Black Forest Strike, I Secretly Built a Lightspeed Spacecraft

Chapter 137 Questions extended by the sub-universe project

The meeting on the transformation of the interstellar human spirit lasted for two hours.

Two experts in charge of leading future historiography used field integrals and differential functions to calculate the impact of various measures on mankind in the next hundred years.

The various data models of future historians are well established, and the overall calculation is the whole society.

The variables caused by individuals are negligible.

Just as social productivity will inevitably force social reforms.

Future historiography calculates the general trend of society, and individuals will be directly engulfed by this general trend.

After discussing the reshaping of the human spirit, the leadership meeting began to discuss the construction of the sub-universe.

The sub-universe is of great significance to mankind.

This thing can not only escape the dark forest, but also escape the collapse of the universe.

The last gift Yun Tianming gave to Cheng Xin was a small universe.

With a mass of about 50 tons, it is the smallest universe built by the Trisolaran civilization.

The time velocity of the small universe is different from that of the large universe, and it is generally very slow.

Tens of billions of years have elapsed in the universe, and only two or three years have passed in it. It is very similar to the legend of the Lanke people in ancient mythology that has been in the mountains for a day and the outside world has been around for thousands of years.

Lanke people said that in the Jin Dynasty, there was a woodcutter who lived by picking woodcutter in Lanke Mountain.

One day he found two old men in the mountains sitting on both sides of the stone table playing against each other.

Wang Zhi is also a Go enthusiast, and he also sat here to watch the game.

Seeing the changing circumstances of the chessboard, black and white fighting for supremacy, he couldn't help but become more energetic, more attentive, and watch the game carefully.

At the end of the game, Wang Zhiyi was still not exhausted, but when he raised his eyes, he saw that the surrounding area was dwindling.

Wang Ji remembered his elderly mother at home, and hurriedly turned around and took the load of the axe, but found that the axe was rusted and eroded, the handle of the axe was rotten, and the firewood that was chopped was gone.

Helplessly, he hurried down the mountain empty-handed, and found that the personnel were no longer in the city. Can't find home anymore.

After inquiring around, I heard that Wang Zhi cut wood and went up the mountain, and never returned.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the descendants of the Wang family have long since returned to the dust.

The small universe is similar. They have a different time flow from the big universe. One day inside is tens of thousands of years outside.

Zhao Yu will not build such a sub-universe with too big difference in time flow rate.

He will ensure synchronization with the big universe, so that he can give full play to his advantages and gradually clear all the small universes.

If a new universe is really born, this is undoubtedly the best way to do it.

Don't think that everyone from the last universe can live together in peace.

In the same universe, they can take the initiative to start wars for resources, create dark forests, and even reduce the dimensionality to kill the enemy.

Then they have no reason to live in harmony with you and share resources in the new universe.

It will only take advantage of you to kill with one shot, and then find a way to seize control of the new universe.

Never put your own life on the kindness that may appear to others.

Back in motion.

Millions of civilizations with small universes may not really respond to the call of zero.

Regardless of the reason, in the end there is a need for war.

"At present, we have invested nearly four million people in the construction of the sub-universe, but this project is very large, and it is estimated that it will take at least 50 years to complete."

Luo Ji is in charge of this project, and he is in charge of most of the human projects.

"The materials required for the sub-universe are also an astronomical number. We must start the construction of the planetary ring and the Dyson sphere simultaneously to ensure that these two huge structures can be used to help us carry out energy conversion and obtain enough materials to build the sub-universe. . But the consortium is in short supply of talents, and there is no way to speed up the project."

Most of the construction work can be done by Skynet controlled robots.

Human engineers are also required to check the construction results.

After all, robots are not omnipotent, and most of them can only complete those very precise instructions.

Even those A1 robots with autonomous capabilities are occasionally affected by mechanical circuits.

The existence of human engineers is indispensable, and the only way to ensure the progress of the project.

Four million human engineers are allocated to three such projects, and there is no living person for thousands of kilometers.

The size of Dyson's ring is larger than a mid-level, mature star, otherwise there is no way to swallow the star.

More than one million people are placed on trillions of square kilometers, and they really can’t see anything.

There are too few people.

Humanity is currently developing very fast, but the foundation is still a little weak after all, and there are not so many engineers.

