Blood of Mercury

: Feeling like the body is being hollowed out

11:10, I finally got off work... However, Xiao Qi, a creature in the subarctic zone, has no strength to code words _(:3∠)_

There was a power outage last night, and I didn't fall asleep at 4:30 this morning. Including a nap at noon, I slept for a total of three hours... Now I feel so sleepy, so I take another day off...

I found that since I lost my full attendance this month, my leave is getting faster and faster... But next month is almost here, although I will be busy for another month at that time _(:3∠)_

But by August 3rd or 4th, I'll be able to take a month's vacation... It's not impossible to have a breakout every other week or so. In this way, when the book of mercury is finished, I can also say to the authors of other authors, "We are full of integrity every day, and we are advancing on the road of de-salting every day."

By the way, the style and theme of the next book have been determined. Mercury has now reached the final volume, and there are about a hundred chapters left. The new book will be uploaded in the fall. Don't ask about the specific topic, I won't tell you before I write the outline, in case I set up any strange flag_(:3∠)_

...I feel like I'm already a scumbag. (To be continued.)

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