Bishop of the Devil

Chapter 199 Unscientific Leading (100,000 recommendation votes plus more updates)

The game on the field continues...

Although Richard has laid out a detailed defensive strategy, because of the existence of Stockton, a top backcourt engine, he can always find loopholes in the Blazers' defense and use this to help his teammates score.

The Jazz led every quarter.

At the end of the first quarter, the Jazz already led by eight points!

"Guys, let's change our strategy next and let the old Shaman on the inside take the main attack!" Because the Blazers' outside accuracy in the first quarter was not very good...

So Richard planned to let Sabonis take advantage of this advantage to attack in the second quarter.

Halfway through the second quarter, the Trail Blazers were able to bite the point difference and did not let the point difference further expand to double digits.

But by the time the second quarter was about to end, Lao Sa couldn't keep up physically...

This makes Richard a little helpless. He has no choice but to let O'Brien take the place of Sasha. Today's O'Brien will definitely not be able to become the team's main offensive point.

The score difference on the field was further widened...

"Beep!" The referee blew the whistle to end the game. The Trail Blazers' first game of the Western Conference Finals ended in failure. They lost by 17 points. It was completely regarded as a big defeat!

Stockton, the Jazz's backcourt engine, scored 17 assists in this game, 14 points, 17 assists, 3 rebounds, 3 steals, 2 turnovers and 2 fouls. The assist-to-turnover ratio is simply frighteningly low...

Although he got 17 assists, he only made two mistakes, which completely demonstrated the extraordinary organizational ability of this top master!

Postman Malone's performance in this game was not that extraordinary. His 21 points were really not that much compared to him, a top star in the league...

But consider that when Malone only scored 21 points, the Jazz could beat the Trail Blazers by 17 points. Such a Jazz is really scary!

Hornacek threw 5 three-pointers in the game, made 5 of 9 three-pointers, and scored 27 points alone.

Small forward Brian Russell also hit three three-pointers and scored 21 points!

All offensive points are in bloom. It can be said that the Blazers' loss in this game was not unfair at all...

The Trail Blazers didn't feel good in this game, and their outside shots were inaccurate, which caused them to fall behind by a large margin. However, in terms of tactical execution, they have done a good job.

If you feel good on the outside, even if you lose, you won't lose so miserably.

Richard naturally knows this very well, so he will not criticize the players harshly because of the strength of this game.

Trail Blazers fans saw their home team losing on live TV. Although they felt uncomfortable, they were also very clear about the gap between the Trail Blazers and the Western Conference hegemon Jazz...

It would be incredible if the Trail Blazers defeated the Jazz in the first game at the Devil's home court.

In the first game of the Western Conference semifinals, the Jazz players behaved according to the rules, and there was no use of any elbows or tricks. The main reason was that they were always in the lead, and they really couldn't find any reason to use these dirty tricks...

When you are ahead, and still ahead by a large margin, wouldn't it be funny if you use these tricks to steal the chicken but lose the rice?

The Trail Blazers have always been a passive counterattack type. As long as their opponents are honest, the Blazers are unlikely to cause trouble...

Therefore, this first battle was quite peaceful. Although there was some friction on the field, it did not reach the point of taking action.

Even Rashid did not receive a technical foul in this game. You can imagine how calm this game was...

G2 was on May 6. Before the game started, Richard received another call from Olshey.

China is still preparing to broadcast the Western Conference Finals G2 live, and Olshey called to inform him...

The last domestic live broadcast of the Lakers and Trail Blazers life and death game had quite good ratings, and Chinese people were attracted to this high-intensity physical confrontation sport.

Especially Richard, a Chinese coach, impressed the Chinese people even more with the introduction by the commentator...

Richard's resume is extremely bright. The commentator must have obtained Richard's information from the official before explaining the game. After adding fuel and jealousy, Richard has become the strongest head coach in the entire old and American basketball circle.

Such a young Chinese-American has naturally won the favor of the Chinese people...

In addition to Richard, O'Neal also attracted a wave of big fans in China. The Chinese people like tragic heroes. When they saw that O'Neal performed so outstandingly in this game, but still lost the game in the end, the Chinese people became obsessed with it. Sympathy...

After some research from above, we decided to broadcast some Blazers games again to see what the response will be.

Stern is very happy now. What he has been working hard for eight years is about to succeed. After winning CCTV, is he still far away from completely opening up the Chinese market...

In this era, CCTV is the number one player in the country, especially in terms of live sports. CCTV even has a monopoly in the country. As long as CCTV regularly broadcasts NBA games live, there is no possibility that it will not be able to open up the Chinese market!

This G2 Richard did not change his strategy, even if he was defeated by the Jazz in the first game...

There is actually nothing wrong with the current defensive and offensive strategies that Richard and the coaching staff have come up with. The problem lies in the strength of the players. If the Jazz players don't perform normally, or the Trail Blazers can perform exceptionally, there is still hope of winning against the Jazz.

"Rashid, you did a good job in the last game and didn't get a technical foul. Keep up the good work in this game!"

"Kobe, I need you to irritate Stockton as much as possible in this game. I don't care what method you use, just irritate him. An angry point guard is much easier to deal with than a calm point guard!"

"Robinson, be decisive and take decisive shots. We need your three-pointer to open up the situation!"

"Ben, be careful and protect your brothers!"

Before going on the field, Richard asked the players some precautions one by one...

The generals nodded and waited until the referee blew the whistle to start the game.

Richard was very lucky in this game. The Trail Blazers were very accurate on the outside. Whether it was Robinson and Rasheed who started, or Curry and Bowen who came off the bench, they all felt good and can be regarded as extraordinary performances. Got it!

As for the Jazz, Russell's touch was not good. He only made one mid-range shot in the half game and never scored again!

Under such circumstances, the Trail Blazers actually gained a 5-point advantage at the end of the first half!

This battle situation was obviously not expected by the home fans at the scene. The Trail Blazers, a team that was obviously going to be beaten, actually managed to win by five points at halftime?

Obviously unscientific...

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