In the night of Shencheng, it rained heavily.

The Maybach's car window was closed tightly, Li Beichen's slender fingers were coldly pale, one hand controlled the steering wheel, and the other hand rested carelessly on the car window.

The white fingers were slightly curled, lowered under the sharpened jaw. The deep sharp eyes were narrow and narrow, and the anger that was suppressed hard was cold and intimidating, but it made people unable to guess what he was thinking.

For more than 20 years, his biological mother could actually call him "Beichen" with a smile, as if all the sins and resentments had never happened. Could it be that just because of blood, he would call that woman, Mom?

He used to be abroad every year, when it was late at night, he always wanted to receive a call from the woman who kept saying that it was his mother.

But no.

The torrential rain, getting bigger and bigger, shrouded the entire city of Shanghai in a mist.

The night is lonely and wide, without end.

He just looked at the long road in the heavy rain quietly, his eyes suddenly became cold, and the corners of his mouth twitched lightly, "Blood relationship, so what..."

As the car drove halfway, there was no sound from anyone nearby.

Li Beichen thought that she was asleep, and she was also a lot more worry-free and cleansed, and Limou's coldness and anxiety also became lighter.

"Li Beichen..." Unsuspectingly, a soft voice came from the side, with a trace of fatigue and weakness.

Li Beichen's eyelids twitched.

He pressed his thin lips tightly and did not speak, knowing that she had something to follow.

Yuxuan bit his lip, raised his index finger, intentionally or unintentionally painted horizontally and vertically on the car window washed by the heavy rain.

Her awkward and haggard face made her weaker and weaker, "Li Beichen, you have lived abroad alone for nearly 20 years, don't you think you are lonely? I guess you must be lonely, that's why Then hate Aunt Mo?"

Such self-righteous self-questioning and answering, in the middle of the rainy night, seemed abrupt and sharp.

Over the past ten years abroad, that is not something he likes to mention.

Li Beichen's cold eyes sank, and he immediately dyed scarlet. The stern face, tight in displeasedness, is dangerous and shady.

In the next instant, the fingers with distinct joints squeezed the steering wheel, and suddenly braked.

"Hey!" Maybach splashed a puddle of rain and suddenly stopped in the endless darkness.

He supported one arm, leaned forward, and said coldly and lowly: "Shi Yuxuan, my business, you are not qualified to intervene, a business marriage, don't be so smart."

His words and words seemed to freeze Yuxuan's whole body to her bones, making her feel chilly.

I thought he rushed to Mo Shuya’s villa from the capital of Huadu in spite of the heavy rain. It was more or less because he was worried that she was still in a weak body with a high fever. After all, even if it was a business marriage, it was an unmarried couple.

It now appears that it is not the same thing at all.

Even when Li Beichen confronted Mo Shuya sharply, he said, ‘You took her from the hospital here without telling me, would she just eat it? It’s only because he hates Mo Shuya that his veins are exposed, and it’s not because he is worried about her that he blames Mo Shuya so angrily.

Unfortunately, at that moment, she was a little touched.

In this way, she is indeed clever.

From now on, she will firmly remember these eight words, ‘just a business marriage’.

In the second half, Yuxuan didn't say a word to Li Beichen, and didn't even look at him. Tired his head on the car window, listening to the patter of rain. In a short period of time, she answered a text message and a phone call.

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