Bizarre Love

Chapter 61 Piano (2)

Chapter 61 Piano (2)

Hearing that she understood, Meng said with a smile, "The same goes for the big questions later on. For example, chemistry will definitely take an elemental reasoning question, and each question type has a fixed routine. After summarizing six or seven college entrance examination papers, you will find that the basic All the answers on the website are similar. For example, cu elements, fe elements and their complexes are the most frequently tested. If you really don’t know how to do it, then summarize the papers and find the rules.”

Zhao Nuancheng was almost stunned.

She didn't expect Meng Ting, a "down-to-earth" academic god, to sum up such "heretics".

"Listen, you are amazing!"

Meng Ting laughed, she was a little embarrassed. The year she was burned and disfigured in the hospital, Zhao Nuancheng cried to the point of tears. Later, Meng Ting failed to take the college entrance examination, but Zhao Nuancheng failed the college entrance examination because of a partial chemistry subject. Since she was reborn, she has been thinking about how to help this young friend.

Hong Hui was also immersed in this "routine". When he saw it, it really was!

Meng Ting warned: "This may not be an ironclad law, so we still have to lay a solid foundation and work hard."

Zhao Nuancheng was so happy that she wanted to kiss her, and promised repeatedly. Then I went to find my papers.

Meng Ting didn't come home after school, she had to go to the music room of the vocational high school next door to practice piano from today on.

The vocational high school has the most complete musical instruments, and the music room and dance room are very new. The exterior is quite retro.

That year Licai's music and dance studio was a small red brick building.

In summer, it will be covered with creepers, and in winter, spider plants hang down from the third floor, giving it an elegant taste.

Although there are arts and sports classes in Licai, there are very few people practicing piano in the school. Meng Ting opened the door with a key, and in the empty classroom, a piano was quietly placed there.

Meng Ting took off his gloves, took a deep breath, and sat on the chair beside the piano.

She hasn't touched the piano for a long time. There was a piano score in the classroom, Meng Ting opened it, and the first page was "The Blue Danube".

She recalled its score in her heart, thought for a while, and did not refer to the score, her fingertips jumped on the keys, brisk and smooth.

At this point, the vocational high school is also out of school.

He Junming and the others skipped class to play basketball in the afternoon. Playing basketball in winter is very sour and refreshing. It is often cold first, then hot, and then cold again after taking off your clothes.

Next to the playground is a brick red building.

When the piano sounded, several boys couldn't help but look up.

The piano sound is clear and crisp, but it is gentle and affectionate.

Chlorophytum hangs down, a little more bright and lively in the cold winter.

He Han said: "It's rare to hear anyone practicing the piano."

He Junming nodded. Although he didn't know what he was playing, it sounded really good. He suggested, "Let's go and have a look."

Fang Tan's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Jiang Ren. Jiang Ren put his coat on his shoulders, without raising his eyelids, not interested in the slightest: "What's there to see, I'm going back."

He said go back and go back.

When passing by the small building, he didn't even pause in his steps.

He Junming clicked his tongue: "Brother Ninja still can't let it go."

Jiang Ren's mother used to be known for being elegant and cold, and Jiang Ren hated his mother. Ever since I was a child, I have never liked women who can dance and play the piano.

About in his heart, at the beginning of his understanding of this world, it was the cold music of the piano at home and the cold eyes of his mother.

He Junming really wanted to see it.

The girls in their vocational high schools are either very good at pretending to be cute, or they are very rough. He thinks that the person who plays the piano must be a gentle and beautiful girl.

He Han patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go, I haven't been beaten enough by Brother Ninja before."

He Junming shut up instantly, looked at the building with regret, and followed everyone out of the school gate.

Meng Ting practiced the piano for a week, and the specific time of the competition was announced.

It was not easy for her to let go of her grievances and participate in the competition, but this time still made her startled.

It was Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve.

It was also her seventeenth birthday.

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