Black Ride

Chapter 66: Under dark hunting

Zhang Bai Zhuangshuo's body rolled off the edge of the factory without dignity. He suddenly exerted his strength, supported the iron plate under his hand, and then raised his upper body for a short time. Three or four throws were thrown out of the vest. There is white phosphorus burning, burning, bombing and flashing. Light and bombs are combined. Zhang Bai’s back **** on the top of the factory slams and then jumps off the roof of the factory.

This is a height of 15 meters, which is equivalent to jumping down from the four or five floors. Zhang Bai used the military boots to rub against the walls of the factory, slightly slowed down the momentum, and then made a tactical shock-absorbing action. After falling on the land, he rolled a circle and removed the power of the fall.

After all, Zhang Bai’s body is genetically strengthened, and with special techniques, falling from four or five floors will not bring him some harm. At the same time, there was a fierce explosion at the top of the factory. Zhang Baiyi fled to the nearest small factory and fled to the nearest small factory. The distance between the two factories was only ten meters, and he never felt that the distance of ten meters was so long.

It’s good to escape into the small factory. Zhang Bai’s back is covered with dirty gray walls, breathing slightly, then facing the headset.

"Wu Qi, what happened to you over there, I escaped."

On the other side of the headset is the dark factory space, and Wu Qi’s voice is heard lightly and quickly from the headset.

"I killed 9 enemies."

Somehow, Zhang Bai suddenly felt that Wu Qi’s voice was full of reliable security. He actually used the cold weapons to assassinate nine mercenaries who sneak into the factory. Such strength, really more terrible than Wang Sheng!

However, Zhang Bai still does not think that Wu Qi can compete against the guy on the top of the factory who is comparable to a monster. At the top of the plant, there is a strong smog, which will occupy the entire plant top. White phosphorus burning. Burning. The bomb was a military weapon that was once banned in the civilized era. Because it burns not only will produce a high temperature of more than 1000 degrees, the flame is difficult to extinguish, and it is also highly toxic. Once ordinary soldiers are stained with burning white phosphorus, they are basically dead. Although the physical strengthening warriors and pioneers are stronger than pure humans, they are also flesh and blood.

The top of the plant at the moment. Wan Tai wolfed from the top of the factory to the balcony, and the balcony rolled to the four floors inside the factory. The dark gray combat uniforms that he braced up were swaying a circle of smog, and the sound of the left arm rang.

Two seconds ago, when Wan Tai saw the throwing objects flying from the back of the factory, he felt a huge sense of crisis, so he hurriedly escaped with the quickest response. Immediately bursting open white phosphorus burning. Burning. Bomb and flash. Light. The violent light and heat of the bomb, his thermal imaging glasses suddenly failed, and his vision was wiped into a terrible white.

Wantai fled the scene of the explosion, even though it was still covered with a hard white phosphorus flame. The powerful and powerful combat uniforms are also unable to completely resist the white phosphorus flame, and are burned alive and invaded into the skin. This kind of flame is extremely harmful to human skin, even the pioneers do not dare to resist.

Wantai responded as quickly as possible, and his skin burned by white phosphorus suddenly launched his abilities. The ability of first-order skin hardening enhances the overall resistance of the skin, suppressing the highly toxic substances in the flames of blood vessels to a minimum. At the same time, Wantai did not hesitate to use the left arm to hit the floor of the four-story building. He controlled the power, let the iron plate sink down, and controlled the muscles of the left arm to move, forming a depression between the muscle and the steel plate. An incomplete vacuum.

The violent white phosphorus flame suddenly consumes a rare amount of oxygen and then extinguishes. Wan Tai squeezed a sweat and finally stood up again.

His facial expressions have been completely distorted, and the facial muscles are filled with anger and killing. The little mouse actually used the white phosphorus that he wanted to use but was useless. He burned the bullet and almost injured him. He has already buried hatred in his heart. He has to seize this vicious little mouse and chop his fingers, toes, limbs, torso, facial features, little by little!

Just when Wantai was extremely angry, the northwest side of the factory suddenly heard the sound of the car engine. Wanti suddenly remembered the instructions from the previous head of the headset, remembering that there were three men and one woman running away in that direction.

How can he let people run? If you let go of the high, the woman who is spoiled by Charlotte will definitely look good to himself!

Although Gao Lan is much thinner than Wantai, a pair of pencil legs looks weak, but Wan Tai and Gao Lan have been teammates for so long. I know too much about what this woman will do. The strength of her madness to her younger brother will put it on any enemy or even teammates!

Wantai quickly picked up the large-calibre rifle that fell on the ground and ran his thick legs to the northwest side of the plant.

There are no windows in the corner of the northwest, only the narrow sides of the corners, and the windows are separated by horizontal metal fences.

After watching a circle, Wantai lifted the iron bucket-like right leg that suddenly swelled in a circle, slammed his foot on the metal fence, and all the metal fences in the area of ​​one square meter were cut off, and the broken part turned toward The outside of the factory flew away.

With enough space Wantai immediately extended the muzzle of the large caliber rifle. In the scope, Wantai saw a bright yellow car that started driving two hundred meters away, and was about to enter the blind spot between the factory and the factory.

"I want to escape!" Wantai's fingers quickly attached to the trigger, will be placed in the car on the road, when he is about to pull the trigger, he suddenly has a cold back, such as falling into the ice.

This feeling he has not felt for too long, so he almost forgot.

Wan Tai has evolved his abilities since he was a child. He has become a pioneer of envy, admiration and fear. After joining the Hells Lions Mercenary, he is even better. He clearly remembers that the most chilling back of his back felt endless fear and incompetence, the first time he saw Charlotte's anger.

The guy with pale blond curls and sleek and majestic western-style military uniforms looked at the five mercenaries who disobeyed the command, and the crimson flame rising from the palm of his hand, swept the five mercenaries in an instant. Burning. The hysterical sorrow of the hysterical spray, and the pile of charcoal powder that can never be spoken after three seconds, has always become the nightmare of Wantai as the background board.

Wantai did not think that he actually felt the coolness of his fear from instinct.

Wantai reflexively chose to evade. The magnificent body of the muscles was like pulling in the invisible hooks. It slammed the distance to the right side by a meter, and the wind blew a cold knife. Tightly following the body of Wan Tai pan, the chasing soul is generally slipping over!

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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