Born Tech Mad

Chapter [242] Deep Sea Project, Seabed Resources

Yuta Company has the ability to build China into a smart empire. After the developed countries are unwilling, Europe and the United States are willing to spend 500 billion US dollars each to ask Yuta Company to help them build a neural network to facilitate European and American citizens and let them

You can also enjoy remote sensing smart life.し【Feng\\/Huang\\/Update please search】

Neural network is a revolutionary network technology, which can form a tacit communication between human brain and computer, bringing unprecedented convenience.

Exporting neural network technology can earn 1 trillion US dollars. With this kind of intelligent network, China's smart appliances, smart computers, smart phones, smart robots, and all smart products can occupy foreign markets in an endless stream.

The neural network will bring massive wealth to Yuta Corporation. As for whether this network technology will be plagiarized by Europe and the United States, Ross does not have to worry at all. The neural network contains advanced artificial intelligence and various nanotechnology. If you want to steal this technology, from hardware to software, only Yuta can do it in the world.

The export of these advanced technologies will not pose a threat to the purchase of Huaxia and Yuta. Ross intends to weaken the neural network technology by half and then export it to Europe and the United States.

On behalf of the entire group, Ross, Yuta Corporation, agreed to help Europe and the United States manufacture neural networks. This investment, with a total investment of one trillion U.S. dollars, will bring revolutionary changes to the world.

In Europe and the United States, since Ross agreed to export advanced technology to them, the stock markets in Europe and the United States have skyrocketed overnight, and investor confidence has returned.

Ross seized the time to let the employees of Yuta Company operate robots with remote sensing to manufacture various sensors, various nanochips, nanoprocessors, and nanoservers. The computer experts in the artificial intelligence department, led by Britney, are building European and American required neural network.

This is a complex and huge project. The neural network needs the support of intelligent nano-satellites. China’s four major satellite bases have received an order from Yuta Corporation for 50 satellites. The neural network can only play a role if a kind of nanoprocessor and servers are installed in cities in Europe and the United States.

Huaxia's neural network remote sensing distance has reached 2,000 kilometers. Of course, Yuta has reservations about exporting such advanced technology to Europe and America. The United States and Europe can only remotely sense 500 kilometers, compared with China's neural network. There is a difference in performance.

Yuta Company, with 800,000 employees operating robots with remote sensing, is busy in production.

These employees are already very skilled in the operation of remote sensing technology. In order to improve the production capacity of Yuta Company, Ross produces intelligent robots in large quantities. Yuta Company, with an area of ​​3,000 square meters, has a total of 400 intelligent robots.

Although these intelligent machines are perfect all-round production assistants, they cost a lot of money. Each intelligent robot costs 200,000 yuan, which is a huge expenditure of 800 billion yuan. It's an astronomical figure. For Yuta Company, it's just a big expense.

An order to build two sets of neural networks for Europe and the United States. It will make Ross crazy. The cost of a set of neural networks is only 50 billion U.S. dollars. Once the order for two sets of neural networks is completed, he can earn 900 billion U.S. dollars. With these funds, the strength of Yuta Company will explode to a higher level.

Yuta Company has become the engine of China's and even the world's economic engines. Using bio-oil technology, various crude oils are being produced by farmers. Cheap oil has greatly reduced transportation costs. In the past, one kilogram of cabbage was transported to the city. It may cost 50 cents, but now, due to the cancellation of all tolls, and the cheap gas price. The transportation cost of a kilogram of cabbage is only about ten cents at most.

Cabbage is just an example. The cost of various other products has been greatly reduced due to the birth of cheap oil. Because the light source converter can make plants grow quickly, the feed in China is almost green and natural.

Use these fresh grasses to feed fish, chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle, sheep... all kinds of livestock not only the meat quality does not contain various chemical substances. And the price is very cheap,

The price of pork has been reduced to 7 yuan per catty, the price of beef has been reduced to 20 yuan per catty, and the price of mutton is only 13 yuan per catty.

Today's China has become a perfect country, all kinds of prices have been lower than the European and American markets, and the per capita wages in China have reached 20,000 US dollars per year.

800 million farmers rely on bio-oil, green grain, green vegetables, and pure natural green meat, so that no matter what farmers grow, they can turn into money.

