Beginning to become a saint from the path of time and fruit

Chapter 12: Can beat a tenth of a wind-chasing girl

Opening the yellowed books and classics, there seems to be a gentle breeze passing by.

"Take the shape of five birds and forge the true spirit bones."

A simple sentence covers the true meaning of Wuqin body training.

Continuing to open the pages, Anle began to browse briefly. There were not only written records in the classics, but also pictures of moves.

The five-animal exercise is divided into five parts, namely tiger, deer, bear, ape, and bird. The meaning of the five-animal exercise is divided into different moves, with a total of fifty-four moves, including thirteen moves for tiger, nine moves for deer, and nine moves for bear. There are ten postures for monkeys and thirteen postures for birds.

There are introductions on the accompanying pictures, and there are also methods of practicing Qigong such as mutual generation and mutual restraint.

After reading the book as a whole, I found that the pictures on each page are vivid and vivid, expressing the animal's form and divine intention vividly.

He returned to the first page and started flipping through. His martial arts foundation was almost zero, so he naturally had to start from the beginning.

The first level of martial arts training is to open up the Qi and blood.

The blood in the human body is flowing all the time, which is the foundation of human strength. The circulation of blood is driven by an unknown force, and this energy is the treasure of the human body.

Exercising the body and refining Qi and blood is to enhance the power of this Qi, giving people the supreme power to break mountains, crack rocks, and block rivers and seas!

An Le looked at it with fascination. The spiritual refining method and the physical training method are completely different paths, but they have the same reason. The power of the mind is strong, which can naturally promote the circulation of qi and blood, making it easier to open qi and blood. .

But in fact, most practitioners open their qi and blood and sense the movement of qi and blood to temper their minds and enter concentration.

The world calls it the method of looking inside into concentration, and it is also a more orthodox method of cultivating the mind and body.

Of course, Anle has already successfully entered samadhi, so he does not need to take the path of inner vision and samadhi. Instead, he needs to use the power of his mind to reverse his qi and blood!

"The tiger trainer has his limbs raised from the ground, throws three times forward, then throws twice, raises his waist long, raises his feet to the sky, then walks back to the distance, and passes seven times in front and back..."

Anle studied the text annotations and understood by referring to the patterns carved on the other side.

Because Anle's [Practice Genius] Tao Fruit has blessed three rays of time energy, now Anle's ability to comprehend has improved a lot. Although there is no additional blessing from [Sword Dancer], Anle's comprehension is not difficult.

After finishing the study, with Anle in mind, he started to practice the Tiger Pose of the Five Animals Exercise in the house.

The body is bent down, like a tiger pressing down, and the limbs are on the ground. According to the movements in the pattern, the posture is corrected bit by bit, so that every posture is extremely standard.

The Thirteen Tiger Postures, An Le practiced one move after another. Under the blessing of the Taoist genius, his mind was very clear. In addition, coupled with the weak induction of mental power generated by entering concentration, he was able to control the relaxation of muscles and the twisting of arms. The amplitude is finely adjusted and controlled.

Even the curvature of the ten fingers is precisely controlled!

"Huh, huh, huh, huh..."

While Anle was practicing the Tiger Pose, he exhaled and inhaled rhythmically from his mouth, which was similar to the breathing method, but it was different from the basic breathing method purchased from a bookstore. It had a feeling of imitating the breathing of a tiger.

Under the stretching of the muscles, membranes, tendons, etc., there are vague soreness and tingling sensations of varying degrees.

After a while, he was sweating profusely and his clothes were soaked.

Anle panted violently. After Kankan finished practicing the Thirteen Tiger Postures, Anle felt that the blood flow in his body increased. It seemed that Qi was rising in the body, and Qi was driving the blood!

The room was too cramped, so Anle continued to practice Tiger Pose, tirelessly, and used the power of his mind to correct his wrong movements.

Unknowingly, the night became so dark that it was so dense that my fingers could not be seen.

But inside the room, Anle was breathing heavily, and his eyes were as bright as the moonlight.

After practicing for who knows how many times, Anle only felt a very obvious air flow rising in his body. His mind could even control this air flow to promote the rapid circulation of blood and increase vitality!

"When anger arises, blood moves!"

"The first stage of body training, opening up Qi and blood, it's done!"

In the darkness, Anle chuckled cheerfully, feeling the powerful power coming out of his body. At this moment, Anle felt that he could beat a tenth of the girl chasing the wind!

With the blessing of Tao and Fruit, it seems that it is not difficult to practice with a sense of peace and happiness.

Light the lamp.

The room became brighter, and Anle moved the tables and chairs back to their original places, frowning slightly: "The room is too small, and I can't use it during practice. I have to find a bigger place to live."

"After I return from painting at the Lin Mansion tomorrow, I'll go to Yahang to find a bigger courtyard."

