Carbon-based life is an organism that uses carbon as the basis of organic matter.

All life on earth are carbon-based organisms, including human beings, which are based on carbon and water.

The cell is the smallest unit in biology.

Cells are still essentially atoms and molecules composed of basic particles.

To a certain extent, there is no essential difference between human beings and earth and rock. The biggest difference may just be wisdom.

By virtue of its stable structure, carbon atoms form the carbon-based group of mainstream life in the universe.

The currently known life forms of human beings are all carbon-based life, but this does not mean that there are only carbon-based life in the universe.

Geoscientists once had a mainstream view that other elements could not form life.

In the mainstream view, scientists believe that those elements cannot form complex organic macromolecules like carbon elements, and cannot form basic units such as carbon-carbon double bonds, carbon chains, and phenylcyclic acid radicals that can achieve various complex functions.

There is even an extremely arrogant thought, "The universe exists for mankind."

Because at that time the existence of any civilization could not be observed, and human beings felt that the universe without the existence of wisdom consciousness was meaningless.

As the only life body in the universe, human beings are the greatest significance of this universe.

Just from this kind of thinking, we can see how arrogant and arrogant humans were at that time.

This kind of thinking emerged in the industrial age.

Human beings, who could not even go out of the earth, defined the entire universe at the time of 23rd.

This view continued until the existence of the Trisolaran civilization was discovered.

According to the existing data, it is inferred that the three-body life is a kind of life similar to Newtonian fluid.

They can control the hardness of the body, and split the next generation through the trinity of the rationale, the affectionate and the nurturer.

When necessary, they can also be dehydrated to retain the fibrous body.

The three-body life form is completely different from human beings.

This concept shattered the mainstream thinking of the earth at that time and also made the arrogant human beings sober a lot.

To the vast universe, the earth is nothing, and even the human beings on the earth are nothing.

Human beings can be born in this universe, only a kind of rare fortune.

After the three-body event, human beings redefine life.

Scientists in the AD era generally believed that life should have energy metabolism, be able to respond to external stimuli, and be able to reproduce.

Until after the crisis era, scientists abandoned the original concept.

Wisdom has become the only way to discern life.

Maybe other elements can not form enzymes with genetic information like carbon elements, nor can they form genomes.

But this does not mean that the other party has no wisdom.

Artificial intelligence ai does not have any characteristics of carbon-based life. No one can deny that it is intelligent and belongs to intelligent life.

Artificial intelligence algorithms and the human brain are both very complicated, but they are inseparable from the three most basic logics of "and-or-not".

No matter how complex algorithms and wisdom are, they are based on three logics.

These three simple logics are combined with each other, marking nine directions of things, and then infinitely overlapping, extending countless algorithms.

This is the foundation of artificial intelligence life.

When the algorithm is complex to a certain degree, just like the human brain, it has the ability to self-judgment and learn.

Humans can use steel to create artificial intelligence life.

It is also normal for the universe to use other element molecules to create intelligent life.

The emergence of carbon-based life is to maintain the spread and evolution of genes.

Whether it is the evolution of the brain or all kinds of romance, the promotion of reproduction is to protect the spread of genes.

This is why carbon-based organisms have life limits.

A genome living for too long is of no use to the evolution of genes.

Only by constantly producing new individuals can new mutations appear, thereby optimizing genes.

It can also be said that other elemental life is for the continued evolution of genetic material and the pursuit of more perfect wisdom.

This is also one of the reasons why the Dark Forest was established. All beings will pursue their own evolution towards perfection, thus forming an irreconcilable contradiction.

It's a pity that the crew on the Tianyou didn't want so many. After they kept the crystal relatively parallel, they reached out a mechanical arm and prepared to salvage a crystal to have a look.

There are some scattered crystals floating beside the giant crystal.

The robotic arm grabbed a small crystal that was two meters long and half a meter wide, and salvaged it aboard the ship.

Seeing the system prompt successfully captured the prompt, everyone hurriedly went from the control room to the barge cabin.

They can't wait to see what this crystal is.

Scholars have also been awakened, but it will take some time to get rid of the effects of inferior drugs.

On the way to the transfer cabin, Anderson had been silently praying for them to hit a big luck.

There was a shout of excitement from the transfer cabin, and Anderson's prayer was fulfilled.

Anderson squeezed past El and Alton, and when he saw the salvaged object, he also smiled.

