Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 570 2 entry points

"Of course we can't retreat so simply. Although we are here because of the enemy's trap, this is also one of the few or even the only opportunities for us to obtain intelligence." Hong Jiang said matter-of-factly.

Urahara added: "Besides, Ichigo and the others don't know where they are. Even if they retreat, they must be found first."

At this time, among the people in the Invisible Empire, the only ones who can contact through Roka's ability are Hong Jiang, Urahara, Yoruichi and Enex.

Grimmjow did not accept this method of handing over his back to others. As for the reason why Ichigo and others had time, it was mostly the intentional intention of Hong Jiang and Urahara.

The greatest value of the new application of Roka's ability is that it ignores space and can achieve extremely high synergy without using words or ghosts. Simply put, it can better concentrate its power on one point.

But this synergy sacrifices part of the flexibility and surprise in a sense. Of course, surprise is not a good thing most of the time, but it does not mean that it can only have side effects.

After speculating that Yhwach has the ability to predict the future, Hiroe and Urahara racked their brains as to how to deal with this tricky ability.

Whether it was due to the persistence of not being able to sit back and die, or because Yhwach had a precedent of failure, they did not despair of the future, and they also believed that an existence without a transcendent world would never be perfect.

After communication, the two came up with two entry points.

One is the fact that Yhwach has failed before. For a person who can predict the future and seek good fortune and avoid disaster, failure seems to be something out of reach.

There are no absolutes when it comes to success. Whether it's the right time, right place, right people, or something as small as a person's words and deeds, it may become an important factor in determining success or failure. If a person can predict the future, then avoiding failure is a natural behavior.

But there is no doubt about Yhwach's failure. Although the other party did not pay the price with his life, the sleep of nearly a thousand years cannot be dismissed lightly.

So why did Yhwach fail? Hiroe and Urahara found two reasons. First, there was no possibility of success for Yhwach and the Quincy at that time. From a strategic point of view, a tragic failure in exchange for The chance to rise up and finally succeed, this exchange is not embarrassing at all.

The second reason is similar in nature, that is, the failure was deliberately guided by Yhwach, but the starting point was more focused on Yhwach.

What if the abilities of Yhwach from thousands of years ago were incomplete? In other words, the future he saw at that time was one of failure, like a phoenix that must rise from the ashes to be reborn.

Urahara once had a different interpretation of the prophecy describing Yhwach. The sealed Quincy King must spend nine hundred years to find his heartbeat, another ninety years to regain consciousness, and finally nine years to regain his strength. And if we add another sentence, the Quincy King must go through those nine hundred years before he can become the true Quincy King?

In other words, failure is the threshold that Youha must cross to experience the nearly thousand years. Interpreted from another angle, the Youha Bach of a thousand years ago may not be complete, and even knows the last grain in the hourglass that represents nine hundred and ninety-nine years. He is incomplete until the sand falls!

This incompleteness may be in all aspects, and naturally includes its ability. If you are a little bolder, maybe Youhabach thousands of years ago did not really master the ability to predict the future!

Just like everyone knows that a bow must be drawn to shoot an arrow, but not all people can draw a treasure bow. This may have been the case with Yhwach a thousand years ago.

He knows that he has the ability to predict the future, but he cannot truly predict the future. He knows that he must become complete to have the power to use his abilities.

As for that prophecy, there is a new explanation. When the King of Quincy becomes complete and can truly predict the future, he will naturally become invincible.

Considering this starting point, Yhwach is still in an incomplete state at this time. Although it is not clear whether he is growing bit by bit or must become complete in one step, it is certain that his ability to predict the future is flawed. of.

In this case, the more traceable the whereabouts, the more likely it is to be predicted by the other party. Some appropriate accidents may be like accidentally touching a bottle while cooking, and it is hard to imagine what the final taste will be.

Of course, if Ichigo and others are allowed to serve as guinea pigs based on this alone, then Hong Jiang and Urahara are really desperate.

The reason why they are willing to take risks and try is because even if they think from the second point of view, accidents are a possibility for dealing with Yhwach.

In addition to considering history, Hiroe and Urahara also tried to think about predicting the future itself.

In fact, predicting the future is mysterious, but it is not impossible if restrictions are imposed.

Hiroe aside, Aizen alone can predict the future to a certain extent through his understanding of people. At the same time, the so-called war, to put it simply, is about avoiding failure and achieving goals. What the commanders of both sides do is to guess and predict the other side's actions while finding ways to win.

On a smaller scale, if there is a test paper with only right and wrong options, the future will be determined when you complete all the questions. In the end, only one answer is needed, and the future of the score is not difficult to predict at all.

Of course, many things in this world cannot be replaced by a test paper. Even if it can be replaced, the above options will not be simply right and wrong.

For most people, the so-called predicting the future is a look into the past, which is the best guess made by combining various types of information. However, true prediction of the future can be divided into the causes of the past and the consequences of the future.

If a prophet is in a void space where only he exists, then the past and future will be completely meaningless. This is the lower limit of predicting the future, that is, there is no future.

So is there an upper limit to the future? I am afraid that only a truly omniscient and omnipotent God can reveal the answer to this question. Maybe there is really no upper limit to the future, but the ability to predict the future does not necessarily have an upper limit!

Just like a person standing at a crossroads will go to different places in different directions, then with the crossroads as the cause, there are four futures guided by it.

But if it is not a person, and the intersection they are at has more than four roads, such a future is even harder to capture.

It is simple to choose the one that is most beneficial to you from four results, but if you choose one from forty, four hundred or even four thousand, the cost will be difficult to predict.

So is there an upper limit to Yhwach's ability to predict the future? Urahara once made a vivid analogy.

Over the past thousand years, Yhwach has been like a pebble in the city. He cannot change his position, he can only decide where he falls in the first place.

In order to protect himself, he certainly hoped that there would be no one in the city, and even if there were people inside, he should have used his ability to find a point that perfectly avoided everyone's route.

But as there are more and more people in the city, the possibility of pedestrian routes covering his hiding place increases. If there is really no upper limit to his ability, then no one should be able to get close to him unless he jumps out himself.

But in other words, if he is stepped on, it means that his ability has an upper limit. Even if he predicts the walking route of a thousand people, the thousand and first person will just find him.

According to this example, Hong Jiang and others are the thousand and first people at this time, and this also shows...

The future may be infinite, but the future that the person who predicts the future can see is limited after all!


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