Book of Gods and Demons

Chapter 463: Voyeur

No one dared to obstruct Joe's arrest.

A court clerk secretly showed Ferdinand Mata XIII's handwritten script, which ordered Ferdinand to obey all Joe's orders.

Ferdinand, who owed a small gold mark and was busy getting away, followed Joe into the carriage very obediently.

This is a specially made prison car.

From the outside, it looked like an ordinary carriage that was three feet longer and two feet wider than an ordinary four-wheeled carriage.

In fact, this unremarkable carriage has a wall thickness of half a foot, and the whole body is cast from rare and extraordinary metals, and a large number of runes containing extraordinary powers are engraved on the inside, which has extremely strong power.

Sitting in the carriage, Joe felt heavy and everything was wrong.

The joints seem to be rusty, and every movement takes dozens of times more strength.

The heart seems to be frozen in general, the speed of the heartbeat becomes extremely slow, and the blood flow pumped out is much less than usual, and the body functions are suppressed to the extreme.

As for the blood vessels, nerves, and internal organs, they all seem to have shrunk for the most part, numb and stiff, and reveal a dull life.

The most important thing is the soul.

Sitting in the carriage, Joe only felt dizzy and hard to concentrate. A ‘warlock’ like Mr. Skeins, if he is locked in this carriage... he’s afraid he won’t be able to use any means.

Joe was sitting on the car seat by the door, Ferdinand, who was full of unpleasant smells, was sitting opposite him with Erlang's legs folded.

Around the prison wagon, there were a large number of knights, two soldiers in full formation, walking one after another in the team, always alert for any movement around.

The dock has been left behind.

Undoubtedly, what happened at the Lao Tuozi Inn today will become the enduring magical legend of this wharf.

A shabby, shabby, big-looking old man, an old guy who owes a lot of money for wine, food, room fees, and skin-and-meat-money, he actually...probably...has some kind of terrible identity.

Especially, those two women who have some kind of close relationship with Ferdinand...

The brigade has left the old Tuozi Inn Xiaobanli, Joe has legendary hearing, so that he can hear clearly, at the door of the Old Tuozi Inn, a group of rough men like wolves are fighting frantically for these two women. Little riots.

Joe shrugged helplessly.

Well, because of Ferdinand, the worth of these two women is going to soar a lot.

Sighing, Joe turned his head and looked out the car window.

Ferdinand was holding a wine glass in both hands, and complained ‘chucklingly’: "Damn it, **** it, I didn’t do anything, little guy, I didn’t do anything."

"Look at this damned prison car, does it really treat me as a serious prisoner?"

"But, I haven't done anything recently, I'm innocent, I'm innocent!"

"I have been with Lao Tuozi for the last ten days... Half a month ago, I was at the old fish head shop on the west pier. I lost two thousand gold marks at the old fish head shop, so I ran... I ran When I got to Lao Tuozi... I lost the last three hundred golden marks."

Ferdinand sighed: "I'm busy drawing this book. I haven't done anything except playing cards."

Joe looked at Ferdinand and shook his head: "You don't know at all, what happened in the imperial capital today?"

Ferdinand looked at Joe blankly: "What happened? Uh...I only got up in the afternoon. I was busy playing cards, so I didn't care what happened to the Imperial Capital... Is anyone killed? It's like a while ago. What happened to the rich group of rich men?"

Ferdinand smirked and laughed: "If it is, I really want to say, well done...ah!"

Shaking his head, Ferdinand sighed: "Those rich men in Ruhr, I personally went to borrow money from them, and they actually gave me a face... They have hundreds of millions of dollars, but they don’t want to lend me 100,000 gold. mark."

With a heavy sigh, Ferdinand squinted at Joe: "A while ago, they had killed a lot of people, and the case hasn't been settled yet... Isn't it, something happened to them again? Ha, ha, ha, It's so happy!"

Joe put his hands on his chest and looked at Ferdinand helplessly.

"The Royal Bank Headquarters was robbed... the people of the Corruption Spirit held a terrible evil sacrifice in the Imperial Capital, and the citizens died and injured more than 10,000." Qiao sighed: "In the bank headquarters building, the belongings kept by the dignitaries, And... from the battlefield of the abyss..."

Ferdinand sat up abruptly, his eyes widened and he stared straight at Joe.

He opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

After a long time, he said solemnly: "The military expenditures of the Abyss Battlefield... In the past ten years, the military expenditures raised by hundreds of countries in the Medland continent for the Abyss Battlefield have been robbed?"

Ferdinand dropped the wine glass in his hand, stood up abruptly, and yelled at Joe dancingly, "That's a lot of money, that's...that's...a lot of money...think about it, come on." Ten years of preparations in a hundred countries...Is there a hundred billion gold marks? There should be? And it's all cash, Joe, all cash!"

"Who did it? Who did it?"

Ferdinand yelled: "I have always wanted to do this, but I don’t have enough power... I have always wanted to do this... Ah, ah, ah, some people do it, but I always want to do it but can’t do it. What happened!"

