Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Chapter 912 Magnetic Field (5)

Chapter 14218 Magnetic Field (5)

Stone Flame Insects are a special kind of insect. Their body is very small. They use the three abilities of their own body to make themselves very powerful. The first energy is that they can melt stones and they can eject it. Fire comes, and the fire they spit out is very hot and can melt the stone directly. The second is to re-solidify the stone to the surface of their body, and at the same time, form channels one by one in the stone. These channels, It's more like an amplifying magic circle. These magic circles can amplify the power of the fire he sprays, making the fire he sprays hotter and more powerful. The third is to control stones. In addition to these three abilities In addition, he can also master two types of magic, the earth type and the fire type. This is also the origin of his name Stone Flame Insect.

The stone flame insect is a very timid insect. The reason why they wrap a thick shell around their bodies is because they are afraid. They are afraid of death, so they wrap a thick shell around their bodies. They have a layer of stone shell, firstly to protect themselves, and secondly to improve their strength, so the flames they spray can completely melt the stone at once and turn it into the stone shell outside their bodies. If they If the stone shell outside the body is damaged, they will also emit flames and repair the stone shell as soon as possible. This is the instinct of the stone flame insects. They must ensure their own safety as soon as possible.

Whether it is Wubao or the Imperial City of the Shadow Clan, the current defenses all rely on stone flame insects, and the stone shells wrapped around the stone flame insects' bodies are all made from melted void magnets. , the aftermath of the previous explosions that filled the sky caused damage to the stone shells wrapped around the bodies of the stone flame bugs in Wubao, so of course those stone flame bugs had to repair the stone shells outside their bodies as soon as possible. , they also want to use this stone shell to protect themselves.

However, some stones still fell from the stone shells outside the body of some stone flame insects, but they were all small stones. No one would care about it, but someone noticed that those stones fell. It was none other than Qinglong. Qinglong had been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield. Of course, he also noticed the small falling stones.

Qinglong immediately collected those small stones. Although Baiyan and the others did not order Qinglong to do so, Qinglong made his own calculations and felt that collecting those small stones would be helpful in dealing with the Shadow Tribe people, so he directly Collecting those small stones, although due to the magnetic field, the disciples of the Blood Killer Sect cannot fly within fifty miles of Wubao, and of course Qinglong cannot, but the Tongtian Vine may not have to fly, so Qinglong They have long allowed the Babel vines to grow under the Wubao. Although these Babel vines cannot grow higher and cannot touch the Wubao, those Babel vines have occupied the ground. Because of the current attention of the Shadow Tribe people, All of them were placed on the Imperial City and Wubao, so the stone flame insects in their underground have all disappeared. The ground is now the territory of Tongtian Vine, so it is very easy for Qinglong to collect those small stones.

The battle continued, and more and more small stones fell from Wubao. However, overall, the impact on Wubao was not great, so after two hours of attack, the Blood Killing Sect Stopped immediately, all the disciples retreated to the base. As soon as they retreated to the base, Bai Yan asked those disciples to rest. At the same time, he also ordered that they would continue to attack with steam cannons tomorrow. After he finished the order, When he was about to take a rest, Qinglong's voice suddenly came: "Elder Bai, I have something to report to you." Qinglong's voice attracted Bai Yan and all of them. They were all stunned, because this was Qinglong's first time. Taking the initiative to stop Baiyan, everyone became curious, wondering what Qinglong asked them to do.

Baiyan was stunned for a moment, but he immediately said, "What's the matter?" He was also curious about what Qinglong wanted to say.

Qinglong's voice came: "According to my calculations, collecting some stones dropped from the Shadow Clan's Wubao will be beneficial to attacking the Shadow Clan's Wubao, so I collected some stones dropped from the Shadow Clan's Wubao. Stone, I wonder if you need it?”

When Bai Yan heard what Qinglong said, he couldn't help but be startled, and then his eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "I need it, I need it so much." Ding Chunming and the others also had their eyes lit up. Of course, they also felt that it was very necessary. They need such stones. You must know that they have always suspected that the magnetic field of the Shadow Tribe people comes from those stones. If this is really the case, then the value of these stones is too high. It is Because of this, Bai Yan was so excited when he heard what Qinglong said.

