Blackstone Code

0050 To be a man, one must convince others with virtue, and to be a policeman, one must convince oth

"He's starting to panic..."

There were also people observing the situation in the room where the group of people could not see. From the moment Lynch entered the room, Mr. Fox's eyes were obviously flustered, and their plan had succeeded.

Most criminals will not be too scared when they are caught alone, because they can choose some confessions that can be said, avoid the serious ones, or push some problems to others, so as to reduce their crimes.

But if more than two accomplices are caught, an uncontrollable panic will spread in these people. They will consider whether other people have confessed, what problems they confessed, how they confessed, and what they have said. Do you think the same.

In this case, there will be two situations. The first one is not saying a word. This kind of person is rare, and you may not be able to meet one in three or five years. It's so good to hide, tell it all.

The Financial Crimes Bureau is just an office weaving, but it is an agency under the FBI after all. It deals with all kinds of criminals all day long. They know how to put pressure on prisoners and how to get what they want.

As soon as Lynch entered the room, he saw Mr. Fox who wanted to stand up, but he didn't stand up. The current situation was a bit delicate. After giving the other party a reassuring look, Lynch sat down on the sofa calmly.

His calm performance made Mr. Fox calm down, and some things that he hadn't thought of before gradually came to mind, such as... Lynch explained that he must not take change from other people.

Perhaps Lynch had thought of this a long time ago, and he had already made arrangements. With this thought, Mr. Fox's expression, which was already tense, began to relax, and his body began to relax.

The expert in the room frowned. He saw all the changes in Mr. Fox. Although he didn't understand why Lynch's appearance didn't increase Mr. Fox's pressure, but made him start to relax, it was obviously not a good sign.

He immediately asked the members of the action team in the room to continue without waiting for the lawyer to arrive. At the same time, this expert also had a hypothesis in his heart that he didn't quite believe. In the whole case, the person who really led the case was not Mr. Fox, an old fox, but It was the young man who looked ordinary.

Because of this, he had a thought in his heart that this matter was going to be bad. He got the priority wrong at the beginning, targeted different layouts, and imposed different methods, so the result would definitely not work.

This is like torturing a soldier will not shake a dynasty. If they get the priority wrong, they will not be able to hold key figures!

The members of the action team in the office froze for a moment, coughed lightly, glanced at Lynch, and said, "This...Mr. "

He was talking when Mr. Fox broke in suddenly, "We refuse to answer any questions until the lawyer arrives!"

The detective who was a bit sloppy at the beginning sneered, and he pointed at Mr. Fox very bluntly, "You can shut up, I didn't talk to you!" After he finished speaking, he and Mr. Fox looked at each other for a while, Then he looked at Lynch, "We have received a report that some people say that you have committed crimes such as money laundering through laundromats, do you admit it?"

This question seems like a child's play, asking others whether they admit to committing a crime, how can a real criminal admit it?

In fact, it was the detective who saw that Lynch was young and wanted to cheat. There would be no loss if he tried it, but in case it succeeded, he had to know that there were several recording equipment and camera equipment in the room. What kind of expression he made, even if it was just a mocking but acknowledging expression, or a joking nod, these can be used as evidence.

Evidence focuses on objective facts. No matter what Lynch thought at the time, if he confessed or made an act of confession, the court would consider him guilty.

This trick is very effective when dealing with young people. Their young age gives them a desire and impulse to challenge authority. As long as this impulse appears and is not stopped by them, they will fall.

In the agent's anticipation, Lynch's expression and movements seemed to be very slow. He frowned first, and then looked confused, as if saying "Nm?"

Of course, Lynch is a highly educated young man, he would not be so rude, and after a few seconds, he acted like a script, "Where's the evidence?" Leaning back, letting his back lean against the back of the sofa, he spread his hands slightly, "Although I don't have a lawyer, I also know that any accusation needs evidence, including subpoenas and interrogations...", He said and looked at Mr. Fox, the two looked at each other for a moment, and Mr. Fox stood up.

Lynch nodded slightly, tilting his head, watching Mr. Fox's next performance as if watching a play.

"If Mr. Lynch hadn't reminded me, I would have almost forgotten that you have detained me here forcibly, do you have a summons warrant, and an arrest warrant?" He immediately yelled.

From the point of view of the judicial process, whether it is the investigation bureau or the tax bureau, there must be corresponding approval documents in the process of law enforcement. For example, if the investigation bureau wants someone to ask something, it needs a subpoena. If someone needs to be arrested , a warrant of arrest is required.

Even the FBI needs to show relevant legal proof, otherwise the whole process is illegal.

The young detective's eyelids twitched, and something unexpected started to happen. In less than three minutes since Lynch appeared, the situation had begun to get out of control, which made the young detective feel a little numb.

The experts in another room immediately contacted the detectives through the microphone, "Tell them that we have seized the scene, and according to Baylor Federal Law No. 43, law enforcement at the crime scene and during the crime can be delayed Then apply for relevant legal documents..."

In the room, the young detective repeated what he said just now with a calm expression, "According to Baylor Federation Law No. 43..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lynch asked with a half-smile, "That is to say, you don't have any evidence to prove that Mr. Fox and I are involved in illegal and criminal activities..."

This sentence asks, if there is evidence, it is not to chat with them here, but to arrest them long ago.

The young detective pursed his lips and paused for about ten seconds before answering, "We have been tracking the money laundering crimes in Sabine City, and we have noticed you, and we have relevant legal documents to prove our actions It is legal, and the money is your criminal proof!"

It seems that the Investigation Bureau does not intend to continue playing with Lynch, and Mr. Fox continues to play word games. The expressions of everyone on the scene are a little... ugly, and they are very clear, because the mistaken relationship between Mr. Fox and Lynch relationship, this operation is very likely to have unexpected twists and turns, or even fail.

The only hope now is the money. As long as it can be confirmed that Lynch is sending the change to Mr. Fox for money laundering, even if the whole process is legal, they can still be convicted.

Sometimes the law does not prohibit people from doing certain things. It does not mean that people doing these things must be legal. Even if they are legal, they may be illegal due to process steps and other reasons, such as bribery and donations.

How to determine the nature depends on the process. As long as the judge is willing to accept the opinion of the Bureau of Investigation and pinpoint Mr. Fox’s laundering of money through the laundry, then Lynch who delivered the change for him is an accomplice. This was their initial thought .

Mr. Fox's expression was still not very good, "My lawyer hasn't come yet..."

Lynch raised his hand and interrupted his next words, "Let them show it." With Lynch's words, Mr. Fox is no longer demanding his own power, which further convinced the experts of the Bureau of Investigation that Lynch is the leader.

The young detective stared at Lynch for a while, then nodded, "Let's wait and see!"

Not long after, a staff member brought a hand-held ultraviolet lamp, and the detective grabbed it in his hand, ordered someone to draw the curtains on the bed, turned off the lights in the room, and explained, "We are working on these money. They are all marked, you cannot escape!"

What he said was categorical. They used this method to arrest many people, including some bank robbers and some money laundering dealers. They also had high expectations for this operation.

Lynch showed some smiles on his face, and he made an inviting gesture, "Then why don't you let us see each other?"

The next moment, the room lit up with a lavender light!

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