After Otto settled the children, Otto took Alina to the church's laboratory.

The laboratory itself was the storage warehouse at the bottom of the mobile city, and now that the church had been built on it, Otto freed up the lower level for his own laboratory.

In the laboratory, Alina followed Otto, and soon saw glass instruments for growing wheat, without any soil in them, and the roots of wheat were soaked in a special nutrient solution.

These wheats grow luxuriantly, and the green ears bend the wheat slightly.

This is a symbol of hope.

"This batch of wheat is expected to ripen next week, but this is not enough."

Alina looked at the wheat, she knew what these things meant, if this wheat were popularized, there would be no famine in the whole of Usas.

But the current situation does not allow it.

Otto sat in front of the lab table and turned on the lamp, writing something.

Alina observed the situation in the laboratory, which was more open than the one in the snow, the size of a stadium, and the wheat took up only a quarter of the entire space.

Alina even saw batches of [Cambrian] armor in other corners, as well as a large number of weapons and medicines.

You don't have to ask who owns these things.

"Alina, come here."

Hearing Otto's voice, Alina looked at Otto with slightly wide eyes.

Otto handed her a note.

"This is the recipe of the nutrient solution and the method of making it, I originally wanted to tell you how to cultivate the seeds of crops, but the steps are too cumbersome, and you don't have the relevant knowledge."

"I thought, if you have spare time, you can help me prepare some nutrient solution."

"I see..."

Alina's expression was slightly lost, and her eyes also revealed helplessness, and the next moment she found that Otto was stroking her hair, and Otto was also looking at her with a helpless expression.

"You've done a great job so far."

Alina looked at Otto, her face slightly blushing.


"In fact, there is no need to be too entangled in this crop, and the effort and return of growing this crop in large quantities are seriously unequal."

In the past, during the Mandate of Heaven, cultivating this crop was only used by Mandate in special circumstances.

In ordinary life, cultivating this high-yield crop costs too much energy and money, and if you need the same amount, it is better to buy or exchange it directly.

"Teacher, our food is now seriously insufficient, can't we improve these seeds?"

"Huh." Otto smiled softly.

"It's not my limit, it's these seeds. As for food, I have arranged for some infected people to fish in the northern lakes, and a batch of grain will be delivered soon.

"Really? That's great! Alina was a little excited, and now more people will starve to death.

It seems that there is nothing in the world that a teacher cannot do.

Otto told Alina something more, and Alina left.

Now it's time to work again, Otto moved his neck and stretched his body, his body has long ceased to be flesh and blood, but soul steel, and there will be no physical fatigue at all.

If you can't concentrate, do something else.

Now it is less than half a year since he came to this world, and he has secretly hoarded enough equipment to arm five thousand people, and now he only needs to find an opportunity to pull up an army.

Because of today's distribution of bread, Otto himself dared to conclude that within a week, the entire Great Tallulah would receive a complete breakdown in order.

The huge population base is the most powerful weapon for the impact on order.

Otto opened the drawer and took out a uniquely shaped revolver to play with it up and down, and then skillfully loaded the bullet nest.

"I was almost fooled too, it seems that the rumors and the words at the national level are not credible."

When Otto came to this world, his first thought was to see if he could make gunpowder and firearms.

But the composition of gunpowder cannot be made up, and it feels like the world does not have it at all.

The only thing that surprised him was how the religious country of Rutland came up with guns.

After understanding the excitation principle of Lateran's gun, Otto planned to use the source stone energy to see if he could replace the kinetic energy of gunpowder, so in the first experiment, he added the source stone concentrate to it, and it exploded without accident.

However, this shows that source stones can replace gunpowder.

After more than a dozen experiments, it was finally shown that the source stone powder with a purity of 60% to 70% could be used as a substitute for gunpowder.

However, the production of bullets is very troublesome, the manual production speed is too slow, and it must be produced with the corresponding production line.

Rutland publicized the shortcomings of firearms on the surface, but mass-produced firearms himself.

It's ironic to say.

In the powerful display of Source Stone Skills, all countries are paying great attention to the Great Improvement of Source Stone Skills and Source Stone Warlocks.

Otto felt that these countries did not recognize the true significance of firearms.

In war, the comparison is the exchange of money, and it takes thirty years for a Usas war warlock to be trained, and a child with a pistol can take it away with the first shot.

A soldier who took thirty years to train was not as good as a child.

The price of these two cultivation is not a grade.

If this development continues, Otto believes that when the world or country undergoes another large-scale reshuffle, Lateran is the only country with modern combat capabilities, and with their unique Weapon Source Stone skills, they can at least gain a lot from the shuffle.

Otto also discussed Terra's technological development with Void Manzo, and both of them also found it strange.

But if you think about it, it seems excusable.

The physique of the Terraya people itself is stronger than that of the humans in the original world, and they have obtained a powerful source stone skill, and attached the source stone skill to the crossbow, making it more powerful than the gun itself.

Since the role of crossbows is greater than firearms, then why develop firearms?

There's no need for that at all.

However, Otto has long prepared drawings of various firearms, and now he is thinking about the transformation and upgrading of guerrilla fighters at that time.

The shield guard may be the first to lose its role, with the huge size and strength of the shield guard, remove the shield, hold an automatic multi-barreled machine gun in his hand, and carry an ammunition box behind him, isn't this a heavy fire infantry?

Then make a lot of artillery and steel torrents, so that you have a regular army in your hands.

In the future, there will be time to cultivate Valkyrie troops to fight against those unconventional existences, and such existences are quite a few in Terra.

PS: This is also my opinion on Terra, I feel that using a crossbow to hit a drone is really too dramatic....

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