"It's a beautiful job, croak, it's awesome!"

"Those money, those money...Oh, oh, oh..." Ferdinand's eyes suddenly turned into pitch black, and two extremely fine broken golden vertical pupils flickered in his pitch black eyes, spewing out incomparable greed. The faint light.

"Such a large sum of money, if you give it all to me..." Ferdinand was trembling with excitement: "I want to get rid of all the girls on all the piers along the Lanyin River!"

Joe rolled his eyes, and weakly covered his face with his hands.

Rubbing his cheek vigorously, Joe looked at Ferdinand weakly and sighed: "Now what we know is that the person who presided over this incident is the two archbishops of the Spirit of Corrosion, who corrupts the wings of Mia and Miko. "

"With the help of the heretical god, they fled in front of your majesty."

"When they ran away, they said... you are the messenger behind all this!"

The excited Ferdinand seemed to be shot from behind, his body suddenly stiffened, his eyes widened, and he looked at Joe incredulously: "Huh? Me? They said, I am the master behind the scenes. Messengers? These damn... bastards!"

Ferdinand snarled angrily: "I am the messenger behind the scenes? Ha... I..."

After pursing his lips, Ferdinand murmured: "If I have enough strength and financial resources, maybe I will do it, but... I swear by the head of my dear grandfather Doron II, this I did not do this thing."

Joe shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and looked at Ferdinand helplessly: "Maybe it wasn't you, but more than a hundred ambassadors are yelling at Hydra Palace... You have to convince them that this is not what you did. of."

Ferdinand frowned. He sat back in the car seat with two index fingers in his mouth, his teeth slowly gnawing his nails.

"Joe, if it's really me, if I'm the messenger behind the scenes, how can the two **** tell me when they run away? So... anyone with a little brain will understand that the messenger behind the scenes is impossible. it's me."

Ferdinand looked at Joe sincerely.

"It might be replaced by someone else... but they are heretics of the Corrupting Spirit." Joe sighed and said the message he had heard from the corner of the Hydra Palace: "The heretics of the Corrupting Spirit, their They are mentally distorted, their thinking is chaotic, and they are habitually harming others and selfishly.

"Change to other heretics, if you cooperate with them, they may abide by the secret. But the heresy of the Corrupting Spirit, you will never know what they will do next moment."

"So, if you are the messenger behind everything, then Mia and Mike betray your ally, that is... it is completely possible... Maybe they want to borrow a knife to kill people and then swallow all the stolen goods?"

Joe's words were like a sledgehammer, which made Ferdinand dizzy.

He shook his body very uncomfortably, his **** seemed to have countless spikes, rubbing left and right on the seat of the car.

"Ah, ah, ah, yeah, yeah, Corruption Spirit, those **** lunatics... they can do everything, there is nothing they can't do."

The brigade rushed forward.

Joe suddenly felt a faint heart palpitations inexplicably.

His pupils were quickly covered with a faint black gloom, and then a layer of crimson light lit up under the black gloom.

The dark vision brought by the blood of the abyss mayfly made his vision in the dark dozens of times higher than in the day. On both sides of the avenue from the pier to Hyderabad, in the dense black pine forest, even the shaking of a pine needle , Joe can see clearly.

The black pine forest is dark and there is no light and shadow.

But Qiao saw that in the depths of the pine forest about a hundred feet from the main a nine-foot-high, extremely thin silhouette with only a normal person's arm thickness, was standing there quietly. .

In Crimson's field of vision, the person exuded the real malice and killing desire, and a trace of scarlet evil spirit poured out from him, covering the entire team like an octopus.

But these scarlet evil spirits were still dozens of feet away from the team, and they spread to Joe's body one after another. Joe's body was like a black hole, swallowing these evil spirits cleanly.

Qiao stared straight at the figure.

The figure seemed to feel Joe's gaze, and he quickly looked in Joe's direction.

In the team, two Hydra's secret guards jumped up at the same time. They turned into shadows and plunged into the darkness, bringing a breeze into the black pine forest on the side of the road, and rushing towards the tall and thin strange figure. Past.

As the cutting-edge force mastered by the royal family of the Durham Empire, the dark vision of these Hydra's secret guards is stronger than that of Joe.

It was only because Joe had the instinct of ‘Crimson’ that he discovered this shadow before these Hydra’s secret guards.

[Cash red envelopes to receive cash! Follow the WeChat public account [Book Friends Base Camp], cash points are waiting for you!

And when Joe had just met each other's eyes, these Hydra's secret guards also made the most direct and rude reaction.

In the black pine forest, more than a dozen big trees with the thickness of the water tank suddenly shattered.

After two breaths, the two Hydra's secret guards returned to the team panting slightly.

"Major, let's be careful..." A Hydra's secret guard got to the window of Joe's prison wagon, and whispered towards Joe: "We were targeted by non-humans. In Hyderabad, there is this The strength, not surprisingly, are those big countries."

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