Binding to Geniuses To Become Stronger

Chapter 14 The three of you go together

Binding was not successful.

Fang Lang was also speechless, this girl... used a fake name!


Fang Lang has figured out the conditions for system binding. He needs to see the real person of the other party with his own eyes, know the real name of the other party, meet two conditions, and have an intersection with it before he can bind.

Fang Lang rubbed his nose, unexpectedly, the girl used a pseudonym in front of Dean Cui and the professor in the academy.

Of course, this also explains the status and identity of the girl from the side.

"However, deliberately using a false name, in order to participate in the sword-questioning contest held by the 'Sword Shu Sect', is there any special purpose?"

Fang Lang thought for a moment, then gave up thinking, this matter has nothing to do with him.

He just needs to do his own thing.

Besides, there will always be a day when I know the girl's name.

"Specialization in sword drawing, coupled with specialization in Lingxu sword step... I don't know if I can stand out in the sword competition."

Fang Lang took a deep breath.

There is still pressure, although there are two kinds of sword skills, but this time, there are more than two hundred sword cultivators from academies participating in the sword competition, and no one knows whether there are any ghosts and ghosts hidden in it.


The lesson of keeping the bell rang the bell.

From every floor of the study building, there was a rustling sound, and the students were sitting upright.

Fang Lang returned to the study building and greeted Ni Wen in the distance, who almost shrunk his head into his green shirt in embarrassment.

In the distance, Yang Zhengyi also cast a look at Fang Lang, and with a "click", he slammed his bangs on his forehead.

Mr. Xi, who was in charge of the martial arts class, walked in, tapped the gavel, and began to explain the knowledge points in "Da Tang Martial Arts". This class is about knowledge about martial arts.


A day of study is over soon.

As the class bell rang, the students in green shirts on the floors left one after another, like leaves falling from tree trunks into the river one after another, scattered everywhere with the current.

Fang Lang didn't leave the study building, and when the bell rang for the end of class, he came to Ni Wen's side, holding "Da Tang Wu Jing".

"Xiao Wenzi, here is a question that I don't quite understand, please analyze it for me."

Fang Lang smiled warmly.

Ni Wen glanced at Fang Lang timidly, without refusing: "You say... I will try my best to answer."

Fang Lang sat on a futon opposite Ni Wen, pointing to a question.

"A martial arts cultivator and a sword cultivator faced each other at the same time through the city wall of the engraved magic circle built by a powerful martial arts cultivator. A ruler; a swordsman doubles himself every day, a martial arts man half a day, when will the two meet again, and how much will each wear?"

When Fang Lang saw this topic, he almost felt like a dog.

Ni Wen glanced at the question, but she quickly got the answer. With a beep, she stretched out a slender finger to draw some pictures on the table. With a soft voice, she explained to Fang Lang unhurriedly. .

For this kind of answer about written knowledge points, Fang Lang didn't switch his practice state.

"Ding! The host and the bonded object Ni Wen have a shallow exchange of knowledge about practice, and get [Chongduan Card Fragment × 1]."

A system prompt will pop up in due course.

Shallow communication, this kind of ordinary question, is really not deep enough.

Fang Lang took a deep breath, but he was not too disappointed.

View the introduction: "Punch card fragments: gather five pieces, which can be exchanged for a complete punch card, which can be used to hit bottlenecks related to practice, such as techniques, skills, and cultivation bases."

Good stuff!

Fang Lang felt refreshed.

This little Wenzi is a treasure, every day he comes to discuss cultivation with Xiaowenzi in some depth or in a shallow way, and collect more "Chong Duan Cards", wouldn't it be easy for him to practice?

However, Fang Lang didn't chat with Ni Wen for too long today.

I specifically told Xiao Wenzi that I will not go home with her today, and that he will participate in the special training of "Sword Asking Competition".

As for Yang Zhengyi, Fang Lang didn't bother to say that as soon as this guy was out of class, he went to Jiaofangsi to have fun with a few like-minded classmates, talking and laughing. .

Although Fang Lang also thinks it makes sense.


The setting sun is like fire, burning the sky a bright red.

Martial arts arena.

When Fang Lang arrived, Jiang Linglong was already standing under the willows Tingting.

She is wearing a green shirt and a veil, and when a gust of wind blows, three thousand green hairs are blown up. The sunset, willow, and girl are in the same frame, just like a painting.

Fang Lang was stunned for a while, and after a long time, he smiled and greeted Jiang Linglong, although he didn't know the other party's name.

In the distance, Zao Wou-ki and the instructor of Weapon Frame squatted aside, smoking dry cigarettes together, looking at Fang Lang who appeared, feeling a little depressed.

"I always feel that this kid has something wrong with Miss."

On Zhao Wou-ki's simple and honest face, there was a hint of vigilance.

He took the young lady out of the imperial capital, and he had to bring the young lady back intact. If the young lady made any mistakes, if some youngsters were tricked into entrusting his feelings to him, his old Zhao would probably be beaten by countless young talents when he returned to the imperial capital. die.

Of course, before that, the master will kill him first.

"Boy of the Fang family, restrain me a little bit."

With this in mind, Zao Wou-ki stared at Fang Lang from a distance with a cigarette stick dangling from the corner of his mouth, with sharp eyes and a bit of vigilance.

Fang Lang seemed to have sensed something, glanced at Zhao Wuji's direction, and showed a standard bright smile with eight teeth.

Old Zhao is here too, I'm sure, this indeed the mysterious lady in Qianfei Pavilion!

However, Fang Lang didn't go up to say hello. Although the girl was cold, her unique temperament made her look like she was wrapped in armor covered in spikes. Anyone who approached her would be easily pierced and bruised.

Fang Lang thought in his heart that the real person had already seen him, and his requirements were not high. He only needed to know the other person's real name to realize the bond binding, so he only needed to figure it out slowly.

Liu Bubai also came, and he changed into a practice uniform on purpose, with his head held high and his chin raised, as proud as a white swan.

In his hand, he held a gorgeous long sword inlaid with many precious stones on the scabbard. There was a magic array engraved on the sword ear of the long sword, and red tassels hung on it.

Holding this sword, Liu Bubai exuded the full aura of a sword cultivator.

Wen Jiaoxi appeared, glanced at him and changed his clothes. The proud and high-spirited Liu Bubai glanced at Jiang Linglong with a smile on his face.

Although Wen Jiaoxi didn't quite understand why Dean Cui would deliberately put a girl in, maybe Dean Cui wanted Luojiang Academy to perform better in this year's competition of swordsmanship.

"Let me give you a brief introduction to the 'Jianshu Sect'. Maybe some of you will be recruited by the Jianshu Sect in the scientific examination a month later."

Holding a wooden sword in his hand, Wen Jiaoxi smiled.

Liu Bu raised her head taller.

This feels right, the teacher praised him.

There was no wave in Jiang Linglong's ancient well, only the veil was slightly undulating in the breeze.

Fang Lang had a gentle and elegant smile on his face as always.

"Sword Shu Sect, the ninth top sect in the Tang Dynasty, with tens of thousands of disciples, divided into inner sect and outer sect, the suzerain Xuanyuan Taihua, who also serves as the first-rank official of the imperial court, is known as the first sword fairy in the Tang Dynasty. What is commendable is that, with the strength of a single sect, the Sword Shu Sect alone suppressed the "Yao Que", the channel connecting the world of demons to the world of Tang Dynasty, and kept the common people and monks in the Wanli area under the jurisdiction of the Sword Shu Sect safe and peaceful."

Wen Jiaoxi said unhurriedly.

Liu Bubai was full of yearning.

Jiang Linglong listened quietly, seemingly untouched by the lotus, as calm as water.

Fang Lang narrowed his eyes slightly, curious about the so-called "Demon Que".

According to the textbook, the world of Tang Dynasty and the world of monsters are isolated from each other, blocked by the barriers of the world, and are not connected to each other.

Between exchanges, one can only pass through the "Yao Que", otherwise, even a ninth-rank level cultivation power will not be able to step into the other side of the world at all.

According to rumors, this barrier separating the two worlds was left by a powerful existence beyond the ninth rank.

Although Fang Lang was curious, Wen Jiaoxi obviously didn't intend to explain too much about the "Yao Que".

Wen Jiaoxi lightly tapped the ground with his wooden sword, and said: "Jianshu Sect holds the "Sword Asking Competition" every year, which aims to allow the younger generation of sword repairers to exchange ideas on kendo before the scientific examination, and to have obtained."

"The Swordsmanship Competition is divided into individual rankings and group rankings, all of which are based on a three-round elimination system."

"The top three in the individual list can get 20 points in the scientific examination, and the top three in the group list can get 10 points in the scientific examination."

Wen Jiaoxi said slowly.

"So a total of 30 points can be added, and these 30 points are enough to widen the gap."

"Over the years, many talented sword cultivators who have gone for the top spot in the sword science examination will work hard for these 30 points."

Liu Bubai's eyes were shining, his fighting spirit was rolling.

Fang Lang and Jiang Linglong still looked tepid.

Wen Jiaoxi smiled and raised the wooden sword in his hand.

His eyes fell on Fang Lang, Jiang Linglong and Liu Bubai.

"Next... to conduct special training, it can be considered as a test of the swordsmanship strength of the three of you. You don't need to use your cultivation, just fight for simple swordsmanship. The three of you will go together."

"If I can move a step, today's special training will be over. Otherwise, each of you...will swing your sword three thousand times before returning home from class."

With a smile on the corner of Wen Jiaoxi's mouth, he pointed with his left hand together, tapped on the wooden sword, and wiped it suddenly.

Even a wooden sword can emit a clear sword chant.

The sword chant like a dragon.

It tore the silence of the Martial Arts Field under the setting sun.

Don't keep saying that the author is short, it's really not short, the new book period can't be more, the number of words per chapter is not too small in the new book, Beng Lei asks for a recommendation ticket!

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