Black Forest Strike, I Secretly Built a Lightspeed Spacecraft

Chapter 121 Survival has nothing to do with right or wrong

As the seed of human civilization, Ark has all the industrial equipment needed for a civilization.

After the power armor plan was passed at the meeting.

The huge factory on the Ark made a loud roar, and all kinds of huge equipment were activated to complete production.

Accompanied by the roar of machinery.

One month after the genetic warrior enhancement plan was passed, the first batch of 300 sets of cmc power armor was tested and shipped.

Just three hundred sets of cmc power armor has consumed two-thirds of the Ark's superconducting materials, and the cost can be described as expensive.

The Li Dachao team, who was the first to contact the indigenous people, obtained the qualification to be the first to be armed.

CMC power armor is very heavy, in order to facilitate maintenance and replacement of key parts.

The power armor is not integrated like the mecha in the movie, but separated into different parts.

When armed, there will be a special AI robotic arm to help the genetic warrior carry on the arm.

Li Dachao got the qualification first and entered the armed room.

From time to time, the mechanical tentacles in the armed room will spray out some gas for hydraulic pressure to maintain the balance of pipeline pressure.

The fan at the exhaust port is still spinning continuously to pump out the hydraulic gas, but the pungent smell of the chemical agent still remains in the armed room.

Li Dachao wore a gray-black tights with an inactive dark silver circuit marked on the surface.

The circuit presents a complicated spiral shape, and the patterns intersect at multiple metal joint ports, inlaid on his body through the tights.

This is another operation. This operation connected many nerve endings throughout his body and constricted them into one interface.

Let his nerve activity be captured by the armored control center, and let the power armor become a part of the body of the genetic warrior.

Li Dachao is tall, three meters high, and when ordinary people see him, they will always be unconsciously fearful.

The muscles all over his body are knotted, like snakes and pythons walking on his body.

Even without armor and weapons, the strength of the body alone is enough to easily kill a cow.

A much larger foot than a normal person stepped on the iron boots fixed on the armored indoor deck.

Accompanied by the sound of gears, the boots automatically folded to fit his feet.

The nerve connector of the steel boots combined with the nerve ending interface on his heel, which gave him a tingling sensation.

Then came the leg armor, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, and needed an industrial-grade robotic arm to move it.

Each component will fit with the interface left by the previous component, leaving no gaps and presenting a completely closed state.

The lower body is the first to be armed. This part of the armor is connected to form a gyroscope device and a gravity adjuster, which can increase gravity in weightlessness or other unstable conditions and help the soldier stabilize his figure.

The gyroscope and gravity system are very important in the entire CMC power armor. After the lower body is armed, the ai system needs to confirm that there will be no problems before installing the most critical breastplate and carapace.

The breastplate is equipped with a miniature cold fusion reactor, which is the main energy source of the power armor and the core of the power armor to operate normally.

When the mechanical tentacles were installed in this critical area, they appeared very cautious and slow. It took several minutes to lock it with the back armor, secure it firmly, and fit the armor interface of the lower body.

This is followed by the installation of the elbow armor, and the last step is to put on the steel gloves.

There are nerve probes like steel gloves, which penetrate into the nerve interface of the wrist.

After all armor equipment is completed.

A relatively small mechanical tentacles tighten all the hexagonal studs on the armor to ensure that the armor is completely sealed.

Several hydraulic pipes hang down from the ceiling to inject hydraulic fluid into the entire armor to ensure that the armor can work normally and provide power for every component.

As the helmet was fixed, the cold nuclear fusion device was activated, and the jetpack nozzle on the back also showed light.

After the installation was completed, a green scanner light appeared in the armed room.

Then the red light in the armed room turned green, indicating that everything was normal.

The entire armor made a slight buzzing sound. Li Dachao tried to move it. The servo system made a slight mechanical sound, feeling that there was infinite power that could be squandered.

After completing the overall armament, the originally huge genetic warrior is even bigger, looking like a steel giant.

Zhao Yu and others waited on an empty deck of the Ark.

When the fully armed genetic warrior came out, everyone was shocked.

The fully armed genetic warrior has become a pure war weapon, with a sense of oppression that is hard to breathe.

The visual device on the head emits a red light, giving it a sense of cold and solemnity, like a berserker born only for battle in ancient times.

