Shen Guangyao nodded desperately, "Really, really, I just feel guilty that I haven't passed the exam to be a scholar, so you can enjoy the blessing."

"Huh!" Old Mrs. Gao breathed a sigh of relief.

He glared at Shen Guangyao angrily, "Then don't you make it clear."

Shen Guangyao felt more and more that he didn't read the almanac when he went out, and even his mother disliked him.

The play couldn't go on anymore, so he simply got up and sat down.

"Mom, it's not that I didn't make it clear. After all, it's a big deal worth five taels of silver."

Old Mr. Gao's face suddenly changed, and his voice was sharp, "What five taels of silver?"

Shen Guangyao knew that his mother was so jealous that she could only get in and out, so he said in a good voice: "The academy has opened an etiquette class, and every student must participate in it to prepare for the scientific examination.

I heard that the gentleman who teaches etiquette is from Zhongdu. The opportunity is rare, but also expensive. Each person has to pay five taels..."

In fact, not everyone has to participate, nor is it five taels per person, but two taels, but he is used to asking for more.

When Old Mrs. Gao heard that the gentleman was from Tianzi City, he immediately said excitedly: "Pay! You must pay! That's a gentleman from Zhongdu. It's normal for it to be more expensive."

If my fifth son gets the favor of that gentleman, it is not impossible for him to reach the sky in one step.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Old Gao's breathing became heavy.

"Lao Wu, behave well. If that gentleman treats you differently..."

As if she had thought of some beautiful picture, the smile on the old lady's face was distorted.

Shen Guangyao also drifted away, his face flushed and he said: "I know, don't worry, mother."

The opportunity is before him, and he will definitely seize it!

Mr. Gao immediately went to get the money, and even got one tael more.

"Lao Wu, mother will give you six taels. You can buy some delicious food with the extra one tael. Studying is important, and health is also important."

A mother's heart is so touching.

Shen Guangyao felt a little guilty and guilty when he thought of all the money he had spent.

All he could do was look touched and said: "Mom, please take care of yourself. My son will work hard and strive to become a Jinshi as soon as possible so that he can earn a life for his mother."

Old Mrs. Gao was so pleased that she smiled so hard that her teeth were exposed, "My son is really promising!"


The next day, early in the morning.

Shen Kun drove a carriage to send Dafang and his family to a carpenter's shop in the county to become apprentices.

Shen Guangyao wants to go back to the academy and accompany him.

Seeing Shen Da and others about to get into the carriage, Shen Guangyao was startled and said politely but not in a friendly way: "Brother and sister-in-law don't need to send my younger brother off, just let Brother Kun see me off."

Shen Da glanced at him and asked Meng to get in the car, "We are also going to the county."

Shen Guangyao: "..."

Shen Kun watched from the side, feeling embarrassed for Uncle Wu.

This is...the result of taking yourself too seriously.

Snapped! The sound of the horse whip was raised, and the car drove away from the place.

In the car, Shen Guangyao quickly relieved his embarrassment and asked: "Brother, does your sister-in-law have anything to do when she goes to the county? Why are you bringing Brother Jie with you?"

Shen Da didn't hide it, "Your sister-in-law and I took Brother Jie to become a disciple."

Hearing this, Shen Guangyao had an unknown premonition for some reason.

"Which teacher should I worship?"

It was Meng who replied, "Fifth brother should also know that Brother Jie has learned a little bit of carpentry, and now he has an opportunity to learn a serious craft. No, your eldest brother and I will send him to apprentice."

Shen Guangyao felt something was wrong more and more, and his tone became harsh.

"As far as I know, carpentry shops in the county generally do not recruit apprentices. Brother Jie's opportunity to become a disciple..."

Shen Nian couldn't bring up the matter of selling the blueprints, otherwise Mr. Gao would worry about it.

Therefore, Shen Da and the others had already thought of their words.

"I accidentally helped a person a few years ago. The opportunity for Brother Jie to learn a craft was a thank-you gift from that person."

Shen Guangyao didn't believe it, but he couldn't say it directly, and he was very anxious.

Did those guys in the second room also sell the blueprint?

Just thinking about it, Shen Guangyao felt like he was being roasted on a fire, and a layer of sweat broke out on his back.

If the Wang family suffered a loss, they would definitely come after him.

It would be okay if he was picked on in private, but once his business as a merchant is exposed in public, then...

His mind was in a mess, and Shen Guangyao looked dazed even after getting out of the car.

Watching his figure go away, Meng said, "What's wrong with him?"

Shen Da: "I did something wrong."

Meng curled her lips, that's all, as long as it doesn't affect the family.

The carriage quickly arrived at the Luo family's carpentry shop.

Shopkeeper Luo had known that the Shen family would arrive today and had made preparations early in the morning.

When Shen Da and his family entered the store, he glanced at Shen Jie.

I saw that the young man's eyes were clear and clear, without any hesitation, and he looked smart and capable.

Look at the apprenticeship ceremony that this family brought, a knife of pork, a chicken, and a bag of snacks...

The basket is full and full of sincerity.

I felt a little more satisfied now.

"Here, go in first, and I'll introduce you to Shen Jie's master."

Shopkeeper Luo personally guided Shen Da's family and spoke very politely, which made people feel comfortable.

Seeing this, Shen Da and Meng became more confident in their son's future.

Even if Brother Jie cannot stay in the future, he can still support himself by returning to the village and working as a carpenter.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Shopkeeper Luo. From now on, I'll have to ask you to take more care of my useless son." Shen Da spoke sincerely.

Shopkeeper Luo had a good impression of the Shen family and immediately said with a smile: "Don't worry, Shen Jie will be fine in the store. There will be a dedicated master to take care of him."

He said, and also made a joke, "If you are worried, you can come over and take a look at any time. We are always under supervision."

The Luo family does things with conscience and will not treat apprentices as human beings and beat or scold them wantonly like some shops.

When the sun rose in the east, Shen Jie successfully became his master.

The person he worshiped was shopkeeper Luo’s brother.

This man had a square face, shrewd eyes, and was a bit unsmiling.

He was sincere to his apprentice and gave him a set of carpentry tools as a meeting gift.

Shen Da and Meng looked at the things and felt relieved.

After the apprenticeship ceremony was over, the couple left the carpenter's shop.

Shen Da looked back and smiled so much that the wrinkles on his face jumped.

"Brother Jie, study hard and you won't be able to make a difference in the future. We can rest assured."

Meng's nose felt sore, she wiped her eyes lightly, then smiled and said, "Yes, don't worry."

Her son has a good future, all thanks to Nian Jie'er. From now on, no one can be better than Nian Jie'er in her place.

No one knew how uncomfortable she felt watching Brother Jie being delayed all these years.

As if he saw the lady's thoughts, Shen Da looked ashamed, "...I have worked hard for you these years."

"Why are you talking about this?" Meng saw the distress in his eyes, and the tip of her heart seemed to be burned by something. Suddenly, her face turned red, as if she had returned to her youth.

She has never regretted marrying Shen Da, doing laundry, cooking, and raising children for him.

Thinking of this, the temperature on Meng's face became hotter and hotter, and she changed the subject uncomfortably.

"Sister Nian has helped my son a lot, let's go pick out a thank you gift for her..."

Shen laughed and said, "Okay."

Meng had already made her decision, but she still asked the head of the family for her opinion, "Buy some furs and I'll make her a cloak. What do you think?"

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