Driven by Yuta Company, Huaxia's manufacturing industry has developed rapidly, and Huaxia Manufacturing has become synonymous with high-end products.

In the glasses industry, since the appearance of oiled glass, all glasses in the world have been dominated by Chinese opticians, bringing tens of millions of jobs.

The birth of tempered cement has doubled the profits of all cement companies in Huaxia several times, and the number of employees has reached 30 million.

The special steel of Yuta Company has been fully used in all walks of life, even the sickles, kitchen knives, and hoes used by ordinary farmers have used special steel. Special steel has brought great prosperity to the machinery industry, material industry, and metal industry. Huaxia's various cranes, excavators, cranes, forklifts, and engineering vehicles have surpassed the world in terms of quality.

Nearly 50 million people in the national machinery industry rely on Yuta Company to live. In the originally cheap steel market, because Yuta Company provides advanced technology support, the Huaxia steel market is booming. The price of steel per ton has risen from 2400 to 3000 per ton. All of the steelmaking industry has Ross to thank.

Almost all construction industries across the country have gone abroad. They use tempered cement to help foreign countries build various roads and buildings, providing employment for 10 million people in China.

Almost all industries in Huaxia are related to Yuta Company. All kinds of smart appliances, smart computers, smart cars, and every technology have to rely on Yuta Company.

Yuta Corporation, Ross is finishing several super plans.

The first plan is to manufacture light source converters. After the expansion, Yuta Company will use intelligent robots for production, and the production capacity will be greatly improved. It can manufacture 10 million light source converters a day. It only took Ross three months to produce the light conversion instruments needed by 800 million farmers.

Yuta Company began to continue to manufacture these light source converters. The United States and Europe need these instruments to increase the national green area. The price of a light source converter has reached 1,000 US dollars. The United States and Europe need 600,000 light source converters to increase the national green area.

Just by selling these light source converters, Yuta can earn a huge fortune of 50,000 to 6 trillion U.S. dollars.

Ross no longer has any idea about money. He ordered the employees of the light source converter factory to speed up production, and first produced 2.7 billion light source converters for the country to increase the green area of ​​China. Improving air quality and water quality is the kingly way.

Make money or something, put it aside.

Yuta's second plan is naturally the neural network technology, as long as the neural network is built for Europe and the United States. Not only can it earn hundreds of billions of dollars, but it can also allow various smart products to enter the United States and Europe. When the time comes, Yuta Company and all walks of life across the country will make money and get hand cramps.

Yuta's third super plan is the submarine development plan.

After months of hard work. Yuta company provides technical support, and the country provides professional manufacturing personnel. With their hard work, the submersible that Yuta company needs has been successfully manufactured.

The shell of this submersible is made of 25 times special steel, which is extremely strong in pressure resistance, and Yuta Company has produced liquid nano metal. With the support of this metal, even if the shell of the submersible is damaged, it can be repaired automatically. .

A new type of submersible. Known as the "Gonggong", Gonggong is the water god in Chinese mythology, with infinite divine power.

The Gonggong submersible also has terrifying capabilities. This submersible uses a large arc reactor to provide energy. The powerful power provided by 10 engines is comparable to that of an aircraft carrier. Their load capacity has reached 100,000 tons.

The Gonggong submersible has excellent performance and can dive to a depth of 10,000 meters underwater without being crushed by strong water pressure. It can sneak under the sea at a super high speed of 60 knots per hour.

This god-level submersible is prepared by Yuta Corporation to transport robots. Those who go into the sea to look for mineral deposits, once they find the mineral deposits, the robot is responsible for mining resources, and the Gonggong is responsible for transportation.

This massive submersible is used commercially. It can perfectly transport resources, but if it is used in the military, the consequences will be dire.

Its threat is n times more powerful than an aircraft carrier, because this submersible can dive into the seabed at a depth of 10,000 meters, and any missile weapon currently available to humans cannot attack the seabed at a depth of 10,000 meters. This submersible is flat and round. Just like an alien flying saucer, it has a diameter of about 500 meters and can hold 6,000 to 10,000 people at a time.

Huaxia has the submarine transportation capability that no country in the world has. With the help of the Gonggong, Huaxia's navy can kill the world in seconds at any time.

