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"Elder, I am here this time to see a girl who parted the family."

After chatting with several elders, Fu Weixue talked about the purpose of her trip. In fact, ever since she knew about a girl who Fu Xuanming likes to separate families, she has always wanted to come and see what this girl has. How powerful it is to make Fu Xuanming so reluctant.

She has been fond of Fu Xuanming for a long time, and she didn't care about it when she wanted to know that he liked a girl who split the family.

After all, Fu Xuanming originally came from a separation of families. Before that, someone he liked was really loving things that were normal.

All of them decided that this relationship would not last long. After all, the girl from the main house was excellent and beautiful, far more powerful than the girl from the branch house.

What's more, there is a certain distance between the main family and the separated family, and it is more troublesome to see the first side between the two.

It's just that what happened afterwards was a bit beyond everyone's expectations. Not only did Fu Xuanming not break up with Song Lao, but he also went to separate families after a period of time.

Obviously, all this did not affect the feelings between the two at all.

Fu Xuanming's performance is very good, even among the master's children, it is also a very dazzling existence.

She likes Fu Xuanming, and it just so happens that father also deliberately betrothed her to him.

It was precisely because she had waited so long that she didn't want to wait any longer, so she took advantage of this opportunity to see the true face of the Songluo girl.

Listening to Duan Weixue's words, several elders also sighed, but they still couldn't hide from them.

"Weixue, you finally came from the master's house, you must have come, so let's take a good rest first." Fu Songyang thought about it.

With Songluo's temperament, he only knew all that yesterday. If he saw Fu Weixue today, he would be extremely embarrassed.

If her temper is a little softer, there might not be any major problems, but this girl's temper is already violent and she doesn't know how to forbear it.

Once the two met today, it was almost conceivable that a big quarrel would erupt, and the situation would be terrible.

When Fu Weixue heard the words of the second elder, how could she not understand in her heart that they didn't want to let her go to Songluo?

It seems that Song Lao's position in the separation of the family is not bad, even the elders are protecting her?

"Second elder, why did I appear here today? Even if I don't say it, you must be well aware of it.

In this case, there is no need to waste time. "

Fu Weixue's expression was calm, her ambition was in her calmness, and her lips even had a faint smile, "I came here to see her, but out of politeness, I still came to meet a few elders first.

There is nothing wrong with this matter, presumably the elders will not stop me, right? "

As these words fell, the eyes of the elders were filled with a little helplessness, and they knew that this girl was not that easy to fool.

Everyone who came to the master's house was very foolish, and obviously it was not easy for them to get over it with a few words.

"You are right, then I will send someone to call her now."

Fu Songyang smiled, and in the current situation, even if he wanted to come to Songluo, he couldn't hide.

Since this girl had already arrived, she would definitely not give up without seeing Song Lao.

There is no use blocking them at the moment, the girl can wait for them to go to Songluo directly.

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