Qinglong responded, and then rolled his eyes at them. A handful of small stones appeared in front of them. This handful of small stones was very small, just peanut-sized pebbles. There were only more than twenty in total. One They could grasp it with only one hand, but Byakugan and the others all looked at these small stones with gleaming eyes. Byakugan immediately stretched out his hand, carefully picked up the small stones, and then received his own In the space equipment, Baiyan then said: "Qinglong, good job. If you really defeat the Shadow Clan people this time, you will have made a great contribution. I will definitely repay you to the young master." Baiyan Tai I was so excited that I forgot that Qinglong was not a human being.

Qinglong didn't answer, as if he didn't know how to answer. Baiyan also noticed that he said the wrong thing. He couldn't help laughing and said nothing more. Then Baiyan turned to Ding Chunming and the others and said: "I will do it right away." Give these stones to Lao Wen and ask them to study them carefully. Chong Liang, your work of collecting intelligence cannot stop. We must be prepared on both sides." Ding Chunming and Zhang Hongliang both responded, and then rolled their eyes and directly took away the stones. , sent it to Wen Yuming, and also sent a letter to Wen Yuming, telling him about the situation of these stones. After doing this, they dispersed.

After Wen Yuming got this kind of stone, he was also very excited. He immediately organized people to start studying this kind of stone. At the same time, he also scanned this kind of stone. He wanted to use this kind of stone directly. Put it into the real illusion, so that they can have countless such stones to use in the future, but what surprised Wen Yuming was that after scanning once, there was no such stone added to the real illusion, but Insufficient data was displayed and the words "failed" were added, which surprised Wen Yuming. He immediately asked what was going on and why the scan failed.

After carefully looking at the situation report, Wen Yuming realized what was going on. It turned out that the most important reason why they were able to scan an object and put it into the real illusion was The reason is that there are enough things collected in the real illusion. Although many things look different on the outside, the materials inside are basically the same. Those things are just a recombination of some basic materials. So as soon as they scan, as long as they know the material combination of the object, they can add the object into the real illusion. This is why they can add the object to the real illusion by scanning.

But this time is different. This time, many of the things they took out were not found in the basic material, so the scan failed. Because these new things are not found in the real illusion, so they are not found in the real illusion. Without the basic material of this stone, there is naturally no way to include it. And after seeing this, there is no way to do it. It seems that they have to study it slowly. As long as they study these stones thoroughly, They can put this stone into the real fantasy world.

It is precisely because of this that when he heard about the name, he immediately organized people and began to carefully study this stone to see what its characteristics are, what kind of abilities it has, and what its basic material is. Very important.

And Zhao Hai also noticed the situation here. In fact, Zhao Hai had already noticed the situation here in the Imperial City of the Shadow Clan, but he did not take action because there was no need. When he just heard that the scan was not successful, it was It also attracted Zhao Hai's attention, because everything in the real illusion is actually composed of runes, and this stone could not be scanned successfully, which also surprised Zhao Hai. This means In this stone, there are substances that are not included in the real illusion, which means that there are some things in this stone that Zhao Hai does not have, so he is even more curious, so Zhao Hai directly told Yu Ming wrote a letter and asked Wen Yuming to give him a stone and send it directly to him using the teleportation array.

After Wen Yuming received Zhao Hai's letter, he was also stunned, but he immediately sent a stone to Zhao Hai. These stones were only the size of a peanut. Wen Yuming originally wanted to send more. It was a few pieces, but Zhao Hai only wanted one piece, so he didn't give away more. After Zhao Hai received the stone, he took a look at it, and then directly brought the stone into the space.

As soon as Zhao Hai entered the space, he immediately heard a voice saying: "New matter found, added, added successfully." Then there was no sound, but Zhao Hai didn't care at all, although this space was He started his business, but now Zhao Hai rarely uses this space, because he has created a real illusion outside. This real illusion can replace space to a certain extent, and even The function is greater than the space, so now Zhao Hai rarely uses the ability of space. He now uses space more as his personal space, but this does not mean that the function of space is not there. In fact, in this situation, the role of space is reflected. The material in this void magnet is something that Zhao Hai and the others did not have before, and it was also something that space did not have before. Because there is no such thing in space, Zhao Hai The sea brought this kind of void magnet into space, and space will collect this kind of void magnet. After collecting it, this kind of void magnet will automatically form void magnet ore in space. From then on, he will be You can use as many void magnets as you want, and you don't have to worry about not having enough void magnets. However, Zhao Hai was not prepared to put the void magnets into the real illusion right away. He wanted to see it, and he was famous for it. Can they put the void magnet into the real illusion on their own?

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