Even Vader, who was as cold as a rock in his heart, showed an expression of excitement and shock.

What a terrifying creation this is, as long as it is not a purely destructive attack, these fighters will be invincible.

Zhao Yu looked at the genetic warrior who walked in front of him.

His figure is not short, but he still needs to look up at the fully armed genetic warrior.

Even if they kneel down and salute, they are almost the height of an ordinary person.

"We will become the sword in the hands of mankind, fighting for the starry sky, please drive us, this will definitely be the supreme glory.

Li Dachao said on one knee.

Behind him, more than 300 genetic warriors in full armor also knelt on one knee.

During the Great Downturn, the last constitutional state collapsed.

The etiquette of bowing on one knee has also entered the garbage dump of history.

But hundreds of years later, it reappeared when human technology developed into the interstellar age.

Mankind lost its home planet and was forced to flee to the starry sky.

If it weren't for Zhao Yu, I'm afraid that the final civilization achievement would not be preserved.

He has never asked anyone to be loyal, and the only requirement is that everyone must be loyal to the interests of mankind.

Prioritize the survival of human beings, rather than issues such as emotions.

All the actions are only for the consideration of human beings as a whole, and have never gained anything from them.

The genetic warrior who obtains the power armor will be the sharpest sword. It can only be held in the hands of the most wise leader who loves the entire mankind.

No one objected or questioned this, Zhao Yu had already conquered everyone with his actions.

Wisdom, strategy, determination, and fraternity.

This allegiance is a great opportunity for others to gain power, but it will only be a burden for people like Zhao Yu.

If supreme power is needed, Zhao Yu could do it more than ten years ago.

At that time, the entire federation was kneeling before him, and as long as he wanted to, he could feel the supreme power effortlessly.

Regarding the allegiance behavior of the genetic warrior, Vader and others showed nervousness on their faces.

They are not afraid that Zhao Yu will accept it, they are even more afraid that Zhao Yu will not accept it.

Without Zhao Yu, who can take on the important task of rejuvenating mankind and moving towards a glorious future.

Among the 7 million surviving human beings, no one possesses such a powerful spiritual power.

Needless to say, extraordinary knowledge and foresight are required.

Even Luo Ji was a little nervous. His old, thin hands unconsciously grasped the corners of his clothes.

He was afraid that Zhao Yu would reject the genetic warrior like he rejected the Federation citizens.

That would be a disappointment for everyone.

Although he once let mankind escaped under the attack of Trisolaran civilization.

But he doesn't think he can take on such important tasks as leaders.

In the nervous eyes of everyone, Zhao Yu was silent for a moment, and finally stepped forward and put his hand on the shoulder of the genetic warrior.

"々I don’t know if I am qualified to truly command humanity. Maybe you will give me an answer. A war will start to win for me, prove to me that your choice is correct, and prove me There is nothing wrong with the path taken."

"We will be victorious and prove in the name of humans that there is absolutely no mistake in your path." Li Dachao's voice came through the communicator, firm and powerful.

Survival has nothing to do with right or wrong.

Human beings need to develop, acquire more planets, and collect more rare minerals to complete the rapid development of civilization.

The natives of the Dawn Galaxy want to survive the terrible invasion of mankind and defend their homeland.

Perhaps human beings are too greedy, or human beings are too cruel.

(Nono good) Put the terrible things you have suffered on others as well.

Maybe humans should be as friendly as before.

Learn to live in harmony with this so-called low-level civilization instead of violent destruction.

But no matter what the evaluation is, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that humans will win and then live.

Three hundred genetic warriors with power armor, an ordinary army of 10,000, and a mechanical army composed of 6,000 combat-type terminators are all the armed forces that invade the Dawn Galaxy.

As Vader said, human beings cannot afford too serious casualties.

The roaring combat transport plane rushed out of the ark on the low-Earth orbit and directly pounced on the indigenous tribe that ambushed the genetic warrior in the past.

The Hunter fighters also followed closely, and quickly followed up to form an escort fleet.

A war destined to change the two races began.

The surviving humans came from a world full of love and light, but they became the supporters of the dark, using war to seize the survival space shop for themselves.

Perhaps, as those humans in the solar system worry about, whether such humans are still humans.

Perhaps from the perspective of the universe, the human beings are the real human beings. They have taken a real step and learned how to embrace this dark starry sky. .

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