The temperature in the barge barge has dropped a lot, which is an inherent phenomenon of psionic minerals.

Anything that is involved in the non-material world will have a temperature drop, a disordered electromagnetic signal, and a strange sound in the ear.

It is exactly the same as the scene of ghosts in human myths and legends.

This scene did not make Anderson feel scared, on the contrary he was full of excitement.

A huge psionic ore, this time the profit is huge.

Even if the head took the big head, the leftovers left him satisfied.

Coupled with his savings for many years, he may be able to buy a small boat that can hold dozens of people.

Start with a small team and work slowly.

The crowd suppressed their excitement and began to look at the crystal.

The surface of the crystal is crystal clear and very smooth.

The light in the cabin will be reflected by the crystal, forming a purple spot on its surface.

Among other things, with this characteristic, those women can grab headshots.

This crystal is so beautiful.

"There seems to be a symbol on it."

When El was observing with a radiant lamp, he found that the seemingly smooth crystal surface was engraved with various symbols. It was so fine that it could not be felt by his hands.

Fortunately, he was equipped with an electronic eye to be able to perceive the text on the crystal surface.

El's electronic eyes are high-end goods, and they can see very small things through the slight sense of radiation.

The human eye cannot handle such subtle differences, which is why sometimes the eyes see things very blurry, and they cannot see the nuances of the objects.

Objects reflect the light at different distances, and the time and angle of reaching the retina are also different. Humans can use this feature to distinguish the problems of distance and height.

It's just that the human eyes are relatively slow, and the processing of information is also blurred, so humans are also easy to be visually deceived by some simple techniques.

The electronic eye is different, it is too rigid, the time of arrival of the light is different, and the distance is different, and it will record faithfully, which allows El to see the uneven text on the crystal surface.

El's electronic eye is not the most powerful. In some scientific research institutes, researchers will use those electronic eyes with a light accuracy of one ten thousandths of a millisecond to capture the perturbation of basic particles caused by the flight of light.

"A dead alien civilization is about to develop." Alton shouted excitedly. "El, can you interpret those symbols.

"I haven't studied linguistics." El said, shaking his head. "That thing is too complicated to learn."

Cosmic Linguistics is basically based on mathematical formulas, which is very troublesome to use.

Only mathematical geniuses can use it.

When the scholar Gerry walked from the hibernation cabin in a drowsy manner, the people who connected to the cabin were cheering. This is an unbelievable treasure.

What an exhilarating thing is the remains of civilization left by a dead alien civilization.

Gerry wiped the frost off the salvage with his gloves.

There is no temperature in space, but there is a temperature of 000 in the spacecraft, as well as air and moisture, otherwise it cannot sustain the life of the crew.

When the crystal entered the cabin, a small layer of frost condensed on the surface.

Scholar Gerry wiped it all off and looked at the crystal with a solemn expression.

He can't decipher those peculiar symbols.

He looked at the crystal carefully, it was very smooth, there were various runes on it, and he knew that it was not a natural creation.

After thinking for a while, Gerry raised his head and said to Alton.

"If we can, we should open it and take a look and formally identify the ingredients. This kind of crystal has never appeared in human history."

"Of course, I will find a good seller with the appraisal results. This trip has made a lot of money." Alton said excitedly.

"Well, take this thing to the equipment area, I will use the equipment there to identify it." Gerry said.

Talos planet No. 52, the number is the order, which means that this world is the fifty-second colony of mankind.

A huge space station code-named 52-8-6 is floating outside the void of low-Earth orbit.

This is a monitoring space station belonging to the consortium.

Responsible for monitoring and guiding the spacecraft entering Talos, guarding against attacks from other civilizations, providing navigation for human ships, and arranging mooring ports.

This space station has been operating normally for nine years and has provided services to countless explorers and spacecraft of the merchant fleet.

Yamada Hono also worked here for nine years. Sitting in front of the monitoring station, he saw a communication request light up, thinking it was a spacecraft requesting to enter Talos.

He clicked on the newsletter and said in a professional tone, "Hello, how can I help you."

On the other side of the communication, there was no sound for a long time. When Yamada wanted to hang up the communication, he heard a stern, desperate voice.

"Help me, everyone is crazy, they are all crazy."

After shouting this sentence, the communication was silent again, and no matter how Yamada called, there was no response. .

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