"Anyway, even if it is a snail crawling, then we should crawl first." Vader said, "The manpower will be eased with the introduction of the education law. We must prevent those children from going before they have completed their studies. Taking risks, the social security system is sufficient, and these children do not need to earn money to support themselves. I think this can be enforced strongly.

Hard measures are to investigate those risky spacecraft or industrial organizations. If any child under the age is found, he will be fined heavily.

"At the same time, I found that campus bullying has not eased with the development of science and technology. I suggest that penalties in this area should be strengthened. All bullying cases go to the Legal Department and are handled by them."

"Whether that will harm those children, after all, is still young and ignorant." Hines said, "Too tough measures will cast shadows on the psychology of these people. Moreover, the Juvenile Protection Act does not allow them to be harmed like this. "

Vader smiled, "We should understand one thing, any decree is to maintain social stability and promote its development. Citizens transfer their rights, and we provide protection. The same is true for minor statutes, but the special one is minors. The decree (cdbh) protects children to ensure that they will not be deceived and harmed by adults because of their lack of intelligence. There is a question

The problem is that these school bullying children are hurting other children, and the intervention of the Legal Department is very effective, not to mention that human experiments require some young children to conduct experiments.

"They just haven't grown up and don't understand these things. You actually want to send them to the human body laboratory? Are you crazy? Vader, do you know what you are talking about? You actually proposed to send those wicked children to the human body. Experiment. Just give those kids an education.

Hines stood up with danger in his eyes.

"They haven't grown up. What does it have to do with us? The laboratory needs human samples, and the school needs to pull out these malignant tumors to ensure that other children grow up. If he is not qualified, he should be erased. This is not a normal thing. ?"

Vader didn't have any mood swings, just looked at Hines calmly.

"The social security system ensures that they will not starve to death, and enjoy a good education, that their spiritual and material enjoyment is not worse than others, and that they can choose their own future path. This is the basic condition for human society to give all seeds. ."

"All social support facilities have more cameras installed than any other department to ensure that those children will not be discriminated against invisibly by words, movements, or eyesight."

"If there are still problems with the seeds in this situation, is there a problem with the soil or with the seeds?"

"We understand that these bully children want to gain more status and gain attention from others by bullying their classmates. But understanding is not recognition. Do we understand why other civilizations want to destroy us and we have to lay down our weapons?"

"These children have not learned to gain status and attention through legal means. They will only form the notion that violence gets everything. As long as the intensity of social control is slightly reduced, it will be the seeds of turmoil. And the children who are oppressed by them often have psychological problems. Diseases, and even aversion to humans."

"Speaking of human rights to them, isn't it a violation of the human rights of other children?

Vidder was calm and gave people the illusion that he just ate a pumpkin pie in the morning.

Hines was unable to refute what he said. The federation is not the former federation. It is not about the supremacy of human rights, but the supremacy of survival and the supremacy of development.

Vader’s approach is understandable. People who practice bullying often have poor grades and are good at forming gangs. Such growth will inevitably lead to an increase in interstellar pirates and the outbreak of various crimes.

"Okay, that's it for this matter. Strengthen the management of schools, whether it is the spirit of exploration or the sense of identity with humans, to ensure that they will not be polluted by the outside world or harmed by children with impure motives. Relevant regulations will be set. When entering the law, the law only protects those who are willing to abide by it. To talk about human rights and ethics to those who violate the law is to treat those who agree with the law.

Is it a kind of humiliation and trampling of people?"

Zhao Yu calmed down the argument, Hines and Vader did not speak any more.

This concludes the meeting.

Zhao Yu left the things to Erica to help organize, and then he planned to go to Mara.

As soon as he walked out of the conference gate, two soldiers wearing pale gold shiny armor and cloaks with gold rims saluted him, but did not see Mara.

After trying several communications, I can only see the no answer prompt on the virtual screen.

"I just received the information from the hangar, he has gone to Talos colony." Vader came from behind and said.

Vader walks very briskly, thanks to genetic surgery, he can still maintain good health.

"Taros?" Zhao Yu was puzzled, but it didn't take much time to figure it out.

Not long ago, the space station of the Talos colony received a distress signal from an exploratory spacecraft, and it was suspected that an extraterrestrial creature was found.

Without even thinking about it, what can Marathi who are keen to believe that the universe is a fairy tale go there.

"Should I send someone to find him?" Vader asked.

"Let's do this first, now I don't have time to talk to him.",

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