Anle got up, fetched some water, took a bath, and washed away her fatigue. She sat cross-legged on the bed, but did not choose to fall asleep. Instead, she took a book, held the light, and started reading.

Cultivation is indeed important, but the imperial examination is also a top priority, and it is the key to Anle's ability to climb high and have a long-term vision.

If you want to be among the first-class scholars, you must study hard and be good at work rather than playing hard. If you fail to do enough questions and lose your reputation, it will be very regrettable.

The night is dark and the candlelight is dim.

The sound of young people reciting books, accompanied by the silence of the night, lingers endlessly.

The next day.

After An Le rested for an hour, he got up and practiced the Thirteen Tiger poses several times in the small room. After his body was sweating and his strength had grown, he simply tidied up, put on his green clothes and went out.

It's a new day, Anle feels refreshed, and I can start to absorb the energy of time again, and I feel a little impatient.

Amid the greetings from the waiter and shopkeeper, Anle left the inn.

There was a steady drizzle in the sky today. The weather in spring has always been like this, but the spring rain was like oil, which was quite refreshing.

Holding the oil-paper umbrella given by the shopkeeper, I strolled along the long street peacefully. The long street in Lin'an Prefecture was extremely lively. Even the falling spring rain could not dampen the enthusiasm of pedestrians for shopping.

Walking on the bluestone road, we arrived at the edge of the West Lake.

The surface of Songpai Mountain is covered with thousands of greens, and the moon is dotted with a pearl in its heart.

Under the spring rain, the West Lake is even more lively, and the rain is even more poetic. The literati hold oil-paper umbrellas and stroll along the embankment, either reciting poems or admiring the scenery. They look at the flower boats playing and singing in the lake day and night, with eager eyes. And look forward to seeing the beautiful figures in the flower boats.

Peace and happiness follow the flow of people, and they can naturally be classified as such literati.

He is very familiar with the West Lake and has found his old position. In fact, he can choose to go to the Lake View Tower. He had no money before, but now that he has ten Yuanling Tongbao, he can go.

However, there was no need. I approached the white jade railing on the bank of the lake and waited for a while.

The familiar sound of breaking through the sky came.

On the blue sky covered with drizzle, a stunning woman in a white dress and veil came wielding a sword.

The sword light was clear and clear, cutting through the confusing spring rain.

It was the number one courtesan on the lake, the fallen swordsman Fairy Yunrou.

Anle stood holding an oil-paper umbrella, looking through the drizzle at this stunningly beautiful woman.

Why did this 18-year-old woman who had gathered her inner strength fall into disgrace?

Anle still can't figure it out.

However, Anle was grateful to the female Sword Immortal. It was precisely because of the female Sword Immortal that she amazed the West Lake that he could have Anle and quietly spend the years.

Thinking like this, Anle's heart moved and he sucked a wisp of time energy from Fairy Yunrou who was still wielding the sword.

Fairy Yunrou half-covered her face with a veil, her eyelashes trembling slightly as she swept across the crowd and met Anle's eyes.

It's not that she sensed An Le pulling wool over her, but because she discovered the hidden energy and blood in An Le's body, and the overflowing restrained power of mind.

Practitioners have just opened their Qi and blood, so they are a little weaker.

The overflowing mental power is quite condensed. It is obvious that the god-refining method he has practiced is quite advanced. Those who can possess such a god-refining method must have a good status.

Nodding slightly towards Anle, Fairy Yunrou landed in the flower boat. Several literati and poets around Anle thought the fairy was greeting them, so they couldn't help but get excited and recited poems in a high pitched voice.

An Le was startled, and he realized that Fairy Yunrou was greeting him. This was the first time the two had a real intersection.

The corners of Anle's lips were slightly raised, a smile appeared, and she nodded in return, quietly taking another wisp of age energy from the fairy.

It's a pity that the two wisps of time energy are both gray, and unless they are golden, they cannot condense the Dao Fruit.

Fairy Yunrou did not have any further interaction with Anle, and quickly entered the flower boat and disappeared.

The wool of Anle has been gathered up today, and it will no longer stay.

In fact, there are dozens of flower boats on the West Lake, and it is not that no practitioners come here on weekdays. However, the practitioners are not like these idle and anxious literati, who gather by the embankment and pretend to be romantic.

In the prosperous and luxurious Lin'an Mansion, there is the "Linhua Pavilion", a romantic place dedicated to welcoming practitioners. It is a place where practitioners often visit, and many of the flower boats on the West Lake actually belong to Linhua Pavilion's property.

Holding an umbrella, Anle passed by the long street full of people and walked towards the Lin Mansion.

However, after walking a few steps, a shout came from a distance.

An Le turned around in confusion and saw a familiar figure striding towards the bustling crowd.

He carries a knife at his waist and wears black clothes.

This man was none other than Huang Xian, the black police chief who took him to the Lin Mansion.


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