Frost Star slowly sneaked into the village, it was already dusk, most of the villagers had already gone home, and there were only a few people walking slowly on the road.

Frost Star walked to the side of the cellar and swallowed.

"What's wrong with me... Am I afraid of tragedy?

As if making up his mind, Frost Star pushed open the baffle of the cellar and slowly walked in, there was nothing Frost Star was afraid to see, only a little potato, and camel meat.

"It seems that this year's harvest is not good."

Froststar cleaned up the traces left behind and sealed the mouth of the cellar as if nothing had happened.

According to previous search experience, villagers basically locked the real orphans in cellars, granaries and garbage dumps.

As has always been the case, it is checked one by one.

Frost Star walked into the garbage dump, almost every village will have a special garbage dump, every once in a while the nearby mobile city will come to collect garbage and put it into the mobile city's power furnace to maintain the operation of the mobile city.

However, a large number of mobile cities on the Tallulah fiefdom have been transferred, leaving three mobile cities, which are surrounded by mines and do not need to collect garbage, so the garbage dumps in these villages have almost become garbage mountains.

"Huh?" Frost Star frowned as he looked at the dump, and there was a bad smell of burnt plastic in the air.

Did the villagers burn the garbage themselves?

Frost Star walked into the door of the factory with some curiosity, and the door was wrapped in chains a few times and locked.

Frost Star suddenly had a bad premonition, and his trembling hand crushed the lock and pushed the door open.

She saw countless bloody scratches on the inside of the door, and a black figure could be seen on the wall.

Frost Star seemed to see the children begging for mercy in despair, crying out, and then slowly dying in the flames.

The ashes on the ground did not pass Frost Star's toes, and Frost Star bent down to pick up a small section of human arms from a pile of source stone dust or ashes....

"A herd of damn beast!!"

The surroundings of the Frost Star erupted with terrifying power, the surrounding temperature plummeted, and the ice ballast extended radiantly from the side of the Frost Star, invading everything they passed.

The four walls of the factory building are covered with a layer of ice crystals, but it is not over.

"Why! Why! Why!!!

"You hate the infected, bully the infected, why don't you even let the children !!go?"

The air around Frost Star continued to condense ice picks, wantonly attacking everything around them.

The fierce wind swept up the ice picks like a natural disaster, annihilating everything around them.

Frost Star's cloak was swung backwards, and her silver eyes reflected everything she hated in front of her.

But all this will soon be covered in snow.

The snow in Usas never stopped, and no one knew what was buried under the snow....


"Report Lord Bishop, we have found a small natural disaster in the northeast of Yumir City, or should we evacuate to the south?"

"No need."

Otto touched his chin, thought for a while, and then added.

"Send four patrols and wait until the natural disaster is over."

[Congratulations to our Lord Bishop for cultivating the first Valkyrie~]

The tone of the void was yin and yang to Otto, but Otto ignored it, just wrote the future planning layout.

Seeing that Otto did not speak, the Void Hidden began again.

[That girl with your armor should be the standard of a B-level Valkyrie, who are you going to train next?] That duke girl?

"Tallulah is a little special, she has doubted her ideas and has become her own enemy, she is very confused now, but..." Otto

put down the pen in his hand and slowly leaned back in his chair.

"She needs to find out on her own."

"Okay, my old friend, I have something to do now."

[Hey, our Lord Bishop is really a busy man.

Otto withdrew directly from the depths of his consciousness, and before, he could go to the library of the Void at any time and read a book and chat with it.

But at the beginning of the business, it was still a bit difficult, and he had not yet found someone who could help him deal with things, so he couldn't be idle at all.

"Mr. Bishop, everyone is already waiting for you." Sasha (Faust) wore a monastic suit and looked up at Otto who had just been in a daze.

"Oh, I see."

He is not the oldest child in Destiny, but his heart is quite mature, and his learning ability is also very strong, so Otto took Sasha with him to cultivate.

This hall, like the school's lecture hall, has rows of seats in a semi-arc around the front podium, gradually raising the ground so that everyone can see the people on the stage.

Otto stepped onto the podium, and Sasha sat in the vacant seat reserved in the first row, looking at Otto with expectant eyes.

"Children, welcome to the Mandate of Heaven, from now on, regardless of your past status, whether you are infected or not, you will all be part of Destiny."

Wearing a white robe and an eye-like logo on his chest, Otto stood on the stage and looked at the children present with a gentle expression, and Otto's voice was gentle and powerful enough for everyone to hear.

A gentle and powerful voice with a little maturity reassured them and calmed their fears of destiny fantasies.

"I am your bishop, I am your teacher, I teach you to be kind and to help those in need as much as possible. I teach you knowledge and let you understand the world. I will teach you to fight and let you protect everything you have in this land.

Otto's left hand rested on his chest.

"You are the future of destiny, and the future of this land, here, I hope that each of you can live in the next life..." So

the children were attracted by Otto's words, listening to the soft voice and elegant manners, many girls had regarded their bishop as the most admired person in their hearts, and everyone subconsciously agreed with Otto's idea.

Otto is also conveying the idea of destiny little by little to tell these flowers of destiny.

At this time, outside the city of Yumir, four troops came out of the module and headed north.

A few people who were lying in the snow slowly turned and left....

PS: The school has not disappointed in terms of torturing people, holding meetings for new students to torture old students....

I owe five to make up one, and there is a word for today in the afternoon

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