"So you've become a lackey of the Blue Kite civilization now?" said Raphael, the Angel King, looking at him mockingly.

But for Raphael's words to the Angel King, the Angel King Lucifer didn't care at all.

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "You don't need to provoke me with these words.

You're right, I now belong to the Blue Kite Civilization, and my ethnicity is also known as the Green Kite Angel Clan. "

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that.

I thought you were in a cooperative relationship with that guy.

The Green Kite Civilization has developed by relying on the technology of your betrayal of our Angel Civilization.

But that doesn't seem to be the case now. Raphael Angel King squinted at Angel King Lucifer.

What she said is actually the idea of angelic civilization ~ most people.

After all, the growth speed of the green kite civilization is too fast, and it is really abnormal.

But if it was Lucifer Angel King who gave the advanced technology of the angel civilization to the green kite civilization, it was indeed possible.

It's just that it has come to an end.

This possibility has been overturned.

After all, the technology that the Qingqi civilization has taken out now may not even be able to possess the angel civilization.

Even unimaginably advanced.

Like that starmissile ship!

Raphael and the Angel Kings all admit that it is a very good firepower output starship.

At the T6 level, it is already at the top.

Even the Seven Emperors civilization may not have such advanced T6-level starship technology.

"As long as you can avenge me, as long as you can take back everything I have lost.

As long as I can save my race.

I'm willing to give anything, even the pride I've been proud of!" Lucifer Angel King stared at Raphael Angel King opposite: "After all, this is all caused by you!"

"No, it's you.

As long as we develop that technology, we can create a society of justice and order!

You have betrayed us!" the angel king Raphael glared at the angel king Lucifer.

The technology they are talking about.

In fact, it is the homogenization technology developed by several angel kings of the angel civilization in private!

It surpasses T7 technology, and even belongs to T8 level black technology.

It is a kind of biotechnology, similar to a virus, when it is released into a universe, the genes of all creatures in this universe will change, and finally transform into an angel family.

Among the Raphael Angel King's people who were in charge of the development, they all thought that as long as the technology could be implemented.

There will be an angelic race in that universe, and in this way, peace, justice, and order will naturally fill all universes.

Because in their eyes, angels are the best species, and only angels can bring eternal righteous order to all universes.

At the beginning, Lucifer Angel King also agreed with this, but because the technological span was too large.

Think about it, the angel civilization has not really entered the T7 technological civilization, and has begun to develop black technology that belongs to the T8 level.

There's so much to know.

And the Angel King Lucifer, who served as the main force in research and development, saw a huge threat, and her instinct told herself that this was a Pandora's box, a Pandora's box that could destroy the existing cosmic order.

Eventually, Angel King Lucifer defected with the most important technology in the study, leading to the suppression of her ethnicity.

That's why there's a big story now.

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