Big Manga

Chapter 1035: One day in Ninghai


"Mmm... this is delicious!"

At the barbecue restaurant, Meng Huo couldn't help laughing at Qin Ya devouring the barbecue, "Didn't you eat snacks before? Why are you still so hungry now!"

"The barbecue here is delicious!" Qin Ya wiped her mouth with a paper towel, and then continued to eat: "Snacks and staple food are served separately. Teacher He Xi, how do you know that the barbecue here is delicious? This The barbecue is so good, I haven’t found it in Ninghai for so many years. (Baidu search website is the fastest and most stable update)”

"Alice took me here to eat when I was working here."

Meng Huo said, Qin Ya didn't know that this restaurant was normal, Ninghai is so big, there are countless restaurants, no matter how good a foodie is, it's impossible to write down every delicious place!

"Miscalculation, I forgot that Miss Alice was born and bred in Ninghai." Qin Ya regretted, "She must know a lot of delicious places. When she comes back next time, I must ask her to introduce some to me."

The assistants next to them also nodded. Their mouths were full of oil. Although the barbecue is not a nutritious food, the barbecue in this restaurant is really delicious. Teacher He Xi invited guests today, but they didn't mind at all, they just ate with their stomachs open.

"Qin Ya, what happened to "Legend of the Galaxy Diva"?" Meng Huo found an opportunity and asked Qin Ya: "Isn't the original manga still a few years away? Why did you suddenly decide to end it now?"

The assistants' movements slowed down, and they all looked at Qin Ya quietly. During this time, whenever someone brought up this topic, Qin Yake was very angry.

But this time Qin Ya was not angry. Hearing Meng Huo's question, she was silent for a while, and then replied: "I don't really want to write this comic anymore, I want to change my taste."

Meng Huo asked strangely, "Do you want to draw new cartoons?"


"Do you have the confidence to draw better than "Legend of the Galactic Diva"?"

"...It should be fine!" Qin Ya hesitated. But he still said: "I can't say for sure, but I have become accustomed to painting "Legend of the Galactic Diva", and it can't improve my skills. I want to change to a new one."

"This idea is fine." Meng Huo nodded, "Then write it down!"

The assistants stopped what they were doing in surprise, and Qin Ya also looked over in surprise: "Teacher, didn't you come to stop me from finishing "Legend of the Galaxy Diva"?"

"Why stop it?" Meng Huo shook his head: "If you just want to give up comics,

Of course I will stop you. But you just want to draw other new comics now, then I have no reason to stop you. "

"However..." He paused, and then said: "I suggest you change the ending of "Legend of the Galactic Diva". I read that ending, and it really doesn't make any sense."

Qin Ya hesitated: "Does the ending have to be changed?"

"It's up to you, I'm just a suggestion." Meng Huo said: "This is your comic, if you think the ending of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" is okay, then don't worry about other people's words, just end it like this! "

Qin Ya looked at Meng Huo. Her heart seemed to warm up. This is how she got to know Teacher He Xi.

She misunderstood him for a long time. Although the misunderstanding was resolved because of Alice's call not long ago, the chill in Qin Ya's heart has not completely disappeared. Now Meng Huo's actions made her regain the feeling that Meng Huo gave her in the past. It was a very warm feeling. He was different from others. He was the one who would support Qin Ya's decision.

"How could such a teacher not be moved by hurting Miss Alice!"

Qin Ya felt stupid. Isn't she the longest and closest person to Meng Huo? Obviously no one can understand He Xi's character better than her, why does she still doubt him?

This time she woke up. She decided to believe in her heart, Teacher He Xi is Teacher He Xi, he has never changed, and she will never doubt him again.

"Teacher He Xi." Qin Ya was moved in her heart, and said, "You trust me so much, I have to become your brainless fan!"

"I don't need a brainless fan like you." Meng Huo said, "But I need a romance princess."

Qin Ya laughed at once. She felt that nothing was important anymore, and that being able to return to the original relationship with He Xi was the most important thing.

"Then I'll change it!" After laughing, Qin Ya's mood also changed: "I can't torture the heroine anymore, I fell in love with her again. I'd better give her a happy ending—teacher, you know my Who is the heroine?"