Of course, Ross did not build the Gonggong for the purpose of invading the United States, nor was it for the ability to burn more money than the US Navy. The United States is no longer the enemy of China. Ross built these submersibles only for the palladium element. As long as there is enough palladium element, the strength of Yuta Company and Huaxia will be raised several levels again.

At a certain base in the South China Sea, five UFO-like Gonggong submersibles dived into the bottom of the sea in front of everyone.

More than a dozen large transport planes, loaded with groups of intelligent robots, flew to the pier.

Under the command of Ross's remote sensing, the robot got into the Gonggong like a soldier.

Ross is already preparing a deep-sea plan. With the ability of Gonggong, it can submerge in the seabed for 10 years without supplementing energy. Intelligent robots can also assist humans in controlling these advanced submersibles. Undersea work is too dangerous and boring, and it is best to let robots do it.

It took a full week to transport, and Yuta Company transported hundreds of thousands of intelligent robots to the dock. The robots have already entered the interior of the Gonggong, and they are preparing to perform tasks.

Ross asked Huaxia No. 1 to monitor all intelligent robots and Gonggong.

When Huaxia No. 1 reported to Ross, everything was ready.

Ross issued an order to dive into the sea, and the intelligent robot operated various intelligent systems under the setting of the program, and the submersible began to dive toward the depths of the ocean.

Five submersibles dived towards the five continents. When the submersibles are in the deep sea, the robot will swim out of the submersibles to complete the task of scanning and geological exploration. Each intelligent robot has an advanced metal detection system and elemental analysis detection system.

These lifeless intelligent robots will explore every inch of the seabed.

An intelligent robot can only detect about 1 km a day, and it will take several years to explore all the seas in the world.

Ross believes that one day, sooner or later, he will be able to find rich palladium deposits from the seabed. It just takes time. 500,000 intelligent robots can explore about 500,000 square meters a day, and 15 million square meters of seabed in a month.

These intelligent robots have the ability to find out the family background of the earth. It only takes a few years for Ross to fully know how many resources the entire earth has.

The Deep Sea Project is extremely important to Ross. In order to obtain a large amount of palladium, Ross specially recruited an elite team of thousands of people from Yuta Company. The task of operating the robot is handed over to Huaxia No. 1. The task of these people is to assist them in exploring seabed resources with EEG remote sensing robots.

As long as there is enough palladium, the whole of China can enter the era of electricity, and the electricity brought by cheap cold fusion can support the electricity consumption of various products in the country.

In the future, Huaxia will no longer need gas, natural gas, or coal. These energy sources will all be replaced by electricity generated by cold fusion.

Clean electricity can reduce air pollution, not only that, cheap electricity can also save everyone a lot of money.

Yuta Corporation, on the huge surveillance screen, Huaxia No. 1 projected a scene of intelligent submarine robots detecting energy to Ross.

Intelligent robots swim in the depths of the sea like fish. From time to time, they emit various ultrasonic waves and electromagnetic waves to locate and scan the seabed. 500,000 intelligent robots, like ants, are sneaking and swimming on the seabed, and every inch of soil cannot escape their analysis and observation.

The bottom of the sea is full of treasures. In just three days, these 500,000 intelligent robots have scanned nearly 1.5 million kilometers of sea area and discovered various gold mines, silver mines, rare earth ores, natural gas, and oil resources...

If these resources were in normal times, they would definitely become fat in the eyes of Yuta Company, but now that Yuta Company has a big business, these resources can no longer attract Ross's attention.

The 'palladium element' is what Ross wants. With this stuff, the electric arc reactor can come in handy.

Ross gave Huaxia No. 1 a clear order to search for palladium at all costs, and do not report information to him for mineral deposits with a price of less than 50 billion US dollars, and robots cannot mine.

Ross's order is the imperial decree. Huaxia No. 1 cooperates with 1,000 experts to continue to let the intelligent robot scan the seabed.

Yuta's deep-sea resource development plan has caused dissatisfaction in many countries around the world.

The ocean is the people of the earth people all over the world. After Yuta company has advanced diving technology, it has gone ahead of everyone, giving priority to the development of seabed resources. Many countries are unhappy, but helpless, they can't make that kind of straight submersibles, let alone such advanced intelligent robots.

Apart from watching the seabed resources being seized by Yuta Corporation, other countries can do nothing. (To be continued.)


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