After the agreement was finalized, shopkeeper Luo and Shen Nian signed the agreement and filed it at the county government office.

Cooperation is achieved.

Before leaving, Shen Nian made a good sale, "Uncle Luo, I heard that the county is going to open a new academy. You can prepare bunk beds and other things in advance."

Shopkeeper Luo was surprised at first, and after a moment, laughed.

What a bargain. What a bargain.

At this time, he had no idea that there would be many benefits later.

Shen Nian, who had a huge sum of three hundred taels of money, started shopping with Brother Man.

Grain and meat, buy them.

Cotton, fabric, buy.

Pen, ink, paper and inkstone, buy them.

After asking the store to send the things back to the village, Shen Nian and Brother Man had a meal of shredded pork noodles, bought more than twenty large meat buns, and then rode home.

One horse and two people returned to the village. The horses' hooves clattered loudly, and the children came running after hearing it.

"Brother Man is back."

"Brother Man, is there any fun in the county?"

"...We have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Shen Nian: "??" Brother Man is so popular in the village.

"Sister, can you let me down? I'll play for a while and then go back." Brother Man said.


Putting his brother down, Shen Nian lightly raised his riding whip and returned first.

Even if you are far away, you can still hear the clear voice of the child.

"Brother Man, is it fun to ride a horse? Are you afraid of being so high..."

Brother Man's face was flushed, his eyes were moist and bright, "It's fun, I'm not afraid."

"So, is the county fun?"

"Yes." Brother Man nodded and took a bag of candies from his arms, "These are the candies my sister bought. She asked me to share them with you."

Every family is having a hard time these days, and very few can afford sweets.

When they heard that there was candy to eat, everyone's eyes lit up.

"It's so sweet, thank you Brother Man..."

The oldest Dapeng said: "Brother Man, your sister will be my sister from now on. Anyone who dares to scold my sister will have to ask whether my fist will answer."

Thousands of miles away, there are good people and bad bugs in the village.

Children follow the example of their adults, some are loved by everyone, and some are disliked.

Dapeng is the king of children in the village, and few dare to offend him.

After hearing his words, a group of children responded in a very social manner.

"Don't worry, if Shen Fuquan and the others scold Brother Man and Sister Man as a loser, I will cut off his pants and let him go."

"And me, I throw stinky rats at him."

"...I, let me do it."

Brother Man listened and smiled with satisfaction.

Shen Nian didn't know that his younger brother had been secretly thinking of ways to avenge her for being scolded as a loser.

At this moment, she returned home.

Li Xiuniang was weaving when she heard the clatter of horse hooves and came out quickly.

"Sister Nian is back, is everything going well?"

Shen Nian tied the horse's rope and walked over carrying a big bag. "It went well. Brother Man and I ate pork noodles and brought you meat buns."

Li Xiuniang took the bag and saw that there were a lot of buns in it. She washed her hands and took one to eat.

“It tastes really good.”

After marrying into the Shen family, she had never been so comfortable.

Unexpectedly, I got the glory of my daughter.

Shen Nian's tone was casual, "If mom likes it, I'll buy it another day."

Anyway, I have a horse at home.

Li Xiuniang was not a picky person. She smiled and nodded, "Okay, mother didn't expect to enjoy your filial piety now."

She looked at Shen Nian with extremely soft eyes.

He is obviously a good kid, how could someone be so blind?

Lao Gao and others were just about to be named:...

Shen Nian was not proud at all and gave the remaining banknotes and broken silver to Li Xiuniang.

"Mom, this is what's left from selling the drawings."

"The drawings were sold to Luo's carpentry shop for three hundred taels, and I bought some things for more than twenty taels."

As he said that, he handed over two 100-tael silver notes and some broken silver.

Li Xiuniang felt in a daze.

"Sold so many?"

Shen Nian shook his head, "They will earn more."

Money begets money, which is why rich people make money.

Shen Nian didn't care.

People also make money based on their strength, so there is nothing to be upset about.

Li Xiuniang touched the banknote and felt that her life had reached its peak.

Shen Er returned to the yard and saw Shen Nian, with a smile on his irritated face, "Sister Nian is back, nothing happened?"


Li Xiuniang came back to her senses and waved to Shen Er. The man patted himself and walked over.

"What's wrong?"

"Take a look." Li Xiuniang pushed the banknote in her hand over, looking like she was watching a good show.

Shen Er didn't know why.

He looked down and said, "!!!"

"Bank notes?"

Li Xiuniang was amused by his expression and couldn't help laughing: "Your precious daughter earned it."

Shen Er looked at Shen Nian in surprise, "Have the drawings been sold?"

At this moment, Shen Liuhua came to report the news.

"Second uncle, second aunt, there are two carriages at the door, both coming to see you."

Shen Nian: "The things I bought have been delivered."

The family hurried to the door.

In front of Shen's house, two carriages were parked there.

"Girl, what you asked for has been delivered." It was the waiter from Mipu who spoke.

"...Let's all move in." Shen Nian said.

The delivery person moved the things quickly, and Shen Er led the way and greeted them.

Li Xiuniang dealt with the crazy villagers.

"Xiu Niang, did you buy these things?!"

"Hey, that guy looks familiar to me. He seems to be from the county grain store."

"The other one seems to be from a grocery store!"

"Shen Er's family is prosperous."

Li Xiuniang listened to everyone's words, her eyes flashed, and she said: "This is not my sister Nian. Seeing that winter is approaching, I saw that the bedding at home was no longer warm, so I bought some cotton and fabric."

The neighbor woman said, "I have bought so much. I have spent about seventy-seven or eighty-eight percent of the money on selling wild animals, right?"

Li Xiuniang looked at the woman gratefully after hearing her point.

"No, the flowers are clean."

The wealth is not revealed, because Sister Nian earned money by selling wild animals, more than ten people came to her to borrow money.

The current situation is a good thing for the family.

The woman winked at Li Xiuniang and said nothing more.

After listening to Li Xiuniang's words, others felt that the second wife of the Shen family would not be able to live well, and on the other hand they envied them for buying so many things.

“You have to buy cotton sooner or later, it’s better to buy it earlier.”

Li Xiuniang said with a smile on her face, "No, we lack everything at home."

After the things on the carriage were moved, the excitement at the door of Shen's house dissipated.

Gao Yuehong heard that her second roommate had spent all his money, bought a bunch of things, and hurried home.

When I got home, there was no one at the door.

She lowered her face angrily and hurried to the main room.

"Mom, it's bad, the second brother has spent all his money, and the fifth brother's money is gone."

"What?" Mrs. Gao was making shoes for Shen Guangyao. When he heard this, the needle almost pierced his flesh.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Gao Yuehong said anxiously: "It has been spread throughout the village that the second house bought a lot of cotton and fabrics and spent the money cleanly."

"Mom, didn't you say you would find a way to get the money slowly? What should we do now?"

The second roommate must be on guard against them, how treacherous!

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