After being exposed by Bai Han last time, Qin Ya doesn't want to hide anymore.

Although the heroine of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" is a diva, her personality traits and image are actually derived from He Xi - the fearless spirit of going forward, the attitude of incomparable loyalty to the cause, and the power to bring warmth to the surroundings In fact, it all came from He Xi.

He Xi is so close to Qin Ya, when she wanted to describe a great singer who caused a sensation in the galaxy and was passed down through the ages, she found that there was no one more worthy of reference than He Xi.

"I've kept it from you for so long, teacher, you won't blame me, right?" Qin Ya said to Meng Huo with a smile, "Maybe the protagonist of my next comic will be Mr. He Xi as the object of observation!"

"Then I'd be honored."

Meng Huo shrugged his shoulders, but he was not surprised in his heart, he discovered this very early on. It is quite normal for a cartoonist to look for materials from the people around him when describing characters, and occasionally he will use the characteristics of the characters around him to transform the characters in the comics to make them appear more real.

Many of the comics in his memory are actually not just moved here. There are too many elements in it that are different from this world, including some subtle characteristics displayed by the characters, and some of them are not particularly suitable for this world—or, those are not In line with his own country in his previous life.

Therefore, Meng Huo adjusted the words and deeds of many characters, so that they can better meet the aesthetic requirements of this world while maintaining their original excellent characteristics.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with Qin Ya's doing so.

Qin Ya decided to change the ending of "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva". Meng Huo didn't ask her how she wanted to change it. This was her business. And he just told these cartoonists that he was going back to the comic island when he finished his meal: "You guys go back and clean up today, and we will go back tomorrow."

The time was so short that the girls were stunned: "Tomorrow? So soon?"

"Why, do you want to stay here for a few more days?" Meng Huo said, "Then I will leave tomorrow. You can come back within three days."

Qin Ya looked at her stomach: "No need, tomorrow will be tomorrow... I have to clean up the room when I go back, there are a lot of things to do."

Although she was in a bit of a hurry, she preferred the quiet and worry-free manga island to Ninghai—she had stayed in Ninghai for more than half a year, and she already missed it very much. And there are no parents running over here every now and then. This also makes her like it very much.

And even after Qin Ya spoke like this, what else could Bai Han and the others say, so they could only agree.

"By the way, how much is the door that I kicked open? Tell me after you go back and ask." Before leaving, Meng Huo suddenly heard about it. The apartment was rented by Qin Ya and the others, and the door was broken . The responsibility could be on him.

"Okay, although I don't think it should be used." Qin Ya smiled, the landlord is a fan of comics, if you tell the landlord that this door was broken by Teacher He Xi, maybe the landlord will frame it for people to see.

Of course, this is just thinking about it, Qin Ya is not interested in letting others visit the room she lived in, she decided to take away all the things in the room after going back, not a hair left. Don't let the landlord advertise her used stuff -- that sort of ad has a charm for some guys.

Qin Ya took her assistants to bid farewell to Meng Huo at the door of the restaurant, and they went back to pack their luggage. Meng Huo, on the other hand, went to another place by appointment and was interviewed by a newspaper.

This newspaper office is naturally Yu Feihang's newspaper office. Meng Huo agreed to be interviewed during the Go entrance examination half a year ago. what to prepare.

The content of the interview is about Meng Huo's travels. He omitted the matter of Alice and Shen Jie, and told some anecdotes and anecdotes about his travels. After the interview, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

"I should go, the person who came to pick me up has arrived." When the time came. Meng Huo stood up and said goodbye.

Yu Feihang took an editor to send him out: "When will Teacher He Xi leave tomorrow, when will he return to Ninghai again?"

"I don't know, but I don't think it will be long." Meng Huo said with a smile. His priority now is to wake up the dormant businesses and departments of Phoenix Company, but other than that, the problems of Zhongxia Company cannot be solved forever. dragged on.

After he returned to Manga Island and finished the most important work, Meng Huo would return to Ninghai again to settle the matter of Zhongxia Company.

"Vice President!" Walking out of the newspaper office, several cars were already waiting for Meng Huo on the side of the road. Seeing him coming out, two men got out of the car and handed a suitcase to Meng Huo.

"That's all? Are you ready?" Meng Huo took the suitcase, said a few words to them, and then let them go back.

Yu Feihang noticed that the two men called Meng Huo "Vice President" instead of "Mr. He Xi", and asked curiously: "Mr. He Xi, what did they give you?"

"The information needed for work." Meng Huo said: "I just came back, and I don't know the company's situation yet, so I asked them to sort it out, but it seems a bit much."

He had a headache. It was Alice's assistant who came over just now. He didn't expect them to sort out a suitcase of work materials. These materials must be read as soon as possible. After reading them, Meng Huo will be able to have a clearer understanding of the current situation of Phoenix Company.

Yu Feihang glanced at the suitcase, feeling more and more admiring in his heart.

"Mr. He Xi is the only person in this world who can take care of both cartoonists and entrepreneurs..." He thought so, and decided to include this detail in tomorrow's report. Shut up those who complain about He Xi's absence for so long.

Everyone knows He Xi's hard work in comics, but why isn't he busy at work? He Xi, known as an all-rounder, is actually a person of flesh and blood. Under such a strong work pressure, he has the freedom to take vacations.

Meng Huo didn't know what Yu Feihang was thinking. After he left the newspaper office, he returned to his home in Jiayuan Community.

Li Qin wasn't there, but the lights were still on. Meng Huo opened the door and went in. It turned out that Hua Meng was preparing meals for him inside: "Mr. Hua Meng, didn't I say I don't need to trouble you to come here?"

"I didn't let them come over." Hua Meng turned her head and said with a smile: "But teacher, you just came back to eat, I'll help you prepare some."

Meng Huo shook his head. His assistants knew about his return, but he was busy reading materials tonight, so he asked them to come to him tomorrow morning to discuss the comics. Unexpectedly, Hua Meng came here to help him prepare food—but he was indeed hungry.

"Is Sister Qin in Suhua now?" Hua Meng served Meng Huo food, and asked curiously, "She went to Manga Island?"

"I didn't go to Manga Island, but I'm in Suhua now." Meng Huo washed his hands and prepared to eat, and said, "Don't worry, she will come back occasionally."

"I know that." Hua Meng had already heard from Li Qin that she would come back occasionally, but she was still very curious about what Li Qin was going to do in Suhua to stay for such a long time—originally Hua Meng thought it was to accompany Meng Well, it doesn't look like that now either.

But seeing that Meng Huo didn't really want to answer this question, Hua Meng asked a few words and stopped asking. She watched Meng Huo finish eating and washed the dishes for him before leaving.

"Tomorrow morning, Yanmeng and I will come over to prepare the breakfast. Teacher, what time do you get up?" Before leaving, Huameng asked. Menghuo will leave at noon tomorrow, leaving them and assistants with limited time to discuss manga. She wants to go early come over.

"It's eight o'clock!" Meng Huo said, "Let Tomato and the others come over to eat together. If breakfast is troublesome, just buy some steamed stuffed buns."

"It's not troublesome at all. I originally wanted to ask them to come here." Hua Meng smiled, then waved her hand, turned and went home.

Meng Huo watched her leave, thinking that Teacher Tomato had indeed married a good wife. No wonder Li Qin and Hua Meng got along so close. In fact, both of them are very virtuous women.

"Will Shen Jie become like this in the future..."

He thought so, maybe one day when Shen Jie gets tired from her career, she will retreat behind the scenes and become such a housewife. Alice is unlikely. First of all, she is not that capable of housework, and then she is not such a character.

The biggest difference between Alice and Shen Jie is not their abilities, but their attitude towards life. Shen Jie is still an ordinary woman at heart, while Alice has long regarded her career as her life. She is the kind who can never sit still. A person who is a husband and a child at home.

However, Meng Huo was not the kind of person who wanted to confine his other half to the family. No matter what lifestyle Alice and Shen Jie chose in the future, he could accept it. (To be continued..)

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