operation.

The environment in the Soviet Union is still dangerous. Britain, France, and Germany are all European powers in terms of population and land. Britain and France started their colonial empires 300 years ago, and Germany is also a well-known military empire. But the Eastern European countries on the Soviet side, which used to have no sense of existence, are still...

In order to narrow the gap with imperialism, Beria keenly realized that this operation must be successful, and it must be a huge success. Although the war has ended, the secret war has already begun.

The invisible front has moved, and on the devastated German soil, the vigorous competition for talent has begun.

In London, the civil servants of the British Empire, who are out of the way, can only be busy with small things that have nothing to do with high-tech, collect some tobacco and alcohol, prepare to go to the European continent, comfort the Germans who have been defeated again, and pan for gold by the way, maybe he should find someone Indian assistants, after all, people may be more professional in the work of panning for gold in manure.

In fact, he was preparing to do so. The telegram asked Ali Khan to send a son to follow him to see the market.

Because of Ali Khan's status as the richest man in the world, Alan Wilson was never ready to do business with the other party. One-shot deal is not what he wants, and long-term cooperation can be expected.

As for letting Ali Khan get some food in Hyderabad, this is not a rude decision. It was a good deal for some British Indian food for a chance to be exposed around the world.

Residents of Hyderabad should also be considerate of their monarch's reputation. For the monarch's popularity in the world, this kind of small sacrifice can be overcome. Anyway, it is not always enough to eat.

The food matters, as well as the tobacco and alcohol prepared in London, were all left to Ali Khan's London butler. This is easier than coming out on his own. Although Ali Khan is far away in Hyderabad, he has more face than him. Ali Khan himself can even contact the British bank in London directly from Hyderabad to freeze the account.

As the liaison officer of the Ministry of Indian Affairs for British India, Alan Wilson had the convenience to get in touch with Hyderabad, and on the other side was his assistant working in Hyderabad who helped him communicate with Ali Khan.

Relationships need to be managed frequently, and even the best relationships will gradually fade away if you don’t touch the basics. Although Alan Wilson is not extremely smart, he still understands the basic principles.

In addition, he also has a part-time job, which is to help Mountbatten's family in London and contact Mountbatten and his daughter in British India. The sequelae was that from time to time he went in and out of Mountbatten's home in London as a messenger.

"The Permanent Undersecretary of the Foreign Office is making a list to go to Europe, and I may be taking office soon." Before leaving his Mountbatten home on this day, Alan Wilson talked about his appointment, "The matter of liaison with New Delhi will not be The interruption, I believe that the liaison of the Ministry of Indian Affairs is understandable for General Mountbatten's thoughts."

"Europe is still in danger now!" Edwina Ashley nodded and said The war is over, work is still important, and I want to see my husband and daughter. "

"Madam's wish should come true immediately, but the place in British India, eh..." Alan Wilson hesitated, he still couldn't forget to show the real India in front of him.

Waving goodbye to Mountbatten's family, Alan Wilson was busy with his work for the time being, and now he is waiting to go to Europe to deal with the small things after the war. There is no wrong wording, just small things.

The Battle of Berlin has reached its final moments. Over Berlin, thousands of Soviet aircraft once again dropped tens of thousands of tons of bombs and petrol bombs. On the ground, on average, nearly a thousand artillery pieces of various types have been deployed per mile.

After the bombing and shooting, Zhukov's First Belorussian Front Army dispatched numerous assault groups and assault detachments to charge into the city from all directions.

The infantry, under the cover of tanks and sappers equipped with flamethrowers and demolition equipment, advanced in small sections, infiltrating from backyards, basements, and even subways and sewers, capturing every street, every building.

The fighting was especially fierce near the Capitol, the dome building, which had been turned into an empty behemoth due to repeated bombing. Two battalions of Soviet troops stormed the Reichstag. The intruding Soviet troops immediately divided into groups to clear out the German troops on the first floor of the building. The two sides engaged in fierce close combat in the room, on the stairs and in the corridor.

Almost all types of weapons are used, from daggers, bayonets, grenades to heavy machine guns, flamethrowers. The automatic weapons swept like the wind, and the walls of the building became honeycombs.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Reichstag was conquered. When the news came, Hitler shot himself and the successor Führer Dönitz confirmed the news.

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