Billion Technology Crystal System

Chapter 483: Come on! Ask for completeness!

The students began to chatter in a low voice.

In their perception, this question is difficult, like a world problem. Although they say it, they just pick up the pen and paper and start to calculate. When they listened to the question just now, they have been recording it.

The reporters also heard it clearly.

Even so many examinees find this question difficult, so wouldn't Ye Fan be even more incapable of doing it?

"Please answer Mr. Ye. I have studied this formula with countless math professors for several years, but there is still no accurate answer. If Mr. Ye doesn't understand the question, I can say it again..." The professor's voice I haven't fallen yet, and I'm ready to say the topic again.

Ye Fan smiled lightly.

Just speak directly: "If x=-1,

Then (x+6x-2)^6=(1+6-2)^6=5^6



The voice fell.

In an instant, it fell into silence, and even those professors looked at Ye Fan with wide eyes.

Those candidates behind him naturally needless to say.

Candidates: What are you talking about? We didn't even understand the question, so why did you solve it? Is it funny?

The reporters saw this group of people widen their eyes and looked surprised, and even the venue seemed too quiet, and their hearts were unknown and restless.

Regardless of whether Ye Fan answered correctly or not.

But Ye Fan said it.

But isn't this a bit too fast?

How long does it take?

As soon as the question comes out, you can get the answer. Is it a unique skill of the Celestial Dynasty, mental arithmetic?

As we all know, the mental arithmetic ability of the Celestial Dynasty is super strong, especially the children, just move their fingers and get the answer directly from an extremely difficult calculation. This situation once shocked the international news.

And Ye Fan didn't move his fingers either.

You have come to a conclusion when others haven't heard the question clearly?

The professor who asked the question just now straightened his eyes, and without saying a word, he began to check Ye Fan's arithmetic and formulas in his heart.

How is mental arithmetic verified?

He quickly picked up the pen and paper beside him, and began to calculate frantically. The more he calculated, the more shocked his face became.

The place was extremely quiet.

All looked at the professor to verify.

not only a professor,

Other math professors also participated in the verification.

five minutes...

Then the professors raised their heads and looked at Ye Fan with horrified eyes: "Yes... that's right!"

What they were astonished about was not the right, but the speed.

Ye Fan's speed is too fast, everyone else has to think, doesn't he need to think?

Hear what the professor has to say.

The crowd suddenly burst into an uproar.

"Is that right? Is the misty grass running water so quickly?"

"There should be this answer in that notebook, but the professor just happened to meet the question, hehe!"

"Yeah, it should be related to that diary, I just checked, Needham's friend is Professor Les!"


Is that Professor Les?

In an instant, everyone was in an uproar again.

Is Professor Leith very famous?

Do not.

He didn't achieve anything.

And his grandfather, Leon, is the real boss. He used to be a member of Huo Guang's laboratory. The talent and awards he has won are comparable to those of the head of the Mensa Club.

This man used to be a powerful and prestigious man.

But unfortunately, it's so old.

Once a legend, this way, everyone can explain it.

The former Huo Guang laboratory has studied graphene technology, which is well known.

They don't know if the suspension technology has been studied.

But graphene technology they know.

Could it be that Ye Fan's graphene technology is in that diary?

Look at the contempt and contempt on everyone's face.

Ye Fan smiled helplessly: "Since you always say that all my knowledge comes from that diary, then let me change it!"

"It was originally out of good intentions, I was afraid that you would not understand, that you would be injured, but you are so excessive, so why do you need to leave any sympathy for you?"

"There is another answer!"

Let f(x)=(x^2+6x-2)^6=a12*x^12+a11*x^11+a10*x^10+…+a1*x+a0, then:


f(-1)=-7 =a12-a11+a10+…-a1+a0

So: f(1)+f(-1)=5-7 =a12+a11+a10+…+a1+a0+a12-a11+a10+…-a1+a0

So: -2=2 (a12+a10+a8+a6+a4+a2+a0)

So: a12+a10+a8+a6+a4+a2+a0=-1

So three times, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Not the reporters, but all the mathematicians, what did they hear?

One by one, their faces changed greatly, and they immediately picked up the paper and began to calculate.

The formula is right, but they have no way of knowing how the formula works.

But by relying on this formula, the answer can indeed be obtained.


If this is placed in the math library, it is another conjecture!

"There are many formulas to answer this question, then I will tell you one by one!" Ye Fan said with cold eyes.

"f(1) = 5^6 = a12+a11+a10+…+a1+a0

f(-1)=(-7)^6 =7^6=a12-a11+a10+…-a1+a0”

Two more.

here we go.

Evan started.

Ye Fan kept his mouth shut, and the little mouth babbled.

One algorithm formula follows another algorithm formula.

Crazy blurted out.

The group of math professors at the scene were stunned. They were verifying, but the verification speed was not as fast as what Ye Fan said.

They had no choice but to record Ye Fan's formula first.

five minutes.

Ye Fan has listed hundreds of formulas.

still in progress.

Ye Fan's eyes have been staring at Needham, and his mouth is talking, but his eyes are fixed on Needham.

Needham's heart also exploded.

He was about to greet Ye Fan's ancestors for several lifetimes.

Are you so human?

He never thought of these. Who would have thought that one person could come up with so many formulas.

And they don't.

These formulas are all mathematical formulas and calculations that are ten years ahead of the world.

With such a similar formula alone, Ye Fan can name tens of thousands of them.

This is the biggest loophole in their entire plan.

They don't know who Ye Fan really is.

They don't know Ye Fan, and they don't know what kind of existence a training institute is!

Do they feel like they have won?

ten minutes.

Ye Fan is still continuing.

The live professors were recording wildly.

Dozens of pages were used up just for the recording paper.


Billion Technology Crystallization System

Billion Technology